Slim Spurling’s Universe
The Light-Life™ Technology: Ancient Science Rediscovered to Restore the Health of the Environment and Mankind By Cal Garrison Copyright © 2004 by IX-EL Publishing LLC All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
Light-Life™ is a trademark of Slim Spurling. The stated properties of the Light-Life ™ Tools are founded in years of direct observation and close study. These products were developed by a team of research scientists and psychics for experimental research and educational purposes only. The information in this book is an attempt to inform the reader on the function and use of this technology. It is in no way meant to be taken as a statement of fact, but rather the opinion of the author and of Mr. Spurling himself that the Light-Life™ Tools work as so described. Neither the publisher, nor the author, nor Mr. Spurling accepts any responsibility for how the reader chooses to apply this information or for the results that they obtain when they do. Attempts to reproduce or duplicate these devices relying on appearance alone, without understanding the quantum physics behind them may result in harmful effects in short or long-term use. The healing techniques and methods described herein are based on fifteen years of practical application and experience. They are meant to supplement, not to be a substitute for, professional medical care or treatment. They should not be used to treat any serious ailment without prior consultation with a qualified healthcare professional or certified therapist.
E-book September 2004 First printing Autumn 2004 Editing by Jane Weaver Cover design and photographs by Gregg Lauer Layout by John David Mann Printed in the United States of America Library of Congress Control Number: 2004113870 ISBN 0-9760338-0-1 IX-EL Publishing LLC PO Box 127, Frederick CO 80530
Slim Spurling is, to me, the true “Lord of the Rings.” His understanding of ring technology is unparalleled. In this book you will discover more about life and the physical world we live in than in any university program. It’s worth your time! Slim will change your view of your world and what is possible. —Drunvalo Melchizedek
FOREWORD BY SLIM SPURLING ................................................. 9 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................. 11
R i n g O n e BIOGRAPHY ..................................................... 15 R i n g Tw o EARLY DISCOVERIES .................................... 49 Early Discoveries Relating to the Caduceus Coil .............................50 Hodgkin’s Disease .............................................................................. 50 The “Ammonia Event”....................................................................... 51 Positive and Negative Effects............................................................. 53 Heart Trouble, A Pinched Nerve, and A Spinal Realignment .......... 55 Stormy Weather ................................................................................. 56 Bob Dratch ......................................................................................... 57 John Davis—Long Form .................................................................... 57 Two Pieces of Wire ............................................................................ 59 The Tensor ......................................................................................... 60 Hans Becker ........................................................................................ 61 Boyd Bushman ....................................................................................62 Biofeedback ......................................................................................... 63 Ultraviolet ........................................................................................... 64 Coyote . . . Optics . . . Shoemaker-Levy Comet . . . Deep-Space Telescopes .................................................................. 65 Phillip Callahan, Pete Jackson, and Paramagnetism ......................... 68 The Resurrected Shamrock ...............................................................69
R i n g T h r e e DOWSING ................................................... 71 Slim on Dowsing and Geopathic Stress ............................................ 74 The Clearing Technique ....................................................................78 More on the Clearing Technique....................................................... 80 Dowsing Stories .................................................................................. 82 Denver 1985 ....................................................................................... 82 Neighbors and the Spooks That Come With Them ........................ 84 Same Client, Different Problem ........................................................ 87 Dowsing for Dollars ........................................................................... 88 Corporate Express .............................................................................. 89 Another Business Story ...................................................................... 91 Small-Town Politics ........................................................................... 92 Cancer, Epilepsy, and a Dysfunctional Willow Tree ........................ 94 Geopathic Stress in the Intensive Care Unit ..................................... 95
R i n g F o u r THE LIGHT-LIFE™ TOOLS ....................... 99 The Rings ......................................................................................... 101 Slim on the Rings ............................................................................. 102 Superconductivity ............................................................................. 110 Some Helpful, Down-to-Earth Information on the Rings ............. 111 The “Lost Cubit” ............................................................................. 116 Slim on the Lost Cubit ..................................................................... 117 The Significance of the Number Thirty-Three ............................. 119 Suggestions for Working With the Lost Cubit............................... 122 The Plain Jane vs. the Beaded Gold and Silver Rings .................... 123 Slim on the Acu-Vac Coil................................................................. 125 More About the Coils ....................................................................... 129 Some Practical Information on the Coils ........................................ 130 Slim on the Feedback Loop ............................................................. 132 Applications of the Feedback Loop ................................................. 134 The Nose Mask ................................................................................ 136 The Acupressure Tool ...................................................................... 139 The Harmonizers ............................................................................. 140 Slim With Some Background on the Harmonizers ........................ 140 The Denver Air Pollution Experiment—The Whole Story .......... 146 Cairo ................................................................................................. 152 Reflections on the Denver Experiment ........................................... 153 More Reflections on Denver ............................................................ 155 Onward and Upward—Coming Out of the Closet ......................... 156 Grassroots ......................................................................................... 157
The Downstream Effects ................................................................. 157 The Psychological Effects of Air Pollution ..................................... 159 More Data on the Effects of the Harmonizers: The McCurry Farm ..................................................................... 160 “Grassroots,” Grass Seed, and Grass ............................................... 162 Harmonizers in New Zealand .......................................................... 164 Chesapeake Bay ................................................................................ 165 Positive Side Effects ......................................................................... 167 Different Types of Harmonizers ...................................................... 168 When the Tools “Don’t Work” ........................................................ 170
R i n g F i v e PHYSICS AND METAPHYSICS ................. 175 First Near-Death Experience ........................................................... 180 Second Near-Death Experience ...................................................... 181 Lost in Space..................................................................................... 182 The Ether: A Few Comments on Einstein and Maxwell ................ 183 Metaphysics and Dowsing ................................................................ 187 Puffballs and Negative Frequencies ................................................. 189 The Changeling and Anthrax ............................................................. 190 The Poetry of Trees ......................................................................... 192 Six of One, Half Dozen of Another? ............................................... 193 Clairvoyance ..................................................................................... 194 Scientific Research Into Dowsing .................................................... 195 More on Clairvoyance ...................................................................... 197 An Early Vision Sitting in a Ring .................................................... 198 Credo Mutwa—Peace ...................................................................... 200 Comments from an Interview with Drunvalo Melchizedek ........... 203
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS BY SLIM SPURLING ........................ 205 BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................. 210 INDEX ................................................................................................ 214 LIGHT-LIFE™ TOOLS AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS ...... 218
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1. First Light-Life™ Ring ........................................................... 103 2. Sacred Cubit Rings ................................................................105 3. Lost Cubit Rings ....................................................................114 4. Different Sizes, Styles and Material: Sacred Cubit Rings ....124 5. Two “Plain Jane” Copper Rings ............................................125 6. Acu-Vac Coils .........................................................................127 7. Feedback Loops ..................................................................... 133 8. Nose Mask..............................................................................137 9. Harmonizers...........................................................................141 10. A Toroidal Field ...................................................................142 11. Early Harmonizers ...............................................................143 Portrait of Slim Spurling ............................................... Back cover ❍ 8 ❍
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FOREWORD By Slim Spurling
This book has been written from a series of taped interviews of my life experiences by author Cal Garrison, covering the five major periods or rings of experience, culminating in the discovery in 1991 of the principle of THE RING. I had been encouraged for the previous twelve years to “write it down” by numerous associates, including authors, editors and both lay and professional scientists. With my recent marriage to my wife, Katharina, this became possible, then a reality, through her insistence and management skills. I owe a great debt of gratitude to her. As the reader will see as he/she progresses through the text, each life experience cycle contributed foundation material to the next cycle, on many levels of understanding. Without the completion of each cycle, although unrecognized at the time, the following cycle could not have taken place. This is a record, to the best of my recall, of the sequence of events, the development of a way of looking at the world and critical evaluation of observed phenomena, linking the worlds of manual labor, observations in natural science, evaluation of academic science, and the world of metaphysics, cross-linked by the language of science and the language of metaphysics describing the identical observed phenomena. In short, it’s been quite an adventure to come from my roots as ❍ 9 ❍
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a Colorado hillbilly kid to traveling the world by invitation and enjoying the company of some of the world’s most creative scientists who share a common world view somewhat contrary to the conventional academic humdrum. This book lays the foundation for Book Two, Slim Spurling’s Universe: The Sixth Ring, the events of which are currently unfolding in the realm of advanced applications of the Light-Life ™ Tools and advanced technologies coming to the surface from both “hard science” and inspirations deriving from conversations with a couple of bona fide alchemists. It is my sincere hope that the information contained in this book and the one to follow will help the reader to understand the complex of misinformation of academia in the simpler terms of their own personal observation and experience. Nature is simple when seen through the eyes of your own personal observation. There are only a few Principles in Nature, which may be elucidated by ordinary observation, simple experiment and common sense, and described in common language. Principle, Practical Application and Common Sense Observation overthrow Theory, which is little more than academic Opinion. With this, let us begin . . . Slim Spurling 24 June, 2004
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As a child I used to lie awake at night wondering if there might be a way to make the world a better place. I began seriously looking for ways to do this when I was sixteen. A seven-year stretch in a Gurdjieff community formed the grounding cord for all the occult research and spiritual work that took place from that point on. Everywhere I looked along the path I found something. Even the time I spent with addicts and thieves involved going within. Over thirty-three years of questing failed to provide answers to the original question. By 1997 I came to the realization that a person can contemplate their navel till it comes out their backbone—all the inner reflection in the world won’t change a thing until one finds a way to bring it down to earth and make it work, not just for themselves, but for everyone here. A year later at an Earth-Sky Workshop I found out about Slim. Sitting cross-legged on the floor, I listened as Drunvalo Melchizedek spent one whole morning talking about this cowboy from Colorado who had developed the technology to clear up 80 percent of the pollution on the planet. I couldn’t believe my ears. I had been waiting my whole life to hear these words. My entire Being responded to everything Drunvalo said and in one clear moment I thought, “This is it. This is what I came here for.” Little did I know how true this would turn out to be. ❍ 11 ❍
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On the day that I met Slim Spurling for the first time, the faint premonition that my life would never be the same rode with me all the way up in the car. Somehow or other our paths were about to cross, and in my heart I knew it was happening for a reason. When it finally came time to sit down next to Slim and chat, I lost my tongue! The only way I could get over being star-struck was to pull myself together and say, “I feel like one of those fools on TV who’s just won the chance to hang out with their favorite celebrity. I am so impressed with who you are and what you do that I can’t even speak.” Slim smiled, and without batting an eye, he said, “We all put our pants on one leg at a time.” Which in Slim talk meant, “Relax, girl. There’s nothing special about me.” This remarkable man has become my favorite teacher. I came to him expecting nothing and have received more than I can tell you. The spiritual aspirant who only understood life from that angle has discovered Ether physics, biology, mycology, herbalism, sacred geometry, chemistry, geology, ancient history, black holes, wormholes, the gravitational wave, and the ins and outs of making moonshine. Slim Spurling has generously taught me everything he knows. It’s become my job to listen to and record everything Slim says. Anyone who’s ever heard him speak can imagine how much I love what I do. All this information has transformed me. I think about it, wonder about it, ask questions, turn it around and use it. The rapid influx of things I never knew about before has brought the work I do with Slim’s tools to a much deeper level. I no longer intuitively just know they work. I completely understand how and why they work. My research goes on, on a daily basis. I watch the tools and their effects as they quietly do their work. The small Vermont town where I live is no longer “The Land That Time Forgot.” Renovated dwellings have replaced ramshackle houses. For some reason, the sour old lady who never deigned to speak to anyone is leaning over her fence, smiling and chatting with everyone who passes. My landlord doesn’t have cancer anymore. The tiny store that only sold beef jerky, cigarettes and beer has a book club now. A little café is in ❍ 12 ❍
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full swing next door. Community spirit is high. Gardens are growing. Someone is planting flowers around the war monument in the center of town and the woods are alive. I haven’t used a measuring stick, but my eyes can see that everything that grows is lusher than it was before. When the winter storms hit, they don’t hit West Pawlet hard. We have snow, but it’s so benign, life inside a little snow globe is the only thing I can compare winter to. The river rises but the spring floods don’t destroy anything. The matrix that supports every outer manifestation has shifted in such a positive way here. Even the adjacent community, a town that up till now people were too embarrassed to admit that they came from, is experiencing a renaissance. I think it may have something to do with the frequencies pouring out of my living room— and wonder what the world would be like if Harmonizers were running everywhere. Is it possible? Can we change the quality of life just through the use of frequencies? Slim’s tools travel with me wherever I go. I use them whenever I can. This technology is so much a part of my life at this point it would take too long to list all the positive changes I witness whenever I put it to use. The effects that seemed miraculous in the beginning are still just as miraculous. The difference is, it doesn’t surprise me anymore. What does surprise me is that this fieldwork, coupled with regular feedback from my favorite teacher, has made me an expert on the Light-Life™ Tools. I guess one never knows what they’ll end up doing when they set out to find their dream. Writing this book is a big part of my dream. The work it required filled up a million cups of coffee and over one year of my life. At first I wondered if I was equal to the task. Sitting for hours on end, listening, recording, transcribing, and rewriting all this information transmuted my doubts and made me equal to it. The day the last word got put on paper I felt like I had just given birth to a child. Full of emotion, I sat down and cried, knowing that the most important thing I had ever done was complete. Spirit led me here. I am humbled by it and grateful for it— grateful to share it and grateful to be part of something that will ❍ 13 ❍
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make the world a better place. My hope is that those of you who read the words that follow will pay attention and be as overjoyed by them as I am. Cal Garrison June 24, 2004
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BIOGRAPHY Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved. — Helen Keller, Hellen Keller’s Journal
lim Spurling is a remarkably humble and real human being. I think it has caught him by surprise that all of a sudden every one is noticing his work. Always and in everything he has only been himself. Slim just did what he did because he could not do anything else—there was never any intention to get seen, rich, or recognized. The fact that he lives with a sense of disbelief that his years of research have finally amounted to something, or that his work is more important than he ever dreamed it would be, comes out of his innate simplicity. Slim is like a child who has been caught unaware doing something wonderful, by others who recognize the power that Spirit has to unveil itself, once in a great while. There is a child inside all of us. And this part of our being is still pure and innocent enough to believe that we can change the ❍ 15 ❍
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world. Years of conditioning by our parents, our teachers, and the culture at large have silenced our inner child so that we can’t hear it anymore. Over time, doubt and skepticism replace innocence and faith. We are taught that certain things are impossible, and we obediently decide to accept that idea. When someone like Slim Spurling comes along and says he has developed the technology to change the world and return the planet to a state of peace and harmony, it sounds too good to be true. Everything we have been taught tells us things like this are impossible. After all, the problems of the world are too big, and no one has the answers. Even if some small voice inside wants to believe him, it is easier to hand over the microphone to the doubts that we use to defend ourselves. But when a person is open enough to listen and hear about some of the things Slim has done, the child inside wakes up again. It begins to see that—yes, there might be a glimmer of hope here. The Earth is in too much of a crisis for any of us to keep feeding our doubts. When the house is burning down, does it help to be skeptical about the guy who climbs up the ladder to save you? To really understand Slim’s work it is essential to understand who he is and where his roots lie. The flesh and blood human being behind the research is as miraculous as the research itself. Slim’s life story is a testimony to what comes out of a man who listens to his higher guidance. So, we’ll begin at the beginning to get a feel for this totally unique and amazing Being. As incredible as his inventions and discoveries sound, and as hard as it may be to believe that he has created a technology that has the power to change the world, there is nothing the least bit fantastic about it. It is all as down to earth and as loaded with common sense as he is.
