to to to A A MIGHT BILL'ID BE INTRODUCED Proposed Measure Provides for Boxing Commission Named by Governor. commission and the in the in a bill Representative Greene versity, Legislature The Governor consist of two of ical party, state The bill and the producers a license the holder The licenses tions, wil! be should the the or firm bond to secretary able to be forfeited act be A penalty sons who out securing a fine of prisonment period of penalty. fallure to proposed ducting of one To Before against commission ing. Any moter may pose of mitting under subject to to false According the every state to in every the total paid to exclusive monev seventy-two completed. to the panied gross bition.
to continue of three of one under allowed one under be allowed Should a promoter ed a sham commission his license from state. With bouts, -the pounds. taking close of judges boxer did his for. As in new law limits of hours fight. A ARCHIVE Big Purdue Pivoteer.
Coming to Form Again F. E. TREAT. Purdue figures to nave a consid. erably bolstered front since the husky Boiler Maker center, Treat, has recovered from a strained ankle and is spinning the ball through tne loop with something of his early season form.
Treat has been slowed to such an extent lately with his inthat he has peen unable to jury a very fast clip, but with his carry return to the squad Purdue feels Just a bit better about plunging headlong Into the Conference pool. Early in the season Treat was the heavlest scorer of the squad and his points will come in mighty nandy when the Big Ten fives start Ing around regularly. MATTY SCORES ONE IN TUBERCULOSIS BATTLE NEW YORK, Jan. Mathewformer star pitcher of the New York son, Giants, who for seven months has been lighting nip-and-tuck game with tuberculosis, at Saranac Lake, scored yesterday. Through the long "Big Six" has been unable leave his and his physicians and wIfe have been the only admitted to his room, From time persons to time he sent out messages that he was still smiling and would win.
Vesterday. swathed Ir rohes he wa's in an invalid chair and wheeled out the front porch. As hig wife sat beplaced or hind him, both unmindful or the fact that the mercury registered 20 below Christy gold: "Tell my friends well." I'm happy and 1 know that I'll get Spent Sacrifice $3,000 two weeks I have booked cost. out the idea I will make will not make one penny sacrificing $3,000 profit I get the than to cost spending more clothes I am I a philan- profit and NOT. Is it sound bus- for the BELIEVE IT IS Here expense to 1,000 men ing facilities prove better clothes for less Come up other tailor I will soon of many tailoring estab- men for iargest state.
Within a year Come up third place. 'To build a ess of time and money. I and spend both. I expect to dollar I pay out. When ere.
$3050 taking orders for 1,000 in all-812 are still of you men who failed to offer: to measure 1,000 suits of all-wool unrestricted choice of more than at this price ($30.50) will bear workmanship the made-to-measure be all-wool, the buttonholes (except thread; le coat front be built. up pure 1. The ent: satisfaction you need 114 take it. I 131 East New SECOND 'L I vale BRADY DICKERS. CONCLUDED FROM PAGE 12.
apparently, and only Dempsey's torfeit is missing. Anott angle is whether any technical or oversight in carrying out the perms of the contract to data takes precedence over the Inal rulings on tho subject by Robert Edgren, named in the contract 3S arbiter of all disputes. The final clause of the fifteenpage contract signed by the promot-rs and pugilists on Nov. 3. rend as follows: "The parties hereto agree that Robert Edgren shall be the sole and final arbiter of all questions relating to any of the covenants and conditions of this agreement.
and agree to br irrevocably bound by the decision of the said Robert Edgren." Attorneys for the pugilists expressed the opinion that under this clause and every one of the promoters would be obliged to discharge their obligations assumed in 'he contract, even though Certain clauses had born technically violated, should the arbiter rule that they had been fulfilled, in his oninion. in a general way. Rickard Would Take Job. stated several times during Rickard, that he had Do desire or intention to hold the other promoters to their contract should they desiro to withdraw and that he stood ready to assume full and individual responsibil-0 ity tor carrying out the match. Such a move would require Rickard to post the full $100,000 forfelt of the promotere and assume responsibility for a 000 purse.