Slim was born in Aberdeen, South Dakota in 1938 at the tail end of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl. Slim’s ancestors on his father’s side of the family emigrated from Wales in the early 1600s and his mother’s roots went back to Norway and Sweden. ❍ 16 ❍
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Why would any woman in her right mind name her only son “Slim”? It would never have occurred to Margaret Spurling. She was a distant cousin and big fan of Gary Cooper, so Slim’s given name is Gary, after the famous actor. By the time he was fifteen, however, “Gary” was six-foot-three and weighed a 140 pounds wringing wet. Years later, a guy who worked loading hay with him nicknamed him Slim and it stuck. He’s still skinny as a rail. When he talks about his childhood you get the feeling the Spurlings were pioneers. Everything was done the hard way or the old way. It was not a fine and fancy situation. What he learned from living that simply is very much a part of who he is now. As a one-year-old he remembers standing at the door of the family house in Bison, South Dakota and seeing nothing but mounds of dirt blown into piles as high as the top of the fence posts. The only living, green thing was prickly-pear cactus. He went to school the way everyone did, but he played hooky whenever he could get away with it. Early morning walks with the dog gave him the opportunity to get on the wrong end of a skunk, and the stench bought him permission to stay home from school and roam around the woods instead. It also gave him time to read whatever he wanted to read on his own without being bothered by bells, changing classes, or repeating by rote what he already knew. Slim was a bright kid and his mind could handle much more than reading, writing, and arithmetic. It seems as if the appetite for knowledge, which evolved into a Thirst for Truth, was there from the very beginning. He haunted the local library. The librarian was liberal enough to let Slim go over the five-book limit when he checked out, and by the time he was in his teens he had read every book in the place. Time spent reading and studying was balanced with farm chores, tending crops, fishing, hunting, and exploring the nearby hills and valleys. Guns are part of the scenery growing up on the farm. Slim had a .22 rifle, and was out hunting game for the family table by the time he was eight years old. His grandfather Thompson, an expert hunter and outdoorsman, was his hands-on mentor in the ❍ 17 ❍
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outdoorsman’s arts. He gave Slim a .22/410 over-and-under, rifleshotgun for his tenth Christmas, and this piece remained in his possession until the mid-nineties. Slim took it to a gunsmith for repairs, and the unscrupulous man sold it out from under him to an unknown party. With this little firearm Slim had the perfect reason to expand his explorations and become even more of a student of the natural world. Time spent hunting in the wilderness tuned him in to his surroundings on many different levels. Long before he knew what their names and scientific classifications were, he recognized every tree, shrub, vine, and herbaceous plants on sight. Slim connected early to nature. He grew up knowing that he was part of it. His grandfather Edwin Spurling ran a mercantile operation that served as a trading post for the Native Americans near Phillips, South Dakota. He spoke the native dialects and knew sign language as well. Slim picked up on a lot of this and understood intuitively what the native people were about. The fact that the US government treated them unfairly did not escape his notice, either. Slim’s mother taught school to the kids on one of the reservations, and every night at the dinner table the family heard a lot about what she witnessed. The injustices meted out to the Native people by the government agencies appalled Margaret Spurling, and the horrible living conditions of the native children broke her heart. This early exposure to the Native American people and their ways had a big impact on Slim. Long before it became fashionable to know about Earth-based traditions, they were part of his everyday experience. His mother and grandmother used Native folk remedies to doctor everyone in the family. Their expertise with herbal healing methods made a lasting impression on Slim. He soaked up all kinds of information just by watching what these women did. They taught him to keep his eye on wild things, too. The Spurlings needed no weatherman to tell them which way the wind blew. Slim learned to read the weather just by observing the behavior of birds and animals. ❍ 18 ❍
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From the sound of it, his parents and grandparents were highprincipled, honest people who knew what “doing the right thing” meant. Whether integrity is a quality that develops when children absorb the behavior of the people who raise them, or if it is something one is born with, Slim is loaded with it. Is it over-romanticizing him to say that he is a walking, talking example of whatever it is about the American “pioneer spirit” that we wish hadn’t reached extinction? Anyone who knows Slim would not see it that way. If he is some sort of anachronism, it is probably more accurate to say that he is a “two-way” anachronism. Because the old ways that have been lost to most of the civilized world are still alive in Slim, and they fund visions of the future that no one has even dreamed of yet. It must be interesting to be filled with a full sense of what has come before and yet have a finger on the latest clue to the new direction at the same time. Slim’s spirit seems to be loosely draped between the past and the future.
The Spurlings moved from South Dakota to Morrison, Colorado, when Slim was seven, and they started farming there. When it came time to go to high school, Slim attended Colorado Military Academy and Mullen School for Boys. The Mullen School for Boys was a Catholic institution, and even though no one in the family was Catholic, his parents sent him there because they knew he would get a good education. As far as religion goes, Slim did not get a heavy dose of it. While his grandmother was a devout Methodist and his mother attended church regularly, they were not Bible-pounding fanatics, so he did not get stuffed with fundamentalist guilt or visions of eternal damnation. Grandma may have been a Methodist, but according to Slim, her early upbringing in Malmo, Sweden, gave her so much reverence for nature that her daily practices had more of a Druidic flavor. For some reason, countless Sundays at the local church left no mark, and by the time he was eleven, Slim had had his fill of fire ❍ 19 ❍
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and brimstone. He knew without a doubt that God could be found anywhere but inside the head of the horse-faced woman who preached to the devotees at “The Pillar of Fire Congregation,” so he left the flock and never went back. During his college years he got into Mormonism for a couple of years, but as it turned out, The Latter Day Saints did not have the answers he sought, either. By that time Slim realized that God had very little to do with dogma or organized religion. Somewhere deep inside he knew that Mother Nature held the key to whatever his spiritual purpose was.
Prior to college Slim served for two years as a Petty Officer Third Class in the Navy Air Reserve. He passed all of the tests for Officer Candidate School with marks that would have qualified him to move up in the ranks and provided him with a free education. He was not interested in being a military man, so he declined the offer. At that time, what he really wanted to do was study forestry. During his stint in the military, through a chance meeting with the navy commander at the base barbershop, Slim was excused from having to attend monthly reserve meetings. Slim’s excellent reserve record and his grades at school impressed the commanding officer so much that he immediately wrote a letter exempting Slim from his obligatory monthly reserve duties. This conversation in the barbershop turned out to be a key event in Slim’s life. The very next month all of the reservists were flown to their meeting in Olathe, Kansas, and the plane went down in a storm. Everyone on the flight was killed in the crash. Unbelievably, the following month the same thing happened. The grief and horror he felt for his friends was lessened by the awe of knowing that, for some reason, his life had been spared. At this point Slim realized for the first time that his destiny and his whole purpose for being here were being guided by forces that have a much larger perspective on the tapestry that weaves itself out on the world stage. Without a doubt, the gods had other plans for him. When Slim decided to go to college, his forestry dream was ❍ 20 ❍
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still alive. He spent eight years off and on at Colorado State University. Chemistry, biochemistry, and all of the natural sciences were included in the forestry curriculum, and it was during this time that the scientific side of his mind really got fired up. He majored in forestry with a minor in biochemistry. As soon as he realized that a degree in forestry would relegate him to a life spent working as a yes-man for some bureaucratic government agency, he became disenchanted with completing the degree. Slim’s eyes were wide open, and it had become clear to him that “Timber Management” was in reality timber and ecological mismanagement, much more destructive than fire. He consequently transferred to the botany department, majoring in mycology and with a desire to go into research and interdisciplinary technical writing. Mycology is the study of fungi and mushrooms, and it is widely known that mushrooms were sacred to the Druids. Nowadays Slim is often referred to as “Merlin,” or, “The Merlin of Geobiology.” One could debate the significance of this, but there are no accidents, and it is noteworthy that the most Druidic branch of the natural sciences became more of a passion for him than anything else did. Slim had to take periods of time off from school to work for a logging operation and while he was out in the woods, he came across several species of mushrooms that had not yet been officially discovered. He also found a species of morel that grew far above the Colorado tree line, something that was not even possible, according to his botany professors. It seems as if Slim was tuned into the mushroom world on a whole different level, because one day, as he was taking a break from his tree work, he was privileged to bear witness to a spore release. He describes himself sitting in the forest, hearing a little “popping” sound and watching as a “Jew’s Ear” mushroom dropped its spores. What kind of person notices these things? When Slim told his professor about the spores, the teacher readily acknowledged that ❍ 21 ❍
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it was the first time he had ever heard of such a thing. Perhaps it was a mycological or even a Druidic rite of passage! There is no doubt that mycology is another one of those things that Slim knows inside and out. Right before he would have graduated from Colorado State, Slim was researching the chemical nature of a red pigment that occurs naturally in almost every specimen of the Acer negundo species of maple tree as a response to a particular fungus. The technical paper written to document this research earned him an offer of a full scholarship for a three-year Master’s Degree program funded by what was then known as the US Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and what is now known as the Department of Human Resources. When he examined the criteria for the program, the proposed research would have required Slim to search for and develop a chemical substance from the fungus world that would: a) Be produced in enormous quantities (like Penicillin); b) Be cheap to produce (like Penicillin—about fifty cents a gallon); c) Have no side effects except a possible mild euphoria; d) Could be introduced into any consumable product with no labeling requirement; e) Would lower the threshold of suggestibility in humans (a mind control drug); f) Would be effective in microgram doses. It was more than obvious that the explicit purpose of this research was for control of the population. The kind of control and the population were unspecified, but this was the era of the CIA’s LSD experimental program, and the government kept a hidden agenda. Slim was totally incredulous that the powers that be would use their influence this way. Whatever they were up to, he wanted no part in contributing to anything that would result in the enslavement of people through such nefarious methods. ❍ 22 ❍
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Out of curiosity, however, and just to prove to himself that such a substance did indeed exist, he consulted with one of his professors about the proposed research. Slim found a likely species in one of the families of soil fungi and cultured a sample from the professor’s library. It took him three days to complete the research for what would have been a government-funded, three-year program. After ingesting a few micrograms of the culture and experiencing its effects, he knew more than he wanted to know. Utterly disgusted by the insidious offer, Slim immediately declined the scholarship, refused to take a diploma, and decided not to participate in the graduation exercises at Colorado State. He threw up his hands with the scientific and academic communities and walked away from it all, vowing never to go back. Unfortunately, prostitution takes many forms, and it is likely that someone confused about “doing the right thing” took the bait and was willing to barter a soul for a free education.
When Slim walked out on the scientific and academic community, he walked into a twenty-year career as an artist-blacksmith. In those days forestry work required a full knowledge of mechanics, forging and welding being the basis of all things mechanical. He had been exposed to both skills as part of his training at Colorado State, and he knew enough about working with iron to make it a trade. The spirits must have been watching over him, because he came across a complete forge setup that someone had junked and bought the whole thing for two hundred dollars. Two hundred dollars worth of “junk” turned out to be a priceless gift. By that time he had a wife and two sons to support, and they were living in a renovated trapper’s cabin way out in the Colorado wilderness. When living this close to the bone, blacksmithing is not just an interesting hobby, it is a fundamental survival skill. Since they heated and cooked with wood, Slim spent his days chopping timber and splitting it with his own hand-forged ❍ 23 ❍
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tools. He made every axe, wedge, hammer, and countless nails in that old forge. Making ends meet required a lot of effort in those days. Slim spent his nights working on an oil rig so he could support the family. But in his “free” time, when he wasn’t chopping wood, he taught himself what he did not yet know about blacksmithing. Blacksmithing has played a huge part in everything Slim has done since then, and as much as it was his trade, maybe more importantly it was his first introduction to alchemy. Working and playing with the five elements, fire, earth, air, water, and metal, and being deeply involved in the creation process are things people just do not do anymore. What he learned about controlling these forces centered him, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, so completely that his consciousness was able to merge with and go “inside” the iron. Standing over a bed of coals with a desire to turn a cold piece of iron into something beautiful or useful seems simple enough. If it’s so simple, why do blacksmiths rank right up there with magicians in the collective consciousness? According to Schwaller de Lubicz, the Egyptian God, Ptah, was the ultimate cosmic blacksmith. After Ptah conceived and birthed himself, he brought fire down to earth and created every imaginable form with it. In de Lubicz’s work, this hairless, chubby-looking deity is not portrayed as just any old god. Ptah’s alleged abilities with fire may be why creation, special powers, and blacksmithing have come to be associated. A blacksmith must be 100 percent tuned in to a lot more than just the elements in order to take fire and birth anything with it. The person bringing it all together must be able to hold his consciousness in a place that allows him to be a vessel for what is essentially an alchemical process. One day at the forge Slim got so immersed in his work that his entire Being slipped into the iron and became one with it. He experienced the whole creation process from inside the molecular structure of the metal he was hammering. From that moment on ❍ 24 ❍
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he “understood” about iron. What he learned definitely had to do with blacksmithing, but more than that, it gave him a deeper understanding of the spiritual force behind life itself. Anyone who has gotten so completely involved in what he does that he loses himself and becomes one with the process knows what it’s like to be in that “zone.” There is a connection to the unified field, where nothing is separate, and all things are one. Blacksmithing not only fed Slim and introduced him to alchemy, it also gave him his first conscious experience of the unified field. This trip “inside” the iron taught him how to merge his consciousness with anything. The trip inside had everything to do with why all of Slim’s ironwork was so incredible and unique. Every piece was hammered and coiled or spiraled, with animal heads and feet incorporated into the design of common objects like fireplace tools, railings and gates. Even the nails he made looked like little works of art. Nails that he used to give away as calling cards currently sell for about five dollars apiece in the ritzy, old-house restoration catalogues. An interior door screen that he got paid $750 to make, deliver, and install recently showed up in the antique market with a $14,000 price tag on it. Slim’s ironwork graces private homes and public buildings in and around Colorado. His best freestyle work can be seen at the El Rancho Colorado Restaurant near Evergreen. The handrails, doorknobs, screens, and gates that decorate the restaurant display delicately rendered flowers, animals, plants, and lots of fine detail. During this twenty-year period Slim founded and ran the largest blacksmithing school in the United States. He taught every one of his students how to go inside the iron. He knew exactly what to do to get them there, because he had done it himself countless times. This rite of passage involved having each student stand at the forge and turn out 100 nails an hour. According to Slim, the nail-making process is so repetitive and boring that after a while the consciousness becomes free, and in moments it hits a sweet spot and becomes one with the iron. As far as he is concerned, once you’ve ❍ 25 ❍
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been inside the iron, you know everything there is to know about blacksmithing. Jim Wallace was the first of Slim’s students to undergo this “trial by fire.” After he went into the iron, Jim went on to make a name for himself in the blacksmithing community. He founded and is curator of the Museum of Blacksmithing in Memphis, Tennessee. In the late sixties Slim made him a hammer that Jim treasures to this day. He has used it regularly for over thirty-five years without having to reset the handle once. The expression “to fly off the handle” originated in a forge somewhere in the far distant past. Loose handles and airborne hammers are an occupational hazard in a blacksmith shop. Considering the amount of pounding a blacksmith does on a daily basis, handles last about as long as an ice cube in hell. The hammer Slim made for Jim would probably qualify as a magical object in blacksmithing circles. Most of us write blacksmithing off as just a trade. When Slim talks about working with iron, however, his stories make it sound so phenomenal that you wish you too could be a blacksmith. Maybe it is his way of relating to things with every ounce of his Being. Very few people go into anything with every ounce of their Being. Evidently, once the basics are conquered, there is more to be gained from this occupation than big biceps and huge forearms. The truth is, blacksmithing enlightened Slim. All the hammering, the heat, and the trips inside the iron transmuted his consciousness and potentized his mind in a way that no amount of meditating could match. Slim may not have figured this out for himself yet, and if he has, he is too humble to agree with what follows, but it is clear that the wizard in him got birthed in the forge. His ironwork offers plenty of proof that “Merlin” had something to do with it. If that is not enough, meeting Slim proves to anyone who is the least bit sensitive that there is something special about his mind. The nicest thing about his mind is that it can go anywhere. Slim does not need to talk quantum physics all day long ❍ 26 ❍
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because he can talk about anything. It is interesting to watch the way he is with people because he appreciates everyone, wherever they’re coming from. Stick Slim in a room full of scientists and you really see what his genius is about. This man has done his homework and can pit his brain against the best of them. Much of what Slim has to say challenges so many existing theories that the science guys wind up scratching their heads trying to figure out where all of their equations went. He does not do this to show off. It is something that cannot be helped. Slim seems to have been put here, in part, to push the scientific envelope beyond its boundaries. He gets away with blowing people’s minds because the “Lone Ranger” doing the talking makes such perfect sense and speaks so simply that everyone quickly realizes he came to save the day. This mind of his would not be half as creative if the metaphysical element were not there, too. Slim may be entitled to blow people away because he blew his own mind long before he went inside the iron. In the early sixties, while writing a research paper on hypnosis, he came across a book by William James. In this book, the “father of American psychology” suggested that stilling the mind could be accomplished by using a candle flame as a point of focus. Slim wrote his paper and submitted it, but he got so hooked on the candle idea that he decided to see if there was anything to it. Staring at a candle flame, he found that indeed, his mind became centered and still. From this still point Slim also discovered that he could cause the flame to go out and reignite at will. Self-hypnosis introduced him to the aspect of his mind that eventually would find its way inside the iron. Aside from that, the meditative state it produced allowed him to get completely rested and centered whenever he needed. One day after meditating, his awareness was altered enough to cause him to wonder what it would be like to merge his consciousness with a big cottonwood tree. Going “inside” it, the same way he learned how to go inside the iron, taught Slim about the beingness of trees. ❍ 27 ❍
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Through this experience he discovered that trees have their own consciousness and their own memory, just like humans do. Trees record everything that goes on in the environment. On that day Slim was able to see the whole environment through the eyes of an eighty-year-old cottonwood. It amazed him to view the history of everything that had happened in that particular area from the perspective of this giant old tree. Nowadays this is not an uncommon experience in metaphysical circles, but Slim’s experience happened forty years ago, and he had no frame of reference for it. It was a totally spontaneous thing. When he tried to explain it to people, they were either baffled by it or looked at him as if he were out of his mind. It was not until the mid-eighties that he was able to hook up with anyone who had a similar experience.