It is likely, however, that should Brady and Cochran decide to accept Rickard's offer and withdraw, certain changes would be made in the new contract, provided legal experts decided 3 new contract was necessary. The possibility of legal action to force the promoters to stage the nght, was forecast here tonight by Harry S. Hechheimer, attorney for Dempsey and C'arpentier. He declared contractual the contestant; had fulfilled their obliga tions to the promoters, and intimated that a suit for specific performance the contract would be instituted if the promoters showed any disinclination abandon their agreement. EDGREN TALKS.
"Sole Arbiter" of Fight Says Contract Not Violated. LOS ANGELES, Jan. con tract tor a heavyweight championship Jack Deinpuey and Georges has not necessarily been vio. Carpentier Dempsey's forfeit lg not on de. posit with the Central ('nion Trust Comof New Vork Robert Edgren, named pany in the contract as "sole said here tonight.
"The contract provides the forfelt shall deposited with the bank "Tex or with the be Edgrer said. Rickard, promoter. wired me today Dempsev's promoters, was posted and I have no reason money to doubt his Edgren said he did not consider the gituation one that called for action by him as arbiter. FIGHT SELF-PROMOTING. OAKLAND, Jan.
Deinpsey-Carpentier contest will promote itself," Kearns stated here today, "even 11 Jack Brady and Cochran want to withdraw proposition. That forfeit stuff is from minor consideration. London wants a very the match 3 may get it Tex Rickard to be the promoter it Cochran and Is going Brady are out and he will stage it where will draw the most money. I do not it if the Wil'ard mate which 19 know booked for March 17, is on or off, but it inay be found advisable to postpone it until warm weather, when it can be staged outdoors" CAN FIGHT HERE. was reiterated OTTAWA.
Jan. this morning by sportsmen from Ot Hull, just across the river, that tho and offer to hold the Dempsey heavyweight championship bout at Hull next summer still holds good, and chat hoped Tex Rickard will come to it was to discuss the submitted proposition from Cana.a along with other plans for Ad- in Profits orders for nearly about 800 more suits in profit. volume I seek, then I will add profit of 10 per cent on all make. I can ad this modest stall undersell all competition simple reason that my overhead abnormally low and my buyare extraordinarily good. and let me give you the names of the city's most prominent whom I have made clothes.
and see the garments in procmaking. Corapare the materials workmanship with the best $50 suit you can And any- 50 measure suits at this price at $30.50. previous announcement, materials at exactly cost to me, seventy all-wool suit patterns. guarantee: It will equal in selling generally at $50.00. trousers) to de hand-made with genuine in orted Belgian wor' manshi and fit, must let 1 take LEON TAILORING York Street FLOOR JA.VA....
BOWLING. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE. CLUB STANDING. IV Pet. Citizens Gas (o 9:4 Indiara Vonnegut Fell Machinery Tel.
do: The Gibson Link Belt (n Milne Engine (o Nord he de Marion Co Ballard Ice Cream Co 310 Parry .190 Inter-State Car to 435 Tapcart Baking The Elvetric, Stee! on The () 34 :00 Standard Gl Co 37 178 HIGH THREE GAMES Link Belt Company Gar Company 719 link Belt Company. 001 Nordshe de 999 HIGH SINGLE GAMES 260 R.k 237 Wilhen Farmer b6 Brown' "1' 659 INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES Coble 190 167 Hotter notit 1 Farmer 179-1 11 164 Field Sourbier A 163 Allen Knapp 163 W' HI Sns der Boule Bartlett kul Harehman Parish 165 Malott Riker Alberts Smith 164 Snider 174 Tromt on 162 W. 16. Brie 1 Biers 1 Reiking 178G Waller 162 W. More 3 ong 1 G1 Kelli 'fart 161 Cooper 160 Strovter P.
ul 180 Martin Host 160 Schott Pourry 159. Garing 171 Taggart 159 Underwood Pour re 139 Holtzmeyer 169 Warren Lank. 169 Walt. Goodwin 169 Coverdale 137 A ko 160 Carver Ball 1691 M1 erg C. Bumb 109 Piltter 151 Hubert 168! French 150 Brown Maple 150 King 1651Quillan 1:0 Johnson 1671 TWO GAMES AT BUTLER.
CONCLUDED FROM PAGE 12. Thurber has, shifted men's play, which may he deciding factor in the Ram with the teachers Charley Smart, lanky center, who was the hero of 2 not scrap in the 1917 hav joined the quad and may play in Saturdav night's fracas The lineup will probably he the same as has started the prevous games this 44780n with Kingsolver and Gilmore Pike center and Capt and Strohl QUAKERS VS. MANCHESTER. RICHMOND. Ind, Jan 20-- Earlham college will stack up against Manchester college on the Collseum floor tonight.
Al-! though little 1s known of the strength of the upstate five. the Quarters are expected to come through with the long end of the score Earlham team will be greatly strengthened by the return of Johnson, star back guard. who has been out of the team for some time with an insured arm The probable lineup that will start the game will be Capt Lanier and Hall, wards: Cares conter. and Beck and Johnson, guards. The Earlham Reservey will stage the against the Fountain City Independents.
EVANSVILLE. Ind Jan. 32 -Southern Indiana is looking with interest to the outcome of the basket ball game between Evansville college and Oakland City col-! lege, to be plaved on the Central high floor here Saturday night Oukland ('ity Is sending rooters the team. Oakland City has defeated Torre Haute Normal and Terre Haute has defeated Evanstillo California Can't Pick Row With Pitt Either PITTSEURGH. Pa, Jan.
20 -Karl F. Davis, graduate manager of athletics at the University of Puttsburgh, announced here today that he had rejected an off made by the University of California. to have the Panthers play at Berkeley on Oct 22, He said that the offer was declined because the Pitt football schedule had been definitely decided upon for next year. According to Mr. Davis, he received a letter from the authorities at the California institution Jesterday in which the offer WAS made.
Ho sand such a trip would necessitate the cancellation of two other games on the Pitt and would make the players lose two or three weeks of school GREB WHIPS CELMAR. DALLAS, Jan. 20. Harry Greb of Pittsburgh got the sp aper deciaton over Johnny of Toledo in -round bout here tonight Grub'4 weight 1 nounced as 161 pounds. and 138.
GAS BILLS EXCEED RENT. BEVERLY. N. Service gas bills tor November, to local consumers, show enormous jumps under the new rates. Many owners of modest homes say the present charges will average from $100 to $150 a year.
Gas at the Jersey rates is said to actually cost, in some homes, more than present rent On the basis of local increases, the income on the Public Service Gas gross Company is sald to have increased more than 300 per cent since the beginning of tne world war LAYS WHAT PUZZLE BY, BILLY EVANS When 3 fly ball 16 Juggled and runadvance on the play, disputes innors variably arise 19 to the status of th: tase runners. The following play in 3 minor league last sear resulted a protested game. .1 almilar play in the Nitional League a few stars ago resulted in 2 protest There are runners on ReCond and third The hatter hits a difficult line drive to left held. The center the over to back Up) the play 1 hale he wa3 rumung with his a' IS watonded the ball struck squarely in the left fielder'4 hand- He was unable, to hold it the ball being defected 111 such a way that the center holder was able to catch, It before It struck the ground runner on did not; belove a catch pos-ible and started to adv. inc the moment the ball was hit The runner on third hold his base until the ball struck the polder's hands an 1 then crossed the plate The ball was thrown to and the runner up before" ho could return.