Why are some people more open to expanding their consciousness and their understanding of things than others? What is it that drives a person beyond their own limits and the limits that are established by society to seek a wider vision? How many people give up the time they could spend sleeping because something inside is more thirsty for answers than it is for rest? It is hard to say what inspires anyone to get to the bottom of things, but whatever it is, it is alive and working overtime inside Slim Spurling. During his years as a blacksmith, chopping down trees and working at the forge all day, Slim got off the oil rig just after midnight and stayed up till two or three in the morning studying botany and herbal medicine. Anyone else would feel justified going to bed after a hard day’s work. He was not aiming for a legitimate degree or under pressure to fulfill some assignment. He had no access to a fancy library. All he had for reference was an old herbal published in 1832. But the desire to know what was in it drove him to read it from cover to cover. What made him want to do this? Every word in that book engraved itself in Slim’s brain, and the familiarity he already had with natural medicine from his youth ❍ 28 ❍
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got beefed up with botanical names and a deeper knowledge of the curative properties of different plants. He discovered that each family of plants had similar medicinal uses. Slim began to practice herbal healing, doctoring his family and working with anyone who was open enough to be a guinea pig. When his wife came down with the flu, he stoked up the wood stove and, after putting water on to boil, he went out into the woods to gather the herbs he knew he needed to heal her. They were easy to spot because they glowed or had a special aura about them that he could see with his normal vision. He brought them back to the house and plopped a handful of herbs into the water on the stove. Four cups of an infusion that included hawthorn, rabbit brush, wild plum leaf, and bindweed, mixed with honey and milk and administered over the course of one hour, were all it took to rid his wife of her symptoms and cure her completely. Slim got more confident with his self-taught skills as an herbalist and had a really high success rate healing people. He cured himself of lung cancer in a little over three months using apricot seeds. It is his opinion that the laetrile in the seeds turned things around. Although Slim never got a confirmatory diagnosis for lung cancer, he had all of the symptoms. He was losing weight steadily, his skin was yellow, and he was exhausted. Not being the type to seek medical help, and having enough confidence in his own perceptions, he didn’t need someone else to diagnose him. If Slim had known at the time that he would be writing a book and required to legitimatize these claims, he might have gone to a doctor. But does any medicine man worth their salt need to bother with a trip to the clinic? Anyone who questions Slim’s ability to diagnose himself would have a bigger problem with the idea of a shaman subjecting themselves to medical tests. On that score, it is clear that he would be damned if he did and damned if he didn’t, so we leave it up to the reader to believe it or not. For anyone wondering why such a natural guy would get this sick in the first place, the answer is simple. Great healers often get ❍ 29 ❍
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initiated through illness. Direct experience with a disease is sometimes the toll one pays for the wisdom it takes to heal it. Such knowledge goes beyond what can be gleaned from a medical text. Coming out on the other side of any illness, the physical, emotional, and spiritual changes it puts one through give an understanding of how to guide others through similar trials. Slim has since cured himself of liver cancer using a combination of herbal methods, the Light-Life™ Tools, and Mannatech supplements. He is a fountainhead of information on the subject of herbalism and herbal healing from personal experience.
Slim is also renowned as a dowser. Anyone who has ever watched him do a dowsing job or had him dowse their property could testify to that. His first exposure to the art came as a kid through a sensitive old guy who came to the family farm to help the Spurlings locate a well. The man knew this little boy was hanging around because he was curious, so he let Slim hold one arm of the willow branch, and the two of them set out to find water. As they walked along, Slim was amazed when the branch got pulled down over the water vein. He knew for sure that no one was forcing it and that whatever this was, it was for real. In 1970 he had to resort to dowsing out of necessity, but luckily it came to him naturally. His parents had since moved to Australia, and Slim was in a situation where he had to locate all the water pipes his Dad had buried when they did the first excavation work on the farm in Morrison. With no diagram or map to follow, he bent a couple of welding rods into L-rods, and with the intention, “I have to find the pipes,” clear in his mind, he set out across the property. He not only located all the metal pipe work his father had installed, but he also found the ceramic pipes that had been put in by the previous owners. Slim later discovered that water and pipes are not the only things that can be dowsed. In 1979 he noticed that there was an unusual increase in the number of car accidents happening in one small ❍ 30 ❍
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area of a narrow country road just one mile from his house. At first there were one or two accidents a week, but by the time it started to bother him, their number had escalated to one or two a day. Annoyed by the screaming of sirens and the noise of rescue helicopters, he took his dowsing rods out for a walk, sensing that energy from some unseen source had to be behind all these catastrophes. What went on in his brain is hard to fathom, but he reasoned that the increased gravitational stress caused by the current Grand Alignment of the planets was creating a supercharged piezoelectric field crossing the road. The frequencies generated by such a field could easily cause a driver to become disoriented or momentarily go unconscious. Half a mile from the location where all the wrecks occurred, he dowsed out an unusually strong energy zone cutting across the road. Slim blocked the wall of energy by burying two L-rods over it a few feet from the pavement and he left them there. No more accidents occurred that day, or the next, and for the next year there was not even one accident. Using L-rods to detect and block negative frequencies became one of Slim’s most valuable techniques, and it now forms the basis of much of what he teaches people to do in his workshops. In the early sixties Slim began reading the collected works of Wilhelm Reich. Reich’s work posed a lot of conflict for him, because his formal training in the academic sciences had programmed him to see things a certain way, and this new information was pretty far out. All the same, Reich had a solid scientific background in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Further, he was a bona fide physician, and therefore more credible. Reich’s “Cloud Buster” was reputed to alter weather conditions, bring rain, and improve the environment. This information was what got Slim into playing around with the weather. At that time air pollution was becoming a really hot topic, and the famous “Brown Cloud” in Denver was already a big issue. Slim built himself a Cloud Buster and quickly found that it did everything Reich claimed it could do. The fieldwork he did with ❍ 31 ❍
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this unit supplied Slim with experiential data that he was able to put to use in the development of the environmental clearing tools that have become his trademark. He remembers when he was a kid, his mother often said, “Everyone talks about the weather but nobody can do anything about it.” Slim would look at her and say, “Why not?” In answer to all the ethical questions Slim posed, Margaret would respond by telling him matter-of-factly that, “Fifty million Frenchmen can’t be wrong. Every one knows this is true; it’s just the way things are.” Years later Slim has proven to more than a few people that “fifty million Frenchmen” can indeed be wrong, and that assuming anything is “just the way it is” can deny an infinite number of possibilities. Something can be done about the weather, the environment, and the level of harmony in the world. This is what his tools are about.
He does not flaunt it, and meeting him for the first time one may not pick up on it immediately, but Slim is a shaman. The shamanic abilities he has developed over the years grew naturally from his Druidic/Celtic genetics and as a result of everything with which he has been involved. All his accumulated experience reached a critical mass, so to speak, and out of that he began to notice that he could move energy through his hands without even having to think about it. Anyone who has done a workshop or spent any amount of time with Slim has witnessed what he can do with his hands. We live in a culture that sadly places too high a value on academic knowledge or book learning, when the truth is that experience is the best teacher. The shamanic secrets of the ancients are not learned from reading books. Even though shamanism has gotten to be sort of a trendy, New-Age thing, shamanic gifts evolve and are transmuted inside people through their experience of themselves. At the same time, shamanic gifts are not the private property of a chosen few, and to think that weird, wild, and wonderful forces ❍ 32 ❍
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can be accessed only by select individuals is a misconception. According to Slim, everyone has these abilities: it is simply a matter of tuning in to them. The sum total of Slim’s early background, his surety about his purpose here, all his deep research, his experiential understanding of alchemy and the unified field, along with his emotional sensitivity and his connection to nature, converged into a gestalt that made the whole man much greater than the sum of his parts. Slim’s conscious awareness of his shamanic abilities began growing only toward the end of his blacksmithing years. He knew that something had definitely shifted, because his hands were tingling, the “force” was flowing through him, and whatever he needed always seemed to be right there. In whatever situation he found himself, the resources and the solutions to solve or resolve it were right smack in front of him. This heightened awareness of his innate powers didn’t make Slim immune to the vicissitudes of providence, however. When the Army Corps of Engineers took over his property in order to build a flood control dam two miles south of Slim’s homestead, he was forced against his will to give up blacksmithing. However, the five-year legal battle with that organization endowed him with some modest legal skills and a tremendous insight into the workings of bureaucracies. Only in the last year of this property dispute did Slim require the services of an attorney. Although the final court decision was not in Slim’s favor, his lawyer praised him by saying, “I don’t know why you hired me. You have just fought the longest, most successful legal action against the Corps by any individual, group, or corporation in history! You also got the greatest respect from Judge Winner. He told me in private how much he admired, ‘that tough, sonovabitch old hillbilly.’” Slim paid his legal expenses in gold coin and used the proceeds from the condemnation to start his own logging operation. By 1980 he was supplying timber to a local sawmill and working with heavy equipment. Slim is a working-class hero, and that element of his ❍ 33 ❍
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nature contributes as much to his understanding of life as anything else. He is no virgin when it comes to barrooms and fist fights and women. To call him a “colorful” character would be putting it mildly, and he frequently says, “If this old saddle could talk, I’d have been hung years ago.”
After being ripped off by a man who agreed to buy his timber, Slim quit logging and headed up to Livermore, Colorado, to work on a ranch. In addition to performing his duties as a ranch hand, Slim helped his boss out by “managing” the weather. He got to be adept at averting storms, making rain when they needed it and creating dry spells when it came time to hay. Slim did some of his best shamanic work at the ranch with the gophers that wreaked havoc in the fields, digging their burrows where it did more harm than good. In the fall Slim “requested” that the little critters leave the hay fields and move on out to the dry lands where their services would be more appropriate. The gophers listened to him. By the following spring there were new gopher mounds in the dry grass part of the ranch, and not one to be found in the hay fields. Later that summer, when the ranch owner scoffed at the story and began giving Slim a hard time, Slim said, “Well then, you can just have your damn gophers back!” Evidently the gophers took the hint. Soon after these words were spoken, they moved a mile south to the ranch headquarters, punched holes in the irrigation ditches above it, and flooded the compound. (The moral here is, don’t mess with a shaman. His buddies might take offense.) During his stint as a ranch hand, Slim befriended an old Native American woman named Rachel Ashley. Rachel was raised on the Crow Creek agency of the Lower Brule Reservation. She taught Slim all about the antibiotic properties of the puffball mushroom and its effectiveness against infection, particularly the anaerobic bacteria associated with gangrene and blood poisoning. During the latest anthrax scare, Slim coupled this knowledge ❍ 34 ❍
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of the antibiotic effects of puffball powder with his knowledge of frequencies. He considers puffball powder to be an antidote to anthrax. Since everything has its own vibration and anything can be transmitted over a distance using quantum technology, it is suggested that a puffball placed inside one of Slim’s Harmonizers will broadcast that frequency homeopathically over a wide area and neutralize the effects of anthrax. Slim’s days in Livermore were numbered by the fact that his boss could not pay a steady wage. Not being one to hang around, and tired of working for nothing, Slim left the ranch in the early eighties and moved down to Denver. This was a big change for Slim because he had always been a country boy and not the least bit citified. He adapted to things by continuing to focus on his work, his studies, his research, and the honing of his shamanic abilities. By this time metaphysics and fringe science had attracted more serious attention, and Slim had the opportunity to hook up with groups and meet others who were involved in these things. He supported himself as a handyman, sort of an all-around fix-it guy, yard man, and remodeler. The handyman thing got extremely busy, and Slim had so much going on he decided to bring in his old friend, Bill Reid, to help handle the workload. A geologist, metallurgist, and mining engineer, Bill graduated from the Colorado School of Mines. He had his own preciousmetal refining business, but the mining scene was not exactly booming in the mid-eighties. The environmentalists had everyone under their thumb and things were so heavily regulated that Bill had been out of work for a couple of years. Partnering up with Slim must have been a godsend. The two men masqueraded as yard technicians/fix-it men during the day. Little did their customers know that these guys were really alchemists who spent their free time doing research into what would be the basis for the Light-Life™ Technology and the planetary and environmental clearing work that has evolved since then.
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Bill Reid is a key player in this whole story. He is a remarkable scientist with a photographic memory. He is fascinated by all things scientific and equally curious about anything that science cannot explain. Even with a strictly scientific background and a formal education in that area, Bill has always been an avid reader and student of alchemy and paraphysical phenomena. In his experience as a professional engineer and metallurgist, he has witnessed many events in the laboratory that could not be explained with the formulas and equations of chemistry. To Bill the world is not all Newtonian physics, and he has definitely watched too many “white crows” fly by to persist in the belief that all crows are black. He knows from experience that not all chemical reactions under the same conditions will yield the same results, and that the causes of the anomalies do not “fit” the scientific rigor. Bill Reid happens to be one of the few people on the planet who has earned the right to the title of alchemist. Most scientists are quick to dismiss alchemy as nothing more than superstition. What is harder for them to dismiss is the fact that Isaac Newton was an alchemist. There is nothing the least bit “woo-woo” about Bill Reid’s alchemical research. His ability to permanently bond twenty-four-carat gold, silver and other metals to silk made him the first in history ever to achieve this level of the art. His gold-silk cloth is a wonder to behold and equally marvelous to touch and wear. Slim feels really blessed to have known and worked with Bill. The Light-Life™ Technology would not be what it is without Bill’s influence. During the early months of 1985, when Slim and Bill teamed up, they shared many facets of their accumulated experience from their professional discoveries and their own personal researches into those unusual phenomena still defying explanation. They exchanged information about plants and herbal medicine and were able to relate the presence of certain plants to specific sites, finding that the herbs and weeds needed to heal the maladies in a home or particular area could usually be found growing right there on the location. ❍ 36 ❍
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It may well be that Bill Reid is the man we need to thank for reminding Slim that while formal science has its drawbacks, it does have a place in the scheme of things. Out of these informational exchanges with his friend, Slim regained an interest in the science he had renounced with such vehemence years before. Now he could see that the true science had to be an all-encompassing study of nature coupled with the free exercise of intuition to solve unanswerable questions.