It LIQUOR RING IS EXPOSED Witnesses Tell of Engineering of Transaction for Sale of 1,000 Cases of Whisky. CINCINNATI, 0.. Jan twenty additional itnessos testified for the prosecution today in government's case against Henry, the ahas Hairy Friedman, Pittsburgh liquor dealer, on trial 111 the United States court under an indictment Instrict him with having conspired charging ZoYbey of Summit Hill. with John violate the prolubition act. to witnesses were Three principal 'harles Fisher of Bellevue, transferman.
v. ho 1,000 cases of whisks accompanied the convoy of at Frankfort. to trucks bearing from distillers Fred Counts of Cleveland, last May: who elzed (levoland, liquor after its arrival prohibition agent, 100 cases of John Zerbey, who the at Jail sentence upon his plea Clot and 18 serving 3 of guilty to the indictment. Exposes Liquor Ring. that, through 3 Zerbev broker.
he was put In I'hiladelphia and two other! touch with Friedman dealers early last P'ittsburgh frequently met them liquor ear. and soid liquor to them. that he at 'ransaction in which the Pittsburgh and -aid. tho involved in this vASO were, 1,000 cases engineered at concerned was to deliver to 'at which time he agreed the bond Friedman and his associates 2,000) (3809 of In exchange for liquor owned by them. unbonded liquor IMPRINT OF WOMAN'S SHOE LEADS TO COUPLE'S ARREST Jan by BALTIMORE, of the heel of a woman's the imprint of a Garrison avenue shoe in the carpet robbed.
and arrest a home that had been leaped from ed 10t curtained five policemen automobile on Calvert stront a Iran and a woman. all god tonight, "Raffles" who have been opto be the Walbrook- -Forthe orating recently in locked up at GunTrest Park section, are this city Ptial pohoo station steal. The silverwa'e and clothing ing jewelry. the home of J. valued at $1 000 from 14 They gave Maurice kouffman, Jan Helen Widor.
29 their names and Carl 1, Wilder, Mr4 sears Boston, 25 years old. Chic.igo U. S. OFFICERS AND DRAFT EVADERS STAGE GUN FIGHT Jan KNOXVILLE, tired today in 3 than 100 shot4 were between Federal prohibition battle agents, 8 deputy U'mted States marshal. officer: on one side and and county draft evaders and gang of alleged the other in rugged moonshiners on seventeen toiles and Isolated section No on18 was wounded from Tazewoll and the men aped.
LONG BEACH CENSUS BEGINS YORK, Jan 30 Enumeration NEW of Long Beach. L. of the population yesterday by the census reported bureau in Washington as the only lage or localiti in the U'nited States fowhich figures had not been compiled, under way today, and completion wag expected by Saturday. Mrs. Minnie was Barriscale.
wife of tne village police and a census bureau assistant, captain, are doing the work. W. C. T. U.
WILL MEET. Mr4 Ruth Thomas, 17 Normal Court, wIll be hostess for aL meeting this after '11 2 o'clock of the North. at W'. noon T. U' Ming Laura (touch will speak TARTER HABERDASHER AND HATTER 22 E.
WASHINGTON. 159 N. ILLINOIS ST. was then thrown to thirds and a claim mado for triple plav. The contention raised was the runner on third really had no right to leave until the center fielder caught the tall, which was the actual completion the play.
What I about it? Answer to Thursday's Play. Both runs counted The catcher, un-1 that the runner on der the impression third was forced, when the runner came. up from second. touched him with the what he believed was the third ball for H. should rave touched the runout who came up from second and wat ner the bag A base alal4o standing on wass belongs to the vacate it This was original occupant unless forced to the runner who had 10 force play.
45 from second had the right to come up bage If he could No return to that result in baseball, force plat tan that it begins by the batter becoming la base runner OUR POISON GAS SECRET. A poison gas to deadly and so powerful that a single charge of it from 2 bomb thrown from an airplane over C. like Sew York. would in ten mincity utes exterminate the- entire population of 3,000.010 human beings, has been discovered b1 the who have been devoting the to this spotormula so, important 1:1 cialti 115 frightfulness, 15 known to orly two both living and working in Washmen, Inaton. The Res John Haynes Holines of Brookin has spoken in a about this discovery and public speech he has talked to man who knows says all about it at hrst hand Two tank of it wore.
manufactured in one of the stations ard in wuch terror caperiment did the experts stand of thie horrible it Wtb decided by War Department 10 Rot rid of It the warship M.IS borrowed from the and 84 and the two tanks were taker: navy far out to where at night they were heavily weighted and secretly sunk. If there's another big war, the world will receive the third degree in horror. CENT IS NOT A PENNY. Rat T. Baker.
dirertor of the U'nited States mint, tells that the mints where cents, are turning made out frequently the "most run artistic night and beautiful medal ever at an annual rate of 3.150,000. The little bronze vent common to US had beginning in 1864, when a brother 2-Cont piece. now discarded, was al-0 coined Our cont, though, dues back 10 1786. when an act was by Congress, the act being mod. eled by that wise Ina Thomas Jefferson.
to coin a 100 of which were to equal a dollar in value, and the 100 to weigh 21, pounds. That was the first use of cont in our coinage. The size and weight has been changed a number of times since, but never the name. Yet for 135 Vears people have in no small number insisted in calling the cent "penny," an English term. Mint offle tals, for a great many years, have tried to eliminate applying the term "penny" to the cent, but have faired.
MONARCH OF THE WABASH. A glant sycamore on the banky of tne Wabash riser below East Carmel. Ind, was believed 'to be in the way of a new levee which is about to be conistructed, and at first it was thought that it would be necessary to pull It down, but such a clamor was raised all through that section of the country that alight changes have been mado for the purpose of saving the tree, The tree 18 not an 'ordinary one, but on the contrary is a very distinguished one, 88 It nas been honored by having a photograph made 1875 reproduced and printed in the proceedings of the U'nited States National museum. Besides being very large and Imposing it la the last of its species in the Wabash bottom It is -three feet in cireleven feet in diameter and 150 feet high. The proposal to bring the tree to the ground aroused a storm protest not only from naturalists, but many others who have watched the tree with interest for many years.
MAKE MONEY ON WALNUTS. The cultivation and gale of the walnut, which was first brought to China by the American missionaries, now suphundreds of ('hinese villages. The port9 methods of preparing the nuts for marmost primitive, but as labor 19 are cheap, they are able to send them to this country and compote favorably with the market they use only the domestic market. For the American highest grade nuts They. select the bright colored and shiny and nuts packed and accord- they are bleached, sorted ing to grade Those of the meat speckled and Inforior shells are cracked is parked for confectionery hand purposes.
This cracking is now done by hecause the only walnut crarking chine is owned and operated with greatest secrecy by walnut growers in this country GET $1,500 AT GOSHEN. GOSHAN, Jan 20 More than $1,500 was obtained for European rehate tonight when A $10 a plate bof "invisible dinner was given boiled Alderman hotel. A rup of the of brown bread with rice, two Alices and a cup of medan sweel out buter made up the monu No eating: cocoa utensils prero used. Iservthing vas The Rev Arthur I- donated. Fort Wayne delivered the (1 Hom of address, Daniels and Delaware Sis.
Cor. Washington Here are 3 more startling "Clean Sweep Sale" Bargains that'll bring thrifty men here by the hundreds 5 6 Pairs (One) "Darn Proof" Guaranteed Socks -Our regular $2.00 quality. While they -Not last, an the ordinary guaranteed sock, .50 but socks guaranteed by us and the makers to give six months of real service. All sizes, 10 to Men's $1.87 Winter Caps Men's 39c Jersey Mitts Also corduroys and whip- only. Fine heavy caps of light Warm, heavy fleece lined; dark woolen mixtures.
25c well made; come in black 25c cords. Store Open Until O'Clock 10 Daniels satisfaction Guaranteed -Money Refunded Saturday Night COUTLETE Cor. Washington and Delaware Sts. I NOVAES DISPLAYS PIANO GENIUS TO LARGE AUDIENCE Brilliant Artist Demonstrates All Her Skill at Night Concert. HARSA HARSA Ed Meyer, who delegation tournament competitive be bag arrapged for the Union statior rOw, over the L.