While initially their fix-it business involved simple repairs, what grew out of it became something else entirely. One aspect of their new direction came into being on the day Slim got a call from a lady who needed work done on her home. When they arrived at her place, she greeted them complaining of excruciating migraine pain. Being nice guys, they asked her how long she had been suffering, and she told them the headaches had started three years ago, the day she moved into the house, and that they had continued nonstop ever since. She had been forced to quit her job and had spent over $40,000 searching high and low for a cure without any success or relief. Slim and Bill tried a couple of odd remedies. They grounded the metal rain gutters and made some adjustments on the natural gas furnace, which was leaking carbon monoxide. This gave the poor woman a little bit of comfort, but her headaches didn’t go away. One Wednesday, after reading up on dowsing and noxious energy removal, Slim and Bill were on their way to another job in the same neighborhood, and on the spur of the moment they decided to stop at the “Migraine Lady’s” house to dowse and clear any negative frequencies they could find. She was not at home that day, but they went about their business using a technique described by Howell in his book, Dowsing For Everyone. It took about an hour to clear the place. The following Friday Slim called the woman to check up on ❍ 37 ❍
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her, and she told him she had been free of pain since Wednesday night. Slim then told her what he and Bill had done, and with a shriek of excitement she exclaimed, “I wondered what happened! When I came home from shopping that afternoon my kitchen was clear as a crystal. I haven’t had a bit of pain since that evening. Whatever you did, I can’t thank you enough!” Slim touched base with this woman by phone and in person for the next three years. Her headaches were gone for good, her health improved, and she was able to return to her high-pressure, high-paying job as an advertising executive. The experience with the Migraine Lady was the start of something big. While Slim and Bill continued masquerading as handymen, their reputation as Noxious Energy Removal Specialists grew and kept them just as busy as their repair work. As their expertise sharpened, their clients, many of whom had spent a small fortune on different forms of therapy for a variety of medically diagnosed conditions, reported a complete absence of symptoms, more energy, better sleep, and a steep reduction in pain. What a variety of cases these dowsers treated! Failing school children suddenly rose to the top of the class. Sickly and dying plants put forth luscious new growth. Nervous, ill-tempered dogs became loving and friendly, and couples that were in the habit of fighting could no longer find any reason to argue! No matter what the problem was, their methods created a general increase in the level of environmental harmony across the board. Because good news travels fast, soon Slim and Bill were getting calls to do nothing but what is now known as Geopathic Stress Removal. Eventually they became famous. The demand for their services as Noxious Energy Removal Specialists got to the point where they could not keep up with it, so they began setting up workshops and seminars to teach groups of people how to detect and clear geopathic stress. Slim and Bill dissolved their partnership in 1998 and now teach independently. Slim continues to hold geobiology workshops on a regular basis all over the world.
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The two fix-it men were busy enough with the environmental clearing work, but daily brainstorms brought much of their attention to Reich’s work and the Cloud Buster technology. They also used their own experimental electronic devices to precipitate precious metals from Denver tap water. Between 1985 and 1998 their research went all over the map and right over the edge into the nether regions of science. For part of that period they got involved in the mining business and the metallurgical recovery business. Enter Chuck Arnold, genius, inventor, and expert in all things metallurgical. The three men occupied their free time investigating some of the bizarre “fringe science” phenomena discussed in the various books they had accumulated. They did their research in a makeshift laboratory they had set up in Golden, Colorado In the middle of 1985 they got into experimenting with what is known as a caduceus-wound coil, a device that had been crudely outlined in Joseph Cater’s book, The Awesome Life Force. Later they found that the original research on the caduceus winding was done by a Canadian radio-engineer named Wilbert Smith. Few references in the literature can be found regarding this instrument, but the fact that they zeroed in on it is worthy of note: the caduceus winding became the basis for the Light-Life™ Technology. A caduceus coil is basically a ferrite rod wound with an electric cord and supplied with current. There is not a whole lot to it. These three men conducted all kinds of experiments using the coil with the assistance of Slim’s partner at the time, Dianne. Dianne is a gifted clairvoyant, and she was able to see the energies coming out of the coil. She could also predict the effects the beam would have. A caduceus coil nullifies the local magnetic field and converts the electron flow to Ether flow. In plain English, this means that there is no resistance to the force of current flowing through the rod, and it appears that this lack of resistance converts the electron flow to Ether flow, loosening the binding forces in the atomic structure of whatever lies within the coil’s beam. ❍ 39 ❍
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Entrenched scientists are quick to question the use of the word Ether. Most of them firmly believe that the Ether simply does not exist and that its existence has been formally disproven. Even Albert Einstein negated the existence of the Ether, and this early standpoint, along with the Michelson-Morley experiments, convinced most people that the Ether is an erroneous concept. What many people are not aware of, however, is that Einstein recanted his original statements regarding the Ether at a later date. In a major paper delivered at a German university, Albert Einstein stood up and publicly defended the Ether concept. These statements never made it into the scientific journals and have been officially suppressed or ignored. This recantation is documented in the contents of a radio interview that took place after Einstein’s death with one of his close associates. The following quote from Einstein may be sufficient to make his stand on the Ether concept more than clear. More careful reflection teaches us however that the special theory of relativity does not compel us to deny Ether. We may assume the existence of an Ether: only we must give up ascribing a definite state of motion to it, i.e. we must by abstraction take from it the last mechanical characteristic which Lorentz had still left it . . . [There] is still a weighty argument to be advanced in favor of the Ether hypothesis. To deny Ether is ultimately to assume that empty space has no physical qualities whatsoever. The fundamental facts of mechanics do not harmonize with this view . . . According to the general theory of relativity, space without Ether is unthinkable; for in such space there would not only be no propagation of light, but also no possibility of existence for standards of space and time nor any space-time intervals in the physical sense. —Albert Einstein (from Dale Pond’s booklet, The Divine Triplet, page 19)
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To improve the caduceus rod, Slim added a junk radio chassis so that the frequencies generated could be “tuned” with no heat and a minimal expenditure of energy. It didn’t take long for the coil to demonstrate that it could reduce heat, dispel electro-smog, and eliminate the effects of air pollution, functioning in a similar manner to Reich’s Cloud Buster. Wondering what would happen if they subjected Denver’s Brown Cloud to the effects of this contraption, they soon discovered that the chemicals in this “pollution playground” were no match for the caduceus rod. With further experimentation, they also found out that the caduceus beam precipitated heavy metals and produced a potable, “potentized” water that had a phenomenal effect in removing toxins from the body. After the metals and minerals were filtered out, Slim began to drink a small amount daily, increasing the amount slowly. He found that the water gave him additional energy, a diminished need for food and rest, and an increased endurance level. News got around and pretty soon everyone who drank this “miracle water” was reporting similar effects. But beyond the improved sense of well-being, some of them were noticing that their disease symptoms were disappearing. When they ran the caduceus beam through a dozen jars of tap water placed in a row, all the water was potentized, and there was an equal amount of precipitate in each jar. When they discovered that the beam could penetrate a concrete wall and still have the same effect on the water, it became a whole new ball game. Nothing seemed to block the energy this device was producing. At the time, they didn’t know what it was about the beam that altered the atomic structure of what stood in the range of the beam. All they could really say was that it generated an increase in energy and created positive effects. Whatever the beam did to the water was making people feel better and return to health, so they knew that they were onto something. These experiments were conducted daily for about six months. (A full description and all the details surrounding Slim’s early research and discoveries will be covered in a separate chapter.) ❍ 41 ❍
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At this point it required twelve hours for the pencil-thin caduceus beam to potentize a gallon of water. The demand for this elixir was so high that they had to figure out how to make more of it, faster. Necessity is the mother of invention, and it became obvious that they needed to create a beam with a larger cross-section. And so, out of this, the first Light-Life™ Ring was born.
The original ring was made out of a length of half-inch copper cable joined together with a standard electrical clamp—but there was a problem with it. Given that anything with two ends or two sides exhibits polarity, this early prototype on one side created a field that produced positive effects, and the other side produced effects that were more like a “death ray.” Before they could use it for anything, they had to dowse to make sure the positive side was facing whatever they were trying to energize or heal. No one wanted to be responsible for an invention that had any potential for producing negative effects, and as wonderful as this discovery was, it needed to be fine-tuned. One day it dawned on Slim that if he twisted the wire in a particular way, it would conform to the theory behind the caduceus winding and yield a device that would generate a positive field of energy on both sides of the ring. Astoundingly, this new version functioned as a superconductor without needing to be connected to a power source. The Light-Life™ Ring as it exists now was discovered in 1991. Slim started cranking them out in the shop, fabricating each ring one at a time. He made them available to people who understood what they were and asked them to experiment and report back on the effects they observed. When the process of making one ring after another got monotonous, out of boredom he decided to see what else he could do with the same principles and the same lengths of copper wire. The Acu-Vac Coil, the Feedback Loop, and the Harmonizers were born out of his desire for variety and to see how far he could expand principles that appeared to have infinite potential. ❍ 42 ❍
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Research with the ring and other discoveries relating to the use of these tools and changing states of living organisms continues to this day. The Harmonizer technology which developed a few years after the ring discovery demonstrated the ability to change the state of the larger environment at a significant range, getting rid of air pollution and increasing the growth of plants and vegetation, even dramatically reducing the crime rate in the city of Denver. On April 2, 1997, the headline on the front page of the Rocky Mountain News read, “DENVER AIR COMES CLEAN—Area meets federal air pollution standards for the first winter since tests began.” The improvement in the air quality in Denver was officially attributed to limitations on wood burning and stricter autoemissions testing. If restrictions like these were all it took to clear the air, then pollution would not be a problem anywhere on the planet. What the reporters at the Rocky Mountain News did not know: Slim and Bill had been running a chorus of Harmonizers in strategic locations all around Denver since 1994, and the large-scale field effect created by these instruments had more to do with changing the air quality than anything else. That is another nice thing about Slim. He has never had a big urge to go around tooting his own horn. All his efforts get played out behind the scenes, at the grassroots level. He just goes about his business and gets the job done. By 1996 there was plenty of experiential proof that the LightLife™ Tools had phenomenal effects, both in the area of healing and in the area of environmental clearing. While each of them understood the quantum physics and the metaphysics behind this technology, they knew they needed an objective, hard scientific explanation for why the tools worked the way they did. In 1991 they were fortunate to be able to connect with Bob Dratch and draw on his knowledge and expertise to help them gather some scientific proof. Bob is a computer genius well-known for the groundbreaking work he has done with frequencies of all kinds. Slim and Bill were well aware that any frequency played ❍ 43 ❍
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through the Harmonizers would widen their field effect. Their early experiments with sound frequencies incorporated the work of Sherry Edwards, a pioneer in the realm of sound healing. Sherry’s information encouraged them to see how far these theories could be taken. It was no coincidence that Bob Dratch materialized when he did. Bob’s strong suit is his ability to harness frequencies, and his input expanded their understanding of things considerably. With Bob’s help Slim and Bill were able to verify scientifically that the light beam emanating from the Rings extended out approximately ten miles in both directions. They found that the Harmonizers had an even larger, toroidal field effect. This made it clear that the beneficial force inherent in the structure of Slim’s tools created positive effects over a distance.
Since water is essential to life, it was determined to use its frequency to broaden and amplify the energy field created by the Harmonizers. Bob used his Molecular Scanner to capture the frequency of the water molecule on tape, and they used that sound to enlarge the field effect created by the tools. The Environmental Clearing tapes and CDs that come with every Environmental and Agricultural Harmonizer are Bob Dratch’s brainchild and represent a significant contribution to this wonderful technology. They also worked with John Davis, a physicist in Boulder. John is a qualified scientist and electronics expert who had invented a computerized system that could find flaws in any object by identifying differences in light quality and shadow effects. At the time he met Slim and Bill, John had a contract with the military to use this device to detect structural failure in aircraft so that any dangerous structural problems could be aborted prior to takeoff. John had been using this system at the Rolf Institute in Boulder to detect differences in body structure before and after Rolfing sessions. Areas of pain or dislocation showed up as dark spots on the computer screen. ❍ 44 ❍
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Slim and Bill asked him to apply this instrument to a volunteer who was troubled with a lot of shoulder pain. While John did this, the two of them directed the beam from the caduceus coil toward the point of pain, and as they did so, the pain disappeared. Simultaneously, the area on the computer screen that had been in shadow brightened up and began to emit light. Slim sent a set of tools to Hans Becker and asked him to test them out in his electronics laboratory. Hans is an amazing genius who has done incredible work in a private laboratory for years. He is well known and respected in underground scientific circles. A week of experiments with the Light-Life™ Tools prompted Hans to call Slim and say, “This is the most amazing electrical circuit I have ever seen in my life!” Subsequent tests done by Hans over the years have proved that the rings are room-temperature superconductors, and that the energy they produce can be transmitted wirelessly over a distance. Hans also discovered that the natural resonant frequency of the ring is 144 megahertz. This number is a harmonic of light speed and of pure white light, according to the mathematics of harmonics developed by Bruce Cathie, a New Zealander who has written several books detailing his discoveries and calculations related to harmonics of the earth. This light appears to be both captured and broadcast by the tools. Boyd Bushman, a senior research scientist at Lockheed Martin with a lot of experience in physics and electronics and a hundred patents to his credit, got a set of Slim’s tools to play with, too. Boyd’s experiments conducted in an official laboratory confirmed everything that Hans had discovered in his private lab. The validation from reputable scientists of what Slim and his colleagues knew to be true about the tools was a real shot in the arm. The new issue was, how to get the technology out into the world? By nature, Slim is a very laid-back kind of guy and not into wheeling, dealing or promoting himself. The way things turned out, he did not have to promote anything, because Drunvalo ❍ 45 ❍
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Melchizedek came into the picture at that point. Drunvalo is widely known as the disseminator of the Flower of Life teachings. He is an amazing man and incredible teacher, and he has a deep inner commitment to creating peace and harmony here on Earth at many different levels. Since 1985 thousands of people all over the world have gained an interest in what this man has to say, and his credibility and integrity are impeccable. In 1997 Drunvalo was working directly with Bob Dratch, and through that connection, he became familiar with Slim and his research. Drunvalo began talking about Slim and the Light-Life™ Technology in all of his workshops, and he referred to Slim as “the man who had developed the technology to clear up 80 percent of the pollution on the planet.” The fact that this old hillbilly had figured out how to repair and heal the Great Mother hit home in a really big way for the people attending the workshops, and pretty soon everyone wanted to find out about and start using the tools. Word of mouth spread the news further, and at the present time there is a growing, grassroots group of people all over the planet who are using the Light-Life™ Tools and directly experiencing the capabilities of this superlative technology. It’s amusing that Drunvalo Melchizedek turned Slim Spurling into a superstar, because if anything, Slim is about as regular as a human being can get. The limelight is now Slim’s cross to bear and he wears it very well. Thanks to Drunvalo’s handling of the PR end of things, the Light-Life™ Tools are out in the world, and we have a chance to solve our Earth’s serious problems.
Slim’s habit of doing everything the old-fashioned way has been a hard one to break. As much as his mind may be way out on the cutting edge of everything, the human part of him is so fundamental and basic that he is a paradox. The increasing demand for the tools and a heavier workshop load made it impossible for him to approach his work in the same old way. Picture a musician who is used to performing in honky-tonk bars suddenly being asked to ❍ 46 ❍
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play at Madison Square Garden. Making rings one at a time was not even coming close to getting the job done anymore. Slim had to pump up the volume and change his act a little bit, but he was clueless about what that even meant. Around the time he connected with Drunvalo, Slim was “between wives” and doing geobiology workshops all over the place. At a workshop in Munich he met and fell in love with Katharina Kaffl, and the two of them were married in 2001. If it is true that Slim Spurling’s life has been guided by the larger forces that weave themselves out on the world stage, whoever sent Katharina to him was all-seeing enough to bless her with a long list of abilities that Slim does not have. The creative genius who had figured out how to transmute darkness into light and transform everything here for the better was too busy being incredible to know how to ground the vision: Slim needed someone to help him bring it down to earth. It is common knowledge that, “Behind every great man, there’s a woman.” Katharina’s ability to tackle anything, combined with her devotion to her husband and their shared dream of a clean planet, supplied the structure he was missing. Since her arrival, the grassroots movement that began in the early nineties has expanded, and the LightLife™ Technology is now being put to use by people all over the world.