Six trams comprising five. Indians. Coco Company, Maroti's alley Ave will make Caliber of little doubt as to account of scoring already Bend meet. Fou hung up Coffee Shop. Lexington Motors sortes Rich har Anchor Wells shot Fitzgerald ard to the shop for Big Locals are Jead of five gates Claim Preventions this has not been Taylor and Lester of speeches at the the "stove league." leagues in tice of the aco-ing Teeth hit for 2.908.
ing another feature among all the Fox, 629; Mi.gol, Murphy, 610; Prichett C. boys back Ed Meyer, 604. game streals such 1.019; Teeth, 1,003, states tournament Magee, 239; Murphy The "1, o'clock few 1,000 1 counts: Seem like schedule and 80 long one almost combination reminded by Harry Beecham. As'de from Doc the glory was also furnishes the leading this trip netted coaxed over 699 shoots in the middle Squeals from the recovered from chairman of the committee and is to throw a carded the rubber palr of "Elk soles." 190, 193, Scores are ment: Allen 211: Gastineau, 208. Wholesale Ward grabbed a top-notch Ko-We-Bas.
feature, as usual, Games between O'Connor Company shooting by coming in right average but to the Bob Schnelle Ila boys ought to the interstate the other night different. Ign't it about "break loose." season Although local quiet pending ment just ended, sight of the Bowling Congress The entries tor Feb. 15 and all get all of their tion with select.or tary (ray of the ious to hear from to be "put off at Bowlers are for his Interest complete prize tournament. These tributed to the New and taking adare many business delivered a and can probnames wearing theme. a letter Name Indianapolis two and will more I wear it.
If you same kind of me know would be worth, fit so well I another pair. I pairs of pants M. R- STATE CAPITOL, Jun, 20. appointment of a state Doxing to consist of three right to hold exhibitions persons state of Indiana are authorized which will be introduced by' Elmer of county, a "tudent at Indiana uniinto the lower house of the state tomorrow morning. commission is to be appointed by Warren I.
McCray and a ill three members, not more than whom will be of the same Politand will be known as the athletic commission. forbids boxing on Sunday, exhibitions may be held only after or managers have secured covering one year permitting to conduct boxing matches. may be issued to associations and individuale, and revoked the Commission holders fail to live up to all provisions of the act. Any person desiring a permit must furnish the extent cf $5,000 with the of the commission, made baythe state treasurer, which will should the provisions of the disregarded. is also provided tor conduct boxing matenes with the license.
The bill fixes from $100 to $1,000 and imin the county Jail for a six months as tne maximum Any persons convicted of observe the provision of the law will be parred from conyear boxing following exhibitions for a period conviction. Conduct Public Hearing. prosecution can be instituted any violator of tne rules, the will conduct a public nearrecords of the boxing probe subpenaed for, the purinvestigation, and persons subfalse records or evidence, taken oath, to the commission will be the same oenalties that apply swearing in a law court. to the act, a member commission must be present boxing match conducted in the see that the law is obeyed respect. Eight per cent box office receipts must be the state treasvrer as a tax of any Federal tax, and the must be paid to the state within hours after the match The check or money order state treasurer must be accomwith a statement showing.
the receipts derived from the exhi boxing exhibition will be allowed for more than Afteen minutes each with a rest period minute between rounds. Persons eighteen years of age will not to participate in bouts, and the age of sixteer, years will to witness the exhibitions. it be conclusively proven that of a boxing match has foistexhibition on the pubiic, the is ordered to deprive him and he will he prohibited conducting matches within the the exception of heavyweight. the difference in the weight competitors must -not exdeed Afteen No contestant will he paid for part in an exhibition before the the match, and should the and referee determine that the not mare an effort to defeat competitor, the ight will not be paid the majority of the states, prohibits smoking within the hall for a period of prior to beginning of On This vertising Among those who vantage of this opportunity of the city's representative men. I nave already number of these suits ably give you the acquaintances who are Here is an excerpt from ceived from a Brazil furnished on request: "I expect to be in within the next week or come in to see you.
The the suit the better I have any more of the goods I wish you would what a pair of pants as the pants to the suit would like to have usually wear out two to one coat. J. $5 More for Extra Large is what it costs me to make suit of normal size-34 to 44 a breast measure. For suits measuring 45 to 32 inches I must make an extra charge of $5 in order to break even. WANTED! Bench Tailors and I need who three have more specialized bench tailorine men work.