Slim Spurling never knew for sure what the Master Plan was, because pioneers do not have maps—they are led by something else. People whose purpose involves carving new paradigms go into the unknown fueled with faith and the desire to install better and greater possibilities. Only Slim’s guides were privy to the bigger picture, and all they could do was whisper in his ear every now and then to nudge him in the right direction. It is a good thing for all of us that he listens so well. When one is guided by what is inside, life comes together in much the same way that a photograph develops. Pieces of the ❍ 47 ❍
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picture take shape a little at a time and eventually the whole image emerges. Slim’s work and his awareness of his own purpose have evolved gradually and grown naturally, the way anything that is truly alive comes into being. The amazing technology he has created is the product of his Beingness. Slim’s research and his discoveries have flowed out of his life and his rare ability to just be who he is. What now manifests is the outward reflection of something that was forged deep within him long before anyone could see it. At this point, a much larger panorama has formed around him— one that Slim is just now beginning to see and fully appreciate. Many others who share the same vision have entered the picture, and the Lone Ranger is no longer alone. Larger influences that have been unfolding since the November 2003 Harmonic Concordance have made it clear that the Light-Life ™ Technology will play a major role in restoring the planet to its natural state of peace and harmony. If this sounds too good to be true, read on. The impossible dream is about to become real.
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EARLY DISCOVERIES I never came upon any of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking. —Albert Einstein
ong before any hard scientific tests were performed to measure the effects of the Light-Life™ Tools, there were a myriad of discoveries that were made as a matter of course during their development. These unofficial observations are just as significant and say as much about the tools and their effects as all of the official data that came later. What follows is a compilation of information that was gathered during the early years of research into the true nature of this technology. While none of it is necessarily hard scientific proof, real knowledge is not always acquired by confining oneself exclusively to what is written in books or what goes on in the laboratory. So much of what we learn about anything comes to us through fieldwork and hands-on experience. When that information gets added to what is scientifically provable, it widens our understanding ❍ 49 ❍
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significantly. Slim and Bill’s early discoveries were phenomenal, and there is enough substance to all of them to warrant including some of them here.
Early Discoveries Relating to the Caduceus Coil Slim and Bill built their first caduceus rod in about twenty minutes using an iron rod and a discarded lamp cord. They plugged it into a power source and began doing experiments on ordinary Denver tap water. Directing the caduceus beam through a jar of water overnight precipitated several milligrams of visible metals and minerals. These consisted mostly of quartz and feldspars with pannable metals trailing behind the lighter fractions. Isolating these precipitates they found gold, silver, copper, zinc, and enough mercury to make the water hazardous to anyone drinking it. To eliminate the possibility that the precipitates were coming from the pipes, they filtered the water through several coffee filters before treating it with the caduceus coil. Up to twelve jars of filtered tap water in a row could be treated by running the beam through all of them. Overnight, an equal amount of precipitate appeared in each jar. It appeared that the caduceus beam had the capacity to penetrate over a distance through glass and water. This experiment was repeated daily over a six-month period with consistent results. They later found that the force coming out of the rod could penetrate a concrete wall and still have the same effect on the water, producing the same amount of precipitate in each container.
Hodgkin’s Disease After Slim and Bill realized that water treated with the caduceus coil had healing properties, they knew that they had to create a beam with a larger cross-section. This realization led to the discovery of the first version of the Light-Life™ Ring. This one differed from later ones in that it had a positive and negative side to it: ❍ 50 ❍
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one side produced a positive and the other a negative effect. When they placed a gallon of water in the positive field of the ring, they found that the aura of the water expanded from about one inch, untreated, to about four feet when treated. This increase in energy occurred instantaneously, which meant that it no longer took twelve hours to produce potentized water. They did longterm experiments, drinking the water themselves and offering it to people who suffered from various ailments, from multiple sclerosis to Hodgkin’s disease. The Hodgkin’s disease patient was a powerful attorney who had plenty of insurance coverage and had undergone every possible medical test. When they heard that he was already scheduled for bone marrow surgery, Slim and Bill suggested that he try drinking the ring-treated water. After about six weeks on the water treatment the man underwent more tests and the doctors found nothing wrong. Since there was no way for them to account for this miracle, they explained it away by calling it a “misdiagnosis.” Their “misdiagnosis” had cost this man two rounds of chemotherapy and radiation treatments. He lost all of his hair, not to mention time at work, and was extremely debilitated. As he continued to drink the water, his condition improved, and he eventually cured himself of Hodgkin’s disease. This case introduced Slim and Bill to the real healing potential of water treated with the LightLife™ Ring.
The “Ammonia Event” The early prototype of the ring had either a positive or negative effect, depending on which side was facing up. A trained clairvoyant easily sees a golden glow or bright golden light emanating from the positive side of the ring. In their experiments Slim and Bill always carefully marked the positive side so as to eliminate any possibility of creating negative or destructive effects. During this period of time Slim and Bill had a number of largescale hazardous chemical reactions going on in the laboratory. Slim ❍ 51 ❍
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was inhaling toxic ammonium sulfide fumes daily, and his health began to decline. One day, in total disgust with all the poison he was inhaling, he laid a two-by-four over one of the 250-gallon tanks of ammonia solution and placed a ring on top of it with the positive side facing down. The ring remained on the tank overnight and Slim was amazed the next morning to find that there were no fumes emanating from the solution in the treated tank. The lab still smelled of ammonia gas because the second vat had not been treated, but there was no trace of odor coming from the tank with the ring on it. This was one of those “White Crows” that flies through a laboratory now and then to point the research and discovery process toward the truth. Excited by this anomaly Slim quickly called it to Bill and Chuck’s attention, but they were not the least bit impressed and chalked up the absence of fumes to evaporation. Angered at their indifference to what in his mind was a major discovery, Slim got up on the catwalk next to the untreated tank and, using only his hands and a lot of emotion, he “drove a bolt of his own energy into the tank.” Then he walked outside to calm down a bit. When he reentered the lab a few minutes later, lo and behold! There were absolutely no toxic fumes coming out of the second tank either. All of us have the capacity to output transmutational energy. We aren’t taught this in school, but it’s an aspect of our beingness that can be developed if there is a desire to do it. As Slim puts it, he is “fairly well trained” in the use of this energy and knows how to tap it whenever he needs it. And he is adept in its use for healing purposes or for making changes of state, whether of states of matter, or of physical, mental, or emotional states. The “Ammonia Event” proved to Slim that there is a definite connection between the normal human energy field, or the ability of the human animal to emit transmutational energy, and the energy field of the ring. That event demonstrated to him that the “Life Energy” in the ring is identical to the “Life Energy” inherent in the human energy field. ❍ 52 ❍
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The fact that the toxins in the tanks were eliminated both by the ring and through the use of his will acting through his own energy field made him realize that toxins can be neutralized by life energy. It’s such a simple concept. But all of the secrets of the universe are ultimately quite simple, when you get right down to it. What Slim learned that day in the lab was that the life force or the God force is the active component inside the tensor field of the ring. He also learned that this force can change anything for the better. Extending this realization to the Harmonizer technology that came a few years later, Slim and Bill found that they could create beneficial changes in the state of the environment at large over a significant range. The large-scale field effect of the Harmonizers amplified by frequencies was found to eliminate air pollution, reduce crime statistics, and increase the growth of plants and other living organisms. At the time none of them completely understood the Ammonia Event. It was definitely a discovery of some scientific significance, and only in retrospect has Slim been able to make certain statements about it. It marked the beginning of a research project that continues to this day. That research has been funded by the understanding that there is a direct correspondence between the presence or use of a ring or coil and improving conditions, or improving conditions in states of living organisms, whether they be plant or animal.
Positive and Negative Effects The original rings consisted of just a single piece of copper wire. A single-wire ring produces two fields of opposite polarities, one on either side of the plane of each ring. Slim and Bill were always careful to dowse each ring with a pendulum to determine which side was plus or minus. The positive side always produced a clockwise spin and the negative side would cause the pendulum to spin to the left, or counterclockwise. It is ❍ 53 ❍
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important here to understand that this particular idea of positive and negative is not related to electrical polarities. In this case the “positive” field of the ring produces “positive” effects and the “negative” field produces “negative” effects. To observe these effects they conducted some simple empirical tests. Slim inoculated ready-made petri dish cultures with samples of ordinary house dust. He placed one plate in the positive field of a ring for an hour, a second plate in the negative field for an hour, and used a third plate as a control. These were then incubated in a “hot box,” a homemade chamber for maintaining an even temperature. Overnight the culture that had been treated in the negative field of the ring was completely filled with a black fungus known as Mucor, along with three or four less aggressive species of fungus. The control dish showed a minor growth of an eighth to a quarter of an inch. The dish that had been placed in the positive field of the ring showed specimens that were quite distinct, which even after two weeks of culture, however, grew no larger than a small fingernail. It appeared that the growth rate of organisms like bacteria associated with ordinary decay was deterred or suppressed by the positive energy coming out of the positive side of the ring. And it was just as clear that the negative side of the ring caused the same organisms to grow with extraordinary vigor. They undertook another test using water. A Dixie cup full of water was set inside the positive field of a ring and a second sample was placed alongside it outside the ring a few feet away. Both samples were marked and placed in the freezer for as long as it took them to turn to ice. The sample treated in the ring didn’t freeze nearly as fast as the untreated sample, and it formed a different crystal pattern obvious to the eye in a semi-frozen state. The ring actually alters the physical state of water. An example of how the rings’ capacity to lower the freezing point of water was put to practical use involved a ranch-owner friend of Slim’s in Western Colorado, who called him one day to order up a batch of rings. He told Slim that there had been a cold snap, and ❍ 54 ❍
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his stock watering tanks were freezing up. Naturally, he wanted to keep them open for the animals. The rancher had found that in bitterly cold weather, up to eight inches of ice could form overnight in every tank, and he had to chop through this ice so the animals could drink. He wanted more rings because the only part of the water that did not freeze was a six-inch circle directly above a ring that had been left on the bottom of each tank. In this case the rings not only served the animals, they made life much easier for the rancher. In a subsequent test they experimented with water in a different way. Using two identical weights of water in laboratory glassware they treated the first sample with a ring for an hour and used sample number two as a control. Each sample was then placed on either side of a laboratory-grade balance scale. Over a twelve-hour period, the ring-treated sample weighed slightly less than the control sample. This gave them another form of comparison, and the experiment was repeated daily over a period of six months with only slight variations in results. Attempts to correlate this result with natural phenomena, such as the phase of the moon, produced no positive results. The experiment has been repeated in numerous locations around the globe, and the results are always the same. Experiments continued for up to six weeks while the treated water sample evaporated, and at a slower rate than the untreated sample. Nevertheless, it still weighed less than the untreated sample. In other words, the greater volume weighed less than the lesser volume! It’s a bit of a mystery, but the facts are there, and this phenomenon can be duplicated. The ring effect appears to physically alter the structure of water.
Heart Trouble, A Pinched Nerve, and A Spinal Realignment A mutual friend and research associate who had been injured in a swimming accident some fifteen years earlier suffered from inter❍ 55 ❍
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mittent heart problems that caused him to be hospitalized repeatedly. Doctors could not find anything wrong with his heart, however, and it appeared as if the real trouble was coming from a pinched nerve. Whenever this man moved the wrong way, the nerve would be pinched, setting off a heart-related aberration that would put him in the hospital. He also had difficulty moving his legs in the morning, because the pressure on the nerve would put his legs to sleep or paralyze them. Slim and Bill took to working on him with the early positive/ negative version of the ring. On one occasion, after receiving a couple of rings as test units, the man decided to once and for all rid himself of his heart problems. Inadvertently, he placed the negative side of the ring over his heart, and it immediately stopped. About the time he hit the floor he said, “Oops!” realizing what he’d done, and quickly turned over the ring. His heart started right up again. He decided to remain on the floor for a few minutes just to pull himself together and figure out what was going on. He slipped a few rings under his back along the length of the spine and continued to lie there for about forty-five minutes. At the end of this time, the entire spine went into a spontaneous realignment. He could hear the snapping and popping and crackling and reported this to Slim and Bill by telephone. From that time until he died of natural causes ten years later, the man was free of any heart problems. His complexion went from gray to pink, his circulation was fine, and he lived the last ten years of his life in perfect health.
Stormy Weather By this time Slim and Bill were getting pretty excited about the results they were seeing with the rings. One afternoon, after some thunderclaps and a bit of lightning, Slim saw that a little storm was about to blow through. Most country people know that a gray-green tinge in the ❍ 56 ❍
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clouds can mean a tornado, and this cloud cover looked heavy and gray-green. When the lightning began to pick up, Slim grabbed a ring and moved it along his view of the storm front, sweeping it back and forth with the beam of the ring pointing right into the path of the storm. In less than a minute, the lightning in the vicinity stopped. He got on the phone and called Bill, who lived about five miles away, and told him what had happened. Slim told him to take a ring and try the same thing down in his area. Fifteen minutes later, Bill called him back and reported that after sweeping the ring across the storm front, he had gotten exactly the same results.
Bob Dratch It was becoming clear that the ring’s energy beam, easily visible to clairvoyants, was effective over a distance. After successfully averting the storm, Slim and Bill knew that they needed to get a different kind of authoritative input on exactly what the rings were all about. They decided to contact and arrange a visit with Bob Dratch. Bob has done a tremendous amount of groundbreaking work and is well known for his research into frequencies of all kinds. He had a unique instrument of his own design known as a “Molecular Scanner.” Slim and Bill showed Bob a ring and a Harmonizer, and he took time out from his extremely full research schedule to make a couple of scans of both tools. These scans resulted in a spectrum analysis of their precise frequencies and beautiful graphic printouts that resemble mandalas or crystalline structures. Much credit goes to Bob for his contributions toward the understanding of these tools.
John Davis—Long Form Around the same time they were working with Bob, Bill was getting some Rolfing sessions at the Rolf Institute in Boulder, Colorado. He became acquainted with a young scientist by the name of ❍ 57 ❍
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John Davis, who was attending the Rolf Institute for treatment of injuries incurred from a hit-and-run accident. John is a qualified scientist, physicist, and electronics expert. He had invented a device that could photograph any object and locate flaws in it due to differences in light quality or shadow effects. At the time Slim met him, John had a contract with the United States military to use this system to detect structural failure in aircraft. While at the Rolf Institute, John used this invention to check differences in body structure before and after a Rolfing session. Images on a computer screen showed dark spots or shadows corresponding to areas of pain or dislocation in the human body. Absence of light indicated a flaw or a painful point. Along with the shadow image, John was able to determine a spectral analysis of the computer image, allowing him to precisely identify the portion of the spectrum containing the light that his machine registered. Slim and Bill asked John to apply this instrument to a person so that they could visibly test the effects of the caduceus-wound coil. A volunteer with a sore shoulder offered his services, and the computer image showed a dark shadow all around the painful area. The caduceus coil was directed at the man’s shoulder from a distance of thirty feet away, and the image on the screen immediately brightened. What had been a dark spot actually began to emit light. At the same moment, the volunteer reported that the pain in his shoulder was gone and that he felt completely normal. Next the experimenters prevailed upon John to help them do some tests on a couple of water samples, one treated with the ring and the second as a control. The untreated sample showed a lowlevel spectrum in the image on the screen. The treated sample showed an enormous spectrum of light, greater in quantitative output, showing not only the full, visible spectrum, but also infrared and ultraviolet light. Using a third jug of water and taking a sample of it first, they set the jug in a ring. John’s device showed that a change in the ❍ 58 ❍
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water occurred instantaneously. The moment it was placed in the positive field of the ring, it began to emit light. This really excited all of them, because it indicated that something about the ring caused the water to fluoresce. According to everything they could find in physics books, this effect is rather difficult to accomplish. Normally, huge amounts of energy are required to get water to fluoresce in any portion of the visible spectrum. The significance of this event is that a hard science test using an instrument compared precisely with observations made by several of their clairvoyant friends. This marked the beginning of the joining of hard science and metaphysics, the point where two seemingly opposite perspectives appeared to be in agreement regarding the ring and its effect on water. Bringing together the abilities of clairvoyantly gifted individuals with output from scientific instruments has become an integral part of Slim’s research. Over time he has observed, and is now quite clear about the fact, that physics and metaphysics are one and the same thing.