Aiso four operators. I pay salaries to those who can and good will do good work and not loaf on the job. Those who can meet these reand who want to work quirements in a light, clean and airy shop are invited to call. 0' COPYING ENTIRE A 2 CLOTHES! A MASS ACM SSETTS NEW YORK ST. nas charge of the 1 local in the interstate announces that a special car leaving at 12:30 p.
tomor. E. W. INDIANA the Central alle" Com" Hoosier Coffee Shoe shop and Capitol this trip. 'his we gregation leaves their ability rive themselves in the high enjoyed by the South 267 for the Thornton's certainly served up the Tail Company.
611 for the Motors. his 230 sent the B29 repairs. holding a comtortatle cver the second pinc3 The credit for all decided upon, hut Jake are both making a lot noonday general tight take by "old No 13." The Eight 000 totals rather evenly divided teams: McCullough. 621; 623: J. Mi'ler, 616; C.
Cheney, 605; Not mentioning single as: Beaucnamp, 235; 240, and Colvin, 234, fellows' also Indulged In Ears, Hides, and Eyes, 1,002. times to nave the K. of nague pity. The Central cut a big hole in their have been out of action forgot what particular "breaking now" until circuit's leading dopester, Kernel's 236 about all cornered by Beech, who much of the "pep" for Marquettes. Harry's efforts him 692.
Crarley Spatts but went unnoticed as he of. the lineup. Abattoir: Dryer has big strenuous duties as Central S'ates reception again at his old attempt Dave Allerdice disshoes and acquired a Look! Already, 213, showing A fine improveClift, 218; Gribben, 226; Leagne-Mooney, Mueller and two-game in from the Faust Jr. was the C. Nicholson and M.
Involved some classy Nicholson, his 222 and 194 handv not only to his team's standing. writes that the get a "million" ping in tournament as he got 681) (in the league) 3 time for Whetstine to What's the delay, this bowlerdom is somewhat recovery from the tournatne clan should not lose fact that the American classic is near at hand. the "big show" close on of those interested should forces to work in connecof dates, etc. SecreCity Association is anxal' bowlers who Intend Buffalo." indebted to E. Scudder in printing copies of the list of the Central States copies will be digvarious alleys today.
Idea I Have Will In less than 200 suits at To carry on which I Because I am on these suits and $1,000 in advertising thropist? I AM iness policy? I is why: If I can that I am making money than any have the second lishment in the have climbed to business costs both am willing to get back every I will continue until I have sold For the penetit I will repeat my I will make which is $30.50. I will give you Ever: ST quality, tit and The material will with pure silk canvas, which is be to your TOP 2 A 1 BY BERTRAM TAYLOR. Like tne breaking of a long drought to lovers, of piano music came the recital given at the Academy of Music last night by Guidinar Novaes, the young Brazilian papist. who made ner first appearance Indianapolis before on of the largest and most enthusitel audiences ever assembled in that hall. Never has a woman played in Indianapolis lihe this most git artist, nor Pave any men save a few.
Like all the poets ot the piano, MIl Novaes' art belongs to both sexes She has the virility required for the playing of the greater Chopin pros and the caressing doheacv so necessary to the interpretation, of his moonught vagaries. She is nobody 111 her ve. her individuality shows through overvthing she plays, and not least through the most hackneyed. Fingers of Velvet Touch. the sensation was.
Superb artistry! Excels in 1 combination of all that 80PS to tne making of 81 great artist of the keyboard, with 1 of steel and with strong Ingers sheatned in velvet, with that of 1. the touch that make- her pianissimo a thing of infinite wonder and her heavy chords of epig. grande or with the en. facility of tireless muscle and will re-eive power back of every possessed of all these fundamental. of pianism at its best in her dI so mingled as to make something differen: from the art of any other.