Two Pieces of Wire The unfortunate incident involving the man with the bad heart demonstrated to Slim and Bill that they were playing with fire. It was too dangerous to have a ring with two polarities that could be mistaken one for the other. Rethinking the whole problem of the ring, Slim went back to the workbench in the shop and thought out the whole concept of polarity. Since they had determined that positive effects accompanied a right-hand spin, Slim took a piece of wire and doubled it back on itself putting both positive and negative polarities at each end once it was cut. With the polarities running in opposite directions, the two wires were then twisted together to the right, bent into a ring, and soldered together. This made a somewhat heavier device, but testing with a pendulum revealed that it had a positive energy field on both sides. A clairvoyant confirmed this orientation. ❍ 59 ❍
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As far as Slim knows, it is not possible to test this electronically. It can be sensed by the extrasensory perception of a clairvoyant and felt by a person who is kinesthetic, but it has yet to be verified by a scientific instrument. Slim is comfortable with the clairvoyants’ conclusions, because they have compared favorably with the results from scientific instrumentation used in many other tests.
The Tensor As Slim and Bill continued to explore the properties of the ring using scientific methods, many more empirical trial and error experiments were done. One of the things they realized by now was that the open center of the ring, or the plane of the ring, contains what is known as a tensor field. Slim first ran across the concept of the tensor in Geometro-dynamics, by John Archibald Wheeler and published by the Italian Journal of Physics in 1957. Wheeler was a physicist at Princeton University who had worked with Einstein and trained many important theoretical physicists. In this book Wheeler described what a tensor would look like. A loop of wire, dipped into a soap solution, emerges with a film of soap across the empty space of the loop. According to Wheeler, this is the perfect illustration of a tensor. Complicated and complex mathematical equations proving the existence of this minimal surface accompanied the description. Slim does not completely understand the mathematics, but after years of experience with the tools and the ring in particular, he is confident that the tensor exists in the ring. It can be seen, it can be felt, and the results of the energy field projected from that surface form a cylindrical beam. The tensor appears to be the source of another kind of energy, one that as yet has no name. Whatever the source of this energy beam, it appears to create an effect over a distance. Technically speaking, the ring opening is a tensor. While the mathematical definitions of tensors are extremely complex, ❍ 60 ❍
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a tensor can be described as a distortion in a space/time/gravity grid resulting from the presence of a particular geometry or shape. One of the properties of a tensor field is that it transmits and transfers energy. In one of his experiments, Slim pointed a laser beam through the ring to see if this would in any way alter the appearance of the laser. Holding the ring in his fingers, pointing the laser beam through it, and looking at the spot on the far side of the room did not alter the beam or make any visible difference. If he tipped the plane of the ring or spoke while doing this exercise, he could not discern any change in the laser spot. After a few minutes, however, as Slim held the ring he could feel a distinct tingling sensation in his fingers. If he took the laser away, the tingling subsided in a minute or two. When he pointed the laser back into the ring, his fingers would begin tingling again. The empty space inside the ring conveyed the energy of the laser beam to the ring itself. The laser had not been directed at the circumference of the ring. It had been aimed only through the opening. This lateral transfer of energy became perceptible as a neurological response in the fingers. The tensor properties of the ring are extremely important and have a great deal to do with its effectiveness in changing conditions. The quality of the energy that is transferred is what is important, however, and that quality appears to be partially due to the precise measurements used in the ring construction.
Hans Becker Bill Ramsey, a gravity field researcher inspired by the original nonmainstream research of former General Electric engineer Greg Hodowanek, introduced Slim to Hans Becker in 1998. Bill is to be commended for his “matchmaking” abilities, because Slim and Hans have worked successfully together ever since. Hans Becker is a genius doing cutting-edge research in his own private, rather elaborate, electronics and radio laboratory. ❍ 61 ❍
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After they got acquainted, Slim sent Hans a set of the tools, a ring, a coil, a Feedback Loop, and a Harmonizer. He asked him to put them to the test in his lab. After a week or so Hans called Slim to say, “This is the most amazing electrical circuit I have ever seen in my life!” The output of the rings contained a broader spectrum of frequencies, from electromagnetic to scalar, than Hans had ever detected from a single source. In subsequent tests over intervening years, Hans has found that the rings are room-temperature superconductors. He has also been able to prove scientifically that the energy from the ring can be transmitted across a distance of ten to fifteen miles. The energy is not a radio transmission, for it does not show up on any of Hans’s radio frequency bands. It represents a kind of energy that is not yet measurable or detectable by ordinary scientific instruments. According to Hans, the natural resonant frequency of the ring is 144 megahertz, exactly matching the harmonic of the speed of light, according to the calculations of Bruce Cathie, a New Zealander who researches planetary frequencies. This relationship implies that the rings resonate with speed-of-light frequencies, increasing their positive effect.
Boyd Bushman Slim’s father introduced Slim to Boyd Bushman. Boyd was a senior research scientist at Lockheed Martin in Dallas with about a hundred patents to his credit and a considerable background in physics and electronics. Boyd had the run of a laboratory in Dallas and did pretty much as he pleased as far as research goes. Slim passed a set of rings along to him, and Boyd verified what Hans Becker had discovered in his laboratory. In a three-way conversation between Hans, Boyd, and Slim, Boyd confirmed Hans’s conclusions about the frequency range emanating from the tensor. Two independent laboratories, one official and the other private, now cross-confirmed the discoveries of the other regarding electrical, electronic, and energetic aspects of the ring. ❍ 62 ❍
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Biofeedback Another instrument that has been used to test the Light-Life Tools is the biofeedback machine. Slim was given a high-quality biofeedback machine by a woman who no longer needed it. In Bob Dratch’s laboratory, they made some minor repairs and decided to check it out with the tools. Slim hooked the electrodes from the machine up to his shoulder and his wrist. From a distance of four feet away Bob slowly approached him, holding a coil out toward Slim’s arm. When he got about two feet from Slim the buzzing signal of the meter on the machine began to indicate changes. The sensitivity indicator on a biofeedback machine has a separate knob, and as the knob is turned, the sensitivity level with which it senses and records resistance or galvanic skin response increases. If there is any resistance, the user hears hear a high-pitched sound. Through relaxation techniques or meditation, one can learn how to lower resistance, requiring a higher level of sensitivity on the part of the machine to maintain the needle in the zero position or to maintain an audio signal. As Bob got closer to Slim with the coil, the needle began to move off the dial and the sound signal was lost. Slim then began to turn the sensitivity settings to the highest levels. The closer Bob got to Slim’s arm with the coil, the more it became impossible to keep the machine in balance indicating any kind of resistance. By the time Bob was eight or nine inches away from Slim, there was absolutely no signal on the machine. It was almost as if Slim was a person with perfect conductivity. There was zero skin resistance. They repeated the same test several times in the course of the afternoon, and found not only that the effect of the coil reduced the galvanic skin response, but that this effect would persist for quite a period of time, with the skin resistance remaining low. The practice of biofeedback is a process of learning to relax, to keep the skin resistance low, and to reduce tension in the body. It is commonly used as a method to induce self-healing for certain ™
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conditions. Using the coil induces a relaxed condition and a high state of conductivity, rather than resistance, so that healing can occur.
Ultraviolet Using a state-of-the-art spectroscopic analysis system, Hans Becker determined that something about the ring caused water to emit ultraviolet radiation. Just placing a container of water in the center of a ring would, after only a short period of time, cause the water to emit light in the form of ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet frequencies are related to good health. The healthy body normally has mechanisms by which bio-photons of ultraviolet are produced. Consuming water that emits ultraviolet has a germicidal effect and inhibits the growth and life cycle of any diseaseproducing organisms that might be in the body. Inside the body, water enters the cellular and intercellular fluids and the bloodstream, providing a simple mechanism for the disruption of disease-producing organisms. If we keep in mind that the body is approximately 70 percent water, it is easy to take this concept one step further. When a human being or an animal steps into the center of a ring and the ring is passed up and down the length of the body, the water in the body is “charged,” the same way a jug of water is “charged,” due to the tensor properties of the ring. It seems reasonable to speculate that this would engender a spontaneous emission of ultraviolet within the bodily tissue and create a bacteriostatic or virustatic state without its even touching the body. What we have, then, is a noninvasive method for reducing bacterial or viral infections. The early experiments with the ring supported this conclusion when the positive field of the ring enhanced suppression of bacterial and fungal organisms in petri dishes. Slim and Bill were on the right track from the beginning, but the advance of the ring technology through the use of two wires produced a device with nothing but positive effects. The absence of ❍ 64 ❍
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negative energy combined with the effects of the 144 megahertz frequency seem to be the key components for beneficial treatment of water with the rings, whether in vivo or in vitro. These key components also give us a clue to the effectiveness of the ring in treating various conditions.
Coyote . . . Optics . . . Shoemaker-Levy Comet . . . Deep-Space Telescopes Another test done within a scientific format involved the critical observation powers of a trained specialist. There were no measuring instruments, double-blind tests, or electronics used in this particular instance, only the human eye. The eye is a precision instrument and as finely tuned as any mechanical or electronic device. To tell this story, we have to go back to Slim’s first meeting with Coyote, a master telescope-builder who grinds his own lenses and builds entire telescopes from scratch in his own workshop. His skill in this craft is renowned in certain circles. Coyote’s telescopes are constructed with only three pieces of glass in the optical system, instead of the customary five to nine. His approach takes the optics for deep-space telescopes to a simpler level by creating higher levels of precision and analysis in the mathematics and technical aspects of producing a scope. The Shoemaker-Levy comet crash into Jupiter brought Slim and Coyote together. This astronomical event had been so long predicted that they had plenty of time to arrange a meeting to observe the event together. Coyote provided an eight-inch reflector telescope of his own construction that he used regularly for deepspace work, and Slim provided a very heavy gauge wire coil. A week before the comet was to appear, Slim installed the coil around the barrel of the scope. The big telescope was mounted next to a four-inch spotting telescope that Coyote had also built. During the earlier viewing hours on the evening of this event, they had the opportunity to observe other celestial phenomena and to compare the two telescopes. ❍ 65 ❍
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Coyote happened to mention that the smaller, four-inch spotting scope normally showed a certain measurable amount of distortion. The larger, eight-inch reflector telescope with Slim’s coil on it contained Coyote’s finely tuned optical systems. Due to its larger magnification, however, it could happen that there would be eight to ten times more distortion in it than in the smaller one. On this night Coyote was surprised to find thirty two times LESS distortion in the larger, deep-space telescope than in the smaller, spotting scope. For Coyote, this was an eye-opener. Slim recalls watching him pace back and forth in the observatory. He says he could almost see the wheels turning in Coyote’s head as he considered what it might mean to design a telescope of superior quality, incorporating the rings in its construction. Unfortunately, due to circumstances, this never happened. On the same evening, Slim took a large ring and, without touching the eight-inch scope or the coil around it, they were able to pass the plane of the ring down the length of the big telescope. Coyote was looking through the eyepiece and could see that each time the tensor field of the ring passed a loop of the coil, the focus of the image in the scope would change. Since gravity bends light, it follows that the tensor field of the ring had some bearing and relationship to the gravity field. Somehow or other, and in combination with the effect of the big coil, what could be seen through the eyepiece of the telescope was that the ring actually changed the focal length of this device. There was more: in the dim light of the observatory, they could see a bluish light in the plane of the tensor that would flicker each time it passed a turn of the coil. This seemed to further prove the existence of the tensor. It also showed them that the tensor was able to affect not only the quality of materials at which it was aimed, but also the quality of light and the quality of materials over which it passed. To emit light from an empty space means that there must be a spider-web-like energy field, a thin, very tenuous geometric form ❍ 66 ❍
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in the plane of the ring. As this field of energy passed the loops in the coil, it stimulated the emission of a faint light. This bluishwhite light appeared brightly enough to see in the dim conditions of evening light on the outskirts of the city. Since that time, the same phenomenon has been replicated in darkened rooms and under many different conditions. Once the eyes get accustomed to the darkness, holding the ring at an angle to the viewer, the tensor can be readily seen by anyone with normal vision. Clairvoyant vision is unnecessary: any viewer with ordinary vision who looks closely can see it. At their first meeting, breakfast at the Stouffer Hotel at the old Denver Airport, Slim and Coyote observed the ability of the rings to change the refractive index of glass. Subsequent to this discovery, the technique was applied to a deep space telescope to observe the Shoemaker-Levy comet crash into Jupiter. The sun streaming through the dining room windows and its effect on the water glasses on the dining table gave them an opportunity to make yet another ring discovery. There were no instruments present. This discovery was made with the eyes and simple visual observation. Anyone who has had lunch with Slim knows that he always puts a ring around his water glass. The two of them could see how the prismatic effect of the sunlight coming through the glass and water painted a rainbow on the white tablecloth. Placing a second glass of water with no ring around it next to Slim’s glass, it was obvious that there was a distinct difference in the quality of the light it reflected on the cloth. The glass without a ring produced a rainbow that was fuzzy and dim. The glass with the ring around it created a prismatic effect that was sharp and clear without any distortion. This may seem like no big deal, but Slim sees and understands things on levels to which most of us are oblivious. He already knew that the energy field of the ring changed the structure and spectral output of water. The difference in the quality of reflected light on the white tablecloth showed him that the rings also have the capacity to alter the refractive index of water and glass. This may also ❍ 67 ❍
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apply to why the deep space telescope showed thirty-two times less distortion than the smaller scope.
Phillip Callahan, Pete Jackson, and Paramagnetism In 2001 Pete Jackson and Phil Callahan wanted to do some scientific tests with Slim’s rings. Pete Jackson does research into new technology for the Department of Defense and for industry as well. Phil Callahan is a well-known author of books on natural science. He writes about everything from the function of light, to the function of various natural chemicals or scent molecules from animals and plants, to paramagnetism in rocks and soils. Phil has researched these things officially as an entomologist with the Department of Agriculture and unofficially for his own interest. He has spoken at the Acres USA Conference for the past twenty years. His recent book on the topic of paramagnetism and how it affects the growth of plants and agricultural crops delves into the ways in which paramagnetic substances or materials contribute to an increase in health or to a recovery in health. Slim got together with Pete and Phil in December 2000 to discuss what the two of them had discovered about the rings. Their findings verified that the rings and the coils have a very high paramagnetic value. Paramagnetism can be measured by expensive meters found in the best-equipped laboratories. For reference, oxygen and certain granitic substances, like the pink Aswan granite that lines the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid, have a high paramagnetic value of 3000. Phil invented a special detector for agricultural purposes. While it is not as accurate as some of the higher-cost instruments, it does provide correct and easily obtainable results, especially for testing agricultural soils. Highly paramagnetic soils are the best growing soils, because they have high oxygen content and the capacity to contain sufficient quantities of water. Oxygen, having a paramagnetic value of 3000, by itself adds to ❍ 68 ❍
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the quality and fertility of a soil already high in paramagnetism. According to the work of Fritz-Albert Popp, given these conditions, the water in the soil emits light photons in the root zone, thereby contributing to reduction of the number of parasites in the soil that could adversely affect a plant. Pete and Phil rated the paramagnetism of the rings at 18,000! This is six times the greatest value of the highest naturally paramagnetic substances known. Given this information, it is easy to understand why a ring placed around a sick house plant would cause it to revive, become green, and its leaves fill with water. Another example is given below in an early field report from a student of Slim’s in Washington state.
The Resurrected Shamrock Slim’s student had a shamrock plant that was pretty much dead. There wasn’t a living shoot on it. For the sake of experiment, she watered the shamrock and placed a ring around it. Oddly enough, she positioned the ring at a forty-five degree angle, and perhaps this has some bearing on the result. Within twenty-four hours, she was able to report to Slim that the plant had produced four-inch shoots and was bright and green with a full crop of leaves. No one is claiming that the rings can resurrect the dead, but Slim’s files are filled with similar, equally amazing stories. One of Slim’s California students had placed a ring around a house plant to bring it back to life. The plant was perched on top of a dead palm tree log that served as a pedestal. Not only did the house plant flourish, the log sprouted leaves and put down roots! We’re talking about the resurrection of a dead stick of firewood here! Perhaps there was a living cell or spark in it somewhere, because it literally came back to life. These two interesting and worthy examples from Slim’s archive of anecdotal reports are documented with photographs, so he has no hesitation about presenting this information. While ❍ 69 ❍
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full laboratory studies to support the archive and to explore the paramagnetism of the ring are a dream that Slim might never be able to afford, many chemical, agricultural, and biological advances are potentially available to anyone willing and able to make the effort.
Although there are many more of Slim’s “early discoveries,” what’s recorded here illustrates the degree of pioneering and the kind of concern that has gone into the study of the Light-Life™ Tools. This research began with no clear sense of where it would lead. What guided these efforts had less to do with rational thought processes than it did with a willingness to remain open to all possibilities. Late nights in the lab watching white crows and following them takes courage. It is the spiritual warrior, not the scientist in Slim, who came upon this remarkable technology.
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DOWSING Dowsing is just a way to focus intent, which is basically what a prayer is. All I ever do is ask. I don’t really do anything myself. —Raymon Grace
ong before Slim’s inventions received wide acclaim, he was already nationally recognized as an expert dowser, especially for his ability to dowse and clear negative frequencies. While his attention has been drawn elsewhere over the years, Slim’s experience as a dowser is extensive. The knowledge he has accumulated and the techniques he developed along with all of the fieldwork he has accomplished are significant. While dowsing may appear to have little to do with his later inventions, the truth is that this background led him to them. Dowsing for and clearing geopathic stress familiarized him with the underlying physics and metaphysics of subtle energy phenomena. Working wit these forces gave him the opportunity to explore methods for clearing geopathic energies. His contribution in this field is as important as everything else he has don. To facilitate the reader’s understanding of everything that ❍ 71 ❍
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follows, a brief explanation of dowsing and geopathic stress is in order. he theory that we live in a unified field is well understood in metaphysical circles, and is now accepted as a reality in most scientific circles as well. In layman’s terms, “unified field” means that everything is part of and connected to everything else. Nothing is separate. When someone uses a pair of dowsing rods or a pendulum for purposes of obtaining information, the mind has formed a question or an intention. The thought waves generated by the intention are transmitted like electricity from the mind to the nerve endings in the hands and into whatever instrument is being used. The “frequency” of the thought then interacts with the energy field of the location, substance, or idea being dowsed. A response of some kind will be picked up from the unified field. Some people feel that the rods or the pendulum respond directly to the field itself, the qualitative nature of the response being reflected in the way the instrument moves. Others theorize that the human nervous system serves as a linear antenna, giving and receiving information from the field through the dowsing instrument. It then sends signals to the musculature to produce micromovements that provoke the specific movements of the instrument. As for geopathic stress, it occurs naturally all over the planet. The ancients and the indigenous people have always known about it for more than 5000 years. They were aware that the faults, fissures, underground streams and natural gases inside the earth created lines of stress and produced radiations that were deleterious. They understood how to detect negative frequencies and knew that it was best to avoid them. Nomadic tribes like Native Americans set up camps only in places free of noxious energies. And in the British Isles and Brittany, the many thousands of remaining standing stone circles and menhirs provide examples of ancient coordinated efforts to utilize beneficial energies. After the Second World War, Ernst Hartmann, a German ❍ 72 ❍
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medical doctor using modern methodology, rediscovered what the ancients had known. This rediscovery loaned credence to the notion of the reality of geopathic stress by scientifically proving its existence and giving it a name. Here’s the problem: it appears that naturally-occurring geopathic stress has increased 300 or 400 percent over the last hundred years. Stress conditions are found above underground moving streams of water, certain mineral deposits, faults, and rifts. These systems produce vertical walls or curtains of negative energy that can extend upward into the atmosphere about 30,000 feet, according to Slim. The unprecedented modern use and overuse of electricity has combined with these innate Earth frequencies to produce a grid that wraps around the planet like a web. These grid lines are called Hartmann lines after the good doctor and they are detrimental to living organisms. The “lines” are approximately nine inches wide, but their width increases to about thirty inches when the moon is full. From north to south they are about six feet apart and from east to west they are eight feet apart. Anything located on a Hartmann line or wall will experience an injurious affect. Wherever these lines intersect, “knots” are formed. If your bed, deskchair, office, work space, or any area where you spend a great deal of time is located on a Hartmann line or a point where two or more Hartmann lines intersect, it will affect the life force of whatever is in that space in a negative way. Slim feels that 90 percent of all illness is caused by these negative frequencies. In the cities of the world, where the use of electricity runs off the charts, geopathic stress is rampant and the crime rate soars. The further away you get from civilization, the less geopathic stress there is. For instance, Hartmann lines cannot be found in the densest part of the Amazon jungle. And while there are naturally-occurring forms of geopathic stress in remote areas, the absence of power lines, cell phone towers, electrical substations, telephone wires and the like make it impossible for Hartmann lines to form in those locations. ❍ 73 ❍
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Although there is some editing for continuity and clarity, almost everything in the remainder of this chapter has been downloaded word for word from Slim. The discussion is not in strictly linear format. Slim is fond of the “circular” route! But as his line of thought unfolds, things fall into place, making more and more sense.
Slim on Dowsing and Geopathic Stress Slim has been actively engaged in pursuing information about geopathic stress since 1985. From the time of his first success at locating stress to the present day, dowsing has been the most important aspect, the underlying influence in everything that he does. He feels that an understanding of dowsing will enhance the understanding of this presentation of his work. Dowsing is something that is easily learned. Anyone can do it. It’s been a common practice in many different cultures and it’s been used in older cultures as a scientific tool. Evidence for this fact in the Western world appears in the 1556 edition of De Re Metallica, written by the brilliant German, Georgius Agricola. It features illustrations showing men dowsing for minerals and mapping geopathic stress zones. Texts dating back 5000 years from China show how dowsing was used to map out “Dragon” and “Tiger” lines. To the Chinese, these lines were and are still considered to be powerful, therefore it was important to know the locations of the major lines. The absence of Dragon or Tiger lines signified a proper location for a building site. In our modern era the effect of these negative or deleterious energy lines is considerably aggravated by the presence of electromagnetic transmissions: radio frequencies and the especially deleterious 60- and 50-hertz electrical distribution systems used in America and Europe. Employing a dowser for locating water is commonplace in this country, and the art of dowsing has been considerably elevated in practice beyond the ordinary finding of water, oil, or minerals. Many ❍ 74 ❍
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professional medical doctors in Europe, the United States, Canada, and Mexico use dowsing as a diagnostic technique for assessing the state of health or illness of a client. By this means they can locate and identify specific nutritional, physiological, and emotional imbalances in the system. In the healing realm, dowsing has been used widely and successfully in two areas. It is often used to select a proper remedy by allowing the spin of a pendulum to determine which one corresponds to a particular ailment. Various devices are employed. Every dowser has a favorite technique that he or she will swear to be the only valid one. Scientific investigation of the accuracy of dowsing for healing has been conducted, and medical dowsing is commonplace in Europe and other cultures. The reader is referred particularly to the work of David V. Tansley, DC and the mid-twentieth-century work of the French radiesthesists. Dowsing is also used to locate and clear the destructive effects that geopathic stress appears to have on the human body. Slim’s experience shows a 95 to 98 percent correlation between geopathic stress and specific medical conditions, ranging from MS to cancer to mental and emotional disturbances. Backing him up with nearly identical data, to name just a few, are the German oncologist brothers, Drs. Hartmann; Dr. Blanche Mertz, in her book, Points of Cosmic Energy; Dr. Hans Nieper; and the work on illness related to stress imposed by electrical power grids documented by the Dulwich Health Society in England. Slim includes clairvoyant observation as part of the production process in the creation of the rings, coils, Feedback Loops and Harmonizers that constitute the Light-Life™ Tools. As far as clairvoyance goes, Slim says he’s not as gifted as some, rather just an experienced observer, although many would argue that statement. Determinations of the polarity of the wire are confirmed both with a pendulum and by clairvoyant observation. It is also true that even with normal vision, many can see the difference in the color of the aura at the end of a copper wire or a metal rod. ❍ 75 ❍
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The so-called South Pole or negative end of an object appears to emanate the color red, and it will cause a pendulum to spin counterclockwise. The North Pole, or the positive end, has a blue aura and gives a clockwise spin. This rule of thumb is useful to know and valuable when you want to make a quick evaluation of the polarity or properties of anything with a length, a thickness, or a width. It is an easy way to determine the polar qualities of a substance, the beneficial or detrimental biological qualities of a home or of a specific location, such as a geopathic zone. A pair of L-rods or a pendulum can be used to locate vortexes. The way the rods move or the spin direction of the pendulum in the area of a vortex will indicate whether it is a positive or a negative energy field. These are active responses and they can be related to the gravity field or the unified field. During dowsing the human aura interacts with the aura or gravity field of a geopathic zone or substance. The innate sensitivity of the dowser, backed by intention, “absorbs” the information about that location or substance according to whether it is emitting a positive or negative frequency. What is important about geopathic stress or vortex energies is their relative direction of spin, either to the right or to the left. A right-hand or clockwise spin indicates a positive zone (beneficial effect on a biological system) and a left-hand or counterclockwise spin indicates a negative zone (detrimental effect). The term “negative,” in this case, does not necessarily mean “detrimental”: a negative zone may support, for instance, important organisms that bring about essential decay and infection of organic matter, and without these processes, life on earth would be impossible. The actual presence of certain animals and plants indicates geopathic stress, and we can locate them by observing their growth habitats or noting the particular species occupying small vortex or energy zones. Often a plant remedy for a particular human ailment will be found growing near the home of an ill person. The specific herbal remedy for a particular malady will often thrive in the geopathic stress zone that causes the condition. ❍ 76 ❍
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In addition to these pinpointed energy phenomena, there are large areas, perhaps many square miles in dimension, that give an overall negative spin of the pendulum and where a predominance of one particular disease occurs. When passing through a neighborhood showing signs of geopathic stress, Slim made inquiries and often found that households in a given neighborhood had one or more members affected by a certain condition. Sometimes the condition would affect only the men in the neighborhood and sometimes only the women. This gender bias related directly to the positive (male) or negative (female) spin in the geopathic zone that was causing the condition, as well as to the overall frequency of the larger area in which these zones existed. It was mentioned earlier that Slim and Bill Reid pioneered a method for reducing or eliminating geopathic stress from households and from entire neighborhoods. The work for their clients succeeded so well that within a few years they developed quite a significant reputation fueled simply by word of mouth. Wherever they removed geopathic stress, their clients reported that their symptoms were relieved. Relief often occurred within hours, but required more time in cases where the individual had been exposed to these frequencies and geopathic elements for long periods of time. Both of them were able to make quite a good living, and after a few years the demand for their work got so high that they had to train other people to do the work. The amount of time required and the physical effort of going out to locate and neutralize geopathic stress on several homes a day got to be too much for them, so they turned to training several hundred people in Colorado in their method. Their reputation spread nationally and they started doing workshops around the country. Since then thousands of people around the world have been taught how to create simple, positive changes in the environment and in the health of the people who live in it. Slim asks his students to train others, and they in turn train more, so that the original effort has multiplied many times over. These people are engaged ❍ 77 ❍
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in dowsing for geopathic stress and have created a safe space for many thousands of people at this time. Slim recommends, prior to the introduction of medical intervention in any chronic disease, that geopathic stress be removed. Supporting this idea are Dr. Ernst Hartmann, identifier of Hartmann lines, and Dr. Hans Nieper, an oncologist in Germany. In his book, Revolution in Science, Medicine and Society, Doctor Nieper discusses his isolation of the causative factor in geopathic stress as a reverse spin or a confused area of stress in the gravity field. More recent information confirms that the gravity field is the controlling factor for geopathic stress.
The Clearing Technique Here’s what Slim has to say about how to use dowsing rods to clear geopathic stress and any other zone of negative energy. The first thing you want to zero in on is the Hartmann grid. It’s best if you knock it out right away. The Hartmann grid flows from south to north and from west to east and it’s laid out mostly, not in all cases but mostly, in a very regular matrix of about sixand-a-half-by-eight-foot rectangles. Its predictable nature makes it relatively easy to deal with. Sometimes blocking the Hartmann grid serves to eliminate other geopathic stress lines, so giving it priority saves you time and trouble. The simplest way to neutralize the effects of this grid system is by burying one of Slim’s three-and-a-half cubit Light-Life™ Rings directly under the nearest power-grid transformer box, if the unit happens to be mounted on a pole. If you live in a modern subdivision where surface mounted units are more common, all you have to do is lay a three-and-a-half cubit ring right on top of the transformer box. If you do not have rings to work with, you can use dowsing rods to locate these lines. The technique is easy to learn: all you have to do is say out loud, or to yourself, “I am looking for the Hartmann grid lines,” and slowly walk forward, holding a pair of ❍ 78 ❍
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L-rods, with that intention. Wherever they open, there is a line. (This is part of what Slim teaches his students to do in his workshops, and even if it is hard at first to trust the fact that you have the ability to dowse, eventually everyone gets the hang of it.) The next energy zones to identify are the geopathic zones. These are created by cracks, fissures, water veins, sewer lines, buried electrical wires or any number of different influences. Geopathic zones can run through a location from any angle and they can come from any direction. Sometimes they are fairly regular in their placement and sometimes they are not; their location is not predictable. To locate them take a pair of L-rods in hand and hold the thought that you are looking for geopathic stress lines coming in from the north, south, east, or west and walk forward with that intention. When the rods open mark the spot. Using a single rod, simply ask, “Which direction is the line flowing? Is it flowing from this direction or to this direction?” The single rod will move and, responding to the request, point in the direction the line is coming from, or flowing to. Once you determine the direction of flow, you can block the line where it enters the property using two L-rods. To block the geopathic stress lines, bury the rods in the ground, inserting the long ends perpendicular to the line. The short ends get pushed into the soil, and this forms a “staple” over the energy zone. At the point where the line is blocked, the negative frequencies are diverted up and over the location you’re working on. If you live in an apartment or a condo and you have no access to the ground, it is easy to clear the space. Use the same dowsing procedures, but instead of burying the rods in the ground, place a single straight rod against the wall or baseboard wherever the negative frequencies enter the room, and tape them in place. Doing geopathic work for only two or three homes in a neighborhood uplifts the entire neighborhood. The specific home or family really receives the positive effects and changes, but it seems like what benefits one benefits everyone, when it comes to environmental clearing and geopathic stress work. ❍ 79 ❍
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Slim’s workshops explore these geopathic techniques in great detail. Every time he teaches a group what he knows, the concept of thinking globally and acting locally really gets put into practice. The more people out there doing this important work, the better everything gets, and the idea of bringing peace and harmony into the world graduates from being an idealistic pipe dream. Anyone with a pendulum or a pair of rods can participate in this reality.