To the present reviewer her differ-nor deemed to in her magnificent carelessness and an easy play of ternperatnont which shut out the faintest suggestion sot calculation from her effrets If ever there was a born pian1stIC genius it must be such a one 29 she. She drops her hands on the keyboard as though she had never struck 3 wrong note and did not know what It 1g an axiom that women can play the greater Chopin pieces, but, like all axioms. it will probably survive none the less for being thoroughly shattered last night at the pair of a surprisingly pretty and graceful pair of hands. Those delicately curving fingers levoked the divine fury of Chopin's highest moods. The sonata in minor way the means of this splendid evocation.
In it she that seductive singing tone, ner strength and facility, and in the scherzo that lightness and evenness of touch which gave such unusual value to the Butterily etude which came later. The Barcarolle, was not vlayed, although a Polonaise taking its place Her tale of Chopin pieces was made complete by the addition of the waltze in (' snarp minor. To use the use rubato without being sentimental as sno did in this waltze is to be a poet and that ig what Novaes is. Was at Her Best. A brilliant tour de force way the Albeniz "Seguedilla," which Wag invested not only with all tne power and heavy rhythm it needs, but with the sardonic humor that seems to lurk in its deptns.
Her other numbers were "LeBallet Des Ombres Hereuse" (GluckFriedman), MaeDowell's "Witch's Dance;" Rubinstein's "Nocturne," LaJongleuse" and. a Polonaise by Cantu. To which were added waltze by Sgambatt, Moszkowski8 "Guitarre" and the air de ballet from "Alceste," arranged Dy Saint-Saens on the Gluck theme. In this program she everv bit of skill at her command. She spread her colors with the pedal, she trieu echo tricKs in the Cantu number which was only 'L framework for such display; she showed now and again an indiv.dual staccato, a little thick and rich.
It was magnificent virtuosity. And it will remain in the minds of all who heard it as one of the most refreshing and stimulating concerts ever heard in this city. MONUMENT FOR SUFFRAGE LEADERS ARRIVES IN U.S. NEW YORK. Jan.
monument of the famed Carrara marble, weighing seven and one -half tons, to perretuate the memory of Lucretia Mott, Elizaboth Cadystan and Susan B. Anthony, suffragists, arrived on the steamship Dante Alighierfrom Genoa, Italy, which docked here today. monument is the work of Miss Adelaide Johnson and will be placed in the rotunda of the Capitol at Washington. BRENNER JOBS. John 0).
Brener, deputy auditor for the board of school commissioners, has resigned become an auditor for the Scottish Rite, according to announcement made yesterday by Robert H. Bryson. city controller. The resignation become effective Feb. 1.
Arthur Thomas deputy city controller, will succeed Mr. Brenner as school auditor. Mr. son said that William E. Berner will take Mr.
Thomas's place. TIGER OPERATOR FINED. Carl Koof, living 011 the Shelvyville road, 2. few miles southeast of Indianapods. was found guilty of operating a blind tiger by.
Richard Coleman. special judge, in City court yesterday, and fined $30 and costs. Three quarts of mule" were found concealed in a home the estifio1 was arrested Jan. 8 by Lieut. Winkler and Sorst.
Volderaurer. MURDER TRIAL OPENS TODAY HARLAN, Jan. Serection of jury to try Dr. H. C.
Winnes of Jena kins, -state veterinarian, charged with the murder of Miss ura Parsons, Pine Mountain school teacher, 'probably will start tomorrow. A motion of the defense for continuance was overruled today by Circuit Judge W. T. Davis and the case ordered to trial tomorrow. ANSWER CALL TO LAWRENCE.
The polire anaered a call to last night three mawked men rtlate temptel 10 hold up cattle A farmer Fort driving Har- 3 loadca with near op the p. adleton pike Th riner r.4 n. his and surceec en In up the When the polic mon rised farn found org no sere trace 0 .01 6 patro' tie 9. but tad Off I MEN'S GLOVES Arabian Mocha $3.34 Pernn's Cape $4.00 Buckskin $3.31 Hay's Cape The CameronSchooley Ca. 3 East St.
Merchants Bank serial 600860 a CON 0 4 3 9. 6 M4 I tr 690860.