More on the Clearing Technique Slim’s first successful experience using this type of clearing technique occurred in 1979, when he blocked out the negative frequencies causing traffic accidents on the county road near his home. Two L-rods, buried in the ground perpendicular to the flow line of the hazardous energy, protected vehicles and drivers on this section of the road. The technique was further explored and developed while Slim and Bill Reid transformed geopathic stress in the Denver area. The more they put it to use, the more they learned about it, and the more confident they became. Such a simple yet powerful method can improve the quality of life in people’s homes and communities. What do the rods actually do? The clairvoyants say that when the rods are driven into the ground across a geopathic zone, it is like placing a rock in a river. Picture a tall, narrow wall or curtain of subtle energy flowing in a certain direction. Wherever the rods are situated, this curtain of energy will be forced to go up and over an area for some distance. The high density of the metallic rods disperses the energy upwards. And in the same way that a rock in a river causes the water in the river to flow over it, the negative frequencies basically jump over the area being cleared and create a frequency-free zone about one hundred yards high and a couple of hundred yards long. Using this technique on all four sides of any building or dwelling diverts the negative energy that would normally cut through ❍ 80 ❍
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the space. It arcs up and literally creates a dome over the entire area. Whatever lies within the perimeter of the dome is then free of all negative energy. For many people who work on geopathic stress and do the field work, the flows and interruptions of these curtains of energy become apparent. All anyone needs to get started with this work is a desire to create positive changes and a lot of lightweight metal rods. Any type of metal material can be used. Some commercially-produced dowsing rods that are simple and easy to use and exactly the right length are made from gas welding rods. The rods sold in most hardware stores and plumbing supply houses are eighteen inches long. This length is perfect for blocking the fields, and the material easily bends into a nice dowsing rod. Alternatively, any old piece of wire, coat hangers, baling wire, barbed wire, or telephone wire all work fine. Slim has a preference for salvaged, solid copper, insulated wire. It can be found at any good salvage yard and is usually available for about two to seventyfive cents a pound. Ten gauge is best because it is stiff and easy to poke into the ground. Soil conditions in every location differ, and rocky soils may require a hammer, a three-pound sledgehammer and a piece of rebar. With these tools, rods can be placed in the ground no matter how loaded with rock the soil happens to be. Slim does not necessarily recommend waiting for negative conditions to surface or get out of control before doing geopathic stress work in your home, on your land, or at your workplace. Because subtle energies promote subtle effects for living organisms, environmental clearing work should be done routinely as a preventative measure. When conditions have reached the point where people must resort to hiring a dowser, it is usually the case that they can find no other solution to the problems they experience. Human nature often dictates that we have to be at the end of our rope before the possibility of “another way” to deal with things enters our minds. If the subtle energy factor were to be taken into ❍ 81 ❍
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account in adverse situations, many complications in our lives would be removed. There is nothing particularly farfetched about this concept. To the ancients and indigenous peoples, it was a regular and ordinary procedure. In addition to restoring harmony to people’s lives, Slim is reviving knowledge that never should have fallen by the wayside in the first place.
Dowsing Stories Slim has enough amazing dowsing stories to last for days. The anecdotes that follow have been chosen because they illustrate the wide range of conditions that can be impacted by geopathic stress. Each example addresses the effects of negative frequencies from a different angle and offers plenty of food for thought.
Denver 1985 Because dowsing can be used to render service to communities at large, what follows is a description of a specific case that inspires visions of what the world could be like if dowsing were practiced everywhere on the planet. Back in 1985, Slim and Bill Reid took on the city of Denver. It was their intention to locate the stress lines that were the root cause of the largest source of negative energy there. Over a period of one year, the two of them were able to block and clear all of the major geopathic stress lines in the Denver area and modify their effects on the community. Interestingly, the sources of these negative energies turned out to be ancient, buried faults in the earth, faults that were nowhere to be found on any of their geologic maps. Some of the newer geological instruments that measure telluric currents might have picked up on the frequencies generated by these faults, but the geologic maps to which they had access at the time showed no indication of their presence. ❍ 82 ❍
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With the aid of an excellent clairvoyant, Slim and Bill were able to locate six of these zones and determine their direction of flow. Standing in these rivers of energy and looking downstream, as it were, they could identify a point on the horizon or a landmark that could be used to identify the centerline of each zone. With this mapping it was possible to block or modify each line. It took a year to block them all. During the mid-eighties Denver was in a bit of a depression, due to the decline of the oil industry in the United States. Many of the oil-related businesses had simply folded, and the people who had formerly worked in them moved out to the country or found other employment. Similarly, the building trades were in a slump. Prices and wages were generally lower than they had been in fifteen years. In the weeks and months after they completed their task of geopathic stress removal, there was an immediate, noticeable upsurge of enthusiasm in business on all levels. Not surprisingly, perhaps, a decline in the suicide rate accompanied this rise. A couple of the zones Slim and Bill blocked were associated with power plants. Power plants have ground rods that go deep into the earth and into the faults, aggravating and amplifying the effects of the geopathic stress. These zones ran directly through the power station that supplies Denver International Airport and right through the DIA control tower. The rest of the zones came from the north, south, east, and west, and were not necessarily associated with major substations. As soon as these frequencies were blocked there was a huge surge in the energy level of the entire Denver community. From that time right up until the 9/11 event, Denver was a virtual boom town. Asked about his role, Slim quietly says, “Well, I think we may have had something to do with that.” A few of the blocking units they installed are still in place, and he predicts that their presence will probably allow the Denver area to recover from the post-9/11 slump more rapidly than other parts of the country where this kind of work has not been done. ❍ 83 ❍
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Neighbors and the Spooks That Come With Them A type of geopathic stress exists outside those forms of interference that create, physical-level disturbances in people’s lives. Toxic social and emotional interactions can give rise to a more esoteric type of geopathic stress, as the following story demonstrates. Slim got a call one day from a distraught young woman. She had heard about the work Slim had been doing in the Boulder area and felt she needed his help. This woman was an architect and a builder by trade. She was also an emotionally and spiritually sensitive individual. Her problem was complex. She had purchased a piece of property overlooking a canyon above Boulder. When she applied for a building permit, she found that several neighbors, whose homes were on a roadway higher in elevation above her building site, thought that her proposed house would interfere with their view, and consequently were extremely upset. It made no difference to them that she had a perfect right to own and build on the property. According to the law, the neighbors had a right to air their grievances before her permit could be approved. Before the final hearing for approval of the building permit, the woman asked Slim to visit the site. For the three previous hearings, all the neighbors had been present to express their opposition to her plans. When Slim arrived at the site, he walked over the building site and the woman pointed out the homes of her neighbors, nearly a half a mile away. It seemed strange to Slim that anyone living at that distance and elevation would have reason to think that a lowlying building a half a mile away would obstruct their view. In dowsing for the cause of the problem, the question he formulated in his mind was, “What’s interfering? What’s the interference?” This particular wording addressed the essence of the problem: these people were interfering with the woman’s intent, which was actually clean, free, and non-manipulative. Slim had seen the architectural drawings, and her house was of good design. She was not about to erect an eyesore. ❍ 84 ❍
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As he walked along the edge of the property, the dowsing rods opened and pointed directly at the various building structures surrounding her property. Picturing her building site as the hub of a wagon wheel, the interference lines came in like wheel spokes from the different homes along the road, halfway up the mountainside. Slim used his standard technique, placing L-rods in the ground like diverting antennae, and he left them there permanently. The job was finished in two hours, and after he collected his payment, he headed on home. The next morning the ecstatic woman phoned Slim to report that not a single neighbor had showed up at the hearing to object to the building permit! The interference had been blocked, and the permit was issued giving her the right to build. Even the county officials expressed amazement that none of the neighbors had appeared at the hearing, because they had been front and center with their grievances at every previous hearing. A few weeks later the woman called Slim again and said, “You know, I’m having a lot of problems with the people who own the property adjacent to mine. I have a right of way that doesn’t even touch their land, but the lady is violently opposed to my putting a roadway in here.” Slim asked her to give him a little history on the situation in order to get a better feeling for what the problem might be. She told him that the couple had recently purchased the property from the estate of a man who was known to have been a crusty old codger. He had passed away, and when he died he left this estate to his children. His kids had no interest in maintaining it, so they sold the house and the land to the couple presently giving Slim’s client so much grief. In hearing the story, Slim wondered if he could find one line that carried the idea of not yielding a right of way. While he was thinking, the woman filled him in on another important little tidbit. She told him that the old man had vowed that no one would ever cross his land, nor would he yield a right of way, except over ❍ 85 ❍
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his dead body! Well, the guy may have been as dead as a doornail, but the power of his words was still alive and kicking! As Slim proceeded to walk along the property boundary and question the rods regarding the neighbor’s interference with the woman’s right to build a roadway, he could only find one interference line that described the situation and the action that was happening. He blocked this line and went on home. The next morning he got another very excited call from his client. She said, “Guess what happened? My neighbor just called and asked if I would mind joining her and her husband for coffee this morning. She says she thinks we can settle this matter very easily. They’re willing to give me a right of way. All we have to do is sign the papers.” For three months, Slim’s client had been receiving violent, threatening, and obscene messages from these people, and following Slim’s correction, their attitude made a complete turnabout! Dowsing permitted location of an unseen but extremely powerful form of interference. As an aside, when Slim located this particular interference line, he got a mental impression of the old codger who had made the vow that no one would have a right of way except over his dead body. He was able to contact the spirit or essence of this man and kind of wake him up to say, “Hey guy, you’re dead! You don’t need to be interfering with this delightful young woman, so suppose you look around and see that you are dead and take off and get a new body! Take off on a new adventure. You have better things to do than hang around here.” This spirit or entity had attached itself to the people who had bought the property from his kids, and was literally speaking through the new owner’s wife. With Slim’s encouragement, the spirit realized he was free to move on, and didn’t have to use this woman as a microphone for issues with which his soul no longer needed to be concerned. Once it left her aura, she could speak with her own voice and her own intention, and it all turned out for the best. With the codger out of the way, they ironed out their differences and have been good neighbors ever since. ❍ 86 ❍
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Oftentimes when we find ourselves in situations similar to the one described above, the interference has little to do with what is apparent. Whenever things get stuck, it is always good to carefully formulate a statement of what the problem is, and then dowse to see from where the interference is coming. You may be surprised to find out what the invisible issues really are!
Same Client, Different Problem The same client called Slim again with an entirely different problem. She wanted to purchase a small, three-acre parcel of land. Each time she approached the owner with a generous offer, all she got was an abrupt refusal and no explanation why. The owner of the property was a woman living in Minneapolis, and even though she found herself in desperate financial straights, she was totally confused about what to do with this piece of real estate. She appeared to be surrounded by bad vibes, and was currently living in a basement apartment that had once been a morgue. One cannot say whether or not she was possessed by entities, but she was having a lot of physical and emotional problems that made it difficult for her to be clear about anything. Slim checked the parcel of land, and in the process of dowsing for geopathic stress, he found a couple of interference lines. When he drew a line on a map of the United States connecting the property in question and Minneapolis, he noticed that the dowsing rods had pointed directly toward Minneapolis, exactly in the direction of this line. It was as if there was a direct mental, emotional, and spiritual connection between the land and the disturbed woman who owned it. On that day he cleared the interference lines. The next day he got the news that she had finally accepted his client’s offer and was willing to sign over the title and sell this piece of land. The simple act of locating and blocking these energy zones, energy lines, or energy fields resolved an issue that had been affecting both parties. Whether the interference was Etheric or magnetic, or if there might have been a scientific explanation for it, is ❍ 87 ❍
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not of concern. Results are what matter in the long run. All Slim knows is that the technique he uses is effective and can be learned and practiced by anyone.
Dowsing for Dollars The client who kept coming back for more was married to a man who had a small business in Boulder. He had developed a highly technical method for altering the structure of various plastic materials to absorb vibration. He was selling this vibration-damping technology to different government agencies, the Army, the Air Force, and to industry as well, where vibration isolation is a key factor. Part of this man’s expertise with these things had to do with his ability to relax, think, and meditate. From this altered state he was able to come up with creative answers to the problems he was trying to solve. During the time Slim was helping the man’s wife with her property issues, she mentioned that her husband’s business was failing. She said that for some reason, he was not being as creative as he wanted and knew he could be, and the loss of creativity had caused his business to suffer. Certain contracts that had been confirmed were not coming in or had gotten lost in the bureaucratic shuffle in various government offices. So Slim was hired to locate and neutralize the interference lines around his business space with the hope that this would effect a change for the better. She mentioned that they had lost about $100,000 the previous year, but that there were pending contracts that added up to a total of six million dollars. When Slim arrived at the office, the first thing he noticed was that it adjoined a railroad track, a factor that might cause a problem. After he cleared all the interference lines he found, Slim and the couple watched and waited. Within two weeks everything started moving forward in a positive way. The man reported that he had suddenly and unexpectedly received a four-million-dollar contract. The contracting party ❍ 88 ❍
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explained, “You know, this contract has been lying on the bottom of a pile of papers for months and months, and just last Thursday [the day of the dowsing work], I was sorting through the mess on my desk and found it. We’re not only sending you validation on the contract, we’re also including another $100,000 for research and development.” Needless to say, Slim’s client was delighted. All of this so aroused Slim’s interest that he decided to track the case a little longer. When he phoned a week later to see how things were going, another contract for two million dollars had come in, along with an unexpected contract for an extra two million! In two weeks time this man received more than eight million dollars in contracts. He had so much work he sold part of the business and was able to take a vacation and really get down to the more important work of enjoying life! Another way to understand this kind of dowsing is that whatever we do, consciously or unconsciously, to interfere with our own success creates an energetic field that draws us to surroundings vibrating at a frequency matching the issue. Once those external influences are blocked, they no longer feed the brain waves or support the emotional constructs that are causing the problem.
Corporate Express In the late nineties Slim got a call from the president of Corporate Express, the second- or third-largest office supply company in the country. At the time, business was booming. Their stock value was high, and they were in the process of building a new world headquarters. The first phase of the dowsing work required Slim to clear the rented office and manufacturing space on the Inverness Business Campus just north of Denver. He began the job the way he always does, by interviewing some of the employees, the secretaries, the chief finance officer, and the operations chief. What he discovered was that the women in particular were being affected by whatever brand of geopathic stress was running ❍ 89 ❍
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through the place. Most of this was surfacing as migraine headaches and a lot of stress and tension. After he cleared everything, the migraines and the tension were gone, and business operations in general seemed to flow more smoothly. It happened that the president of this company was sort of a metaphysical chap, and he made a point to meditate every day at a certain spot on the campus. Slim discovered that the place he chose to meditate was dead center in the crossing of two geopathic zones. Evidently something shifted in this man’s consciousness or his higher power was freed up to give him the information he really sought, because once these negative frequencies were neutralized, he sold the company and retired! The Corporate Express world headquarters job was one of the most dramatic dowsing experiences Slim has ever had. It required so many rods in the ground and was such a big job, he had to hire two of his students to assist him. When the three of them arrived on the construction site just before the noon break, the noise level on the ground floor was unbearable. Saws were running, there was banging and hammering, diesel engines, air compressors, and cranes were running nonstop. It was awful. The noise was so irritating Slim could hardly hear himself think. During lunch break Slim had a chance to talk to the construction manager. He asked him specifically, “Is there anything negative that happens to you personally on this job site that you can describe for me? What can you tell me about this job that will help me in my analysis of the problem here?” The construction manager replied, “This job gives me the biggest headache I’ve ever had in my life.” This is a perfect example of how geopathic stress affects people. After questioning him further, it turned out that it was only on the job site that he had a headache. He didn’t have it prior to arrival at work, and an hour after he left the job site the headache was gone. So Slim and his two assistants proceeded to dowse out the property, placing rods in several acres of freshly moved and freshly turned dirt. They completed about two thirds of a circle around the site, ❍ 90 ❍
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somewhere between a quarter and a half a mile of linear length, and decided to take a meal break. On their way to the diner, they stopped at the construction office to talk to the supervisor, and they noticed that the noise level was reduced by at least 80 percent. The same motors were running, the same saws were going, the same hammers were banging—but the sound was not irritating. It lacked the rough edge that had been present earlier. When Slim asked the construction manager how his headache was doing, the man replied, “Gee, I didn’t really notice, but it’s gone!” Slim figured this man could serve as a “mine canary” and that his headaches were a barometer for the relative effectiveness of their dowsing work. Later in the afternoon, when they had completed the job, Slim checked with him again and found that he still had no headache. About once a week, Slim called in and asked him, “How’s your headache today?” If the man was pain-free, it meant that earthmoving equipment on the jobsite had not disturbed their work. If he reported he had a headache, Slim would go back, locate any lines that had been unblocked by the heavy equipment or as part of the construction process, and replace the rods in the ground. What is also worth mentioning here is that in the three or four months prior to Slim’s arrival on this construction site, there had been one fatal and two severe accidents among the crew. After the geopathic stress zones were removed, construction went forward ahead of schedule, there were no more accidents, and they had a really happy bunch of construction hands.
Another Business Story Slim has a hard time remembering exact dates, but somewhere around 1994, he got a call to do geopathic stress removal for a couple in the Denver area. It turned out that the husband was the one who was being most affected by negative frequencies, both at his home and at his business location. He was having indefinite, ❍ 91 ❍
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random symptoms that popped up every few days and took the form of allergic reactions and what could be described as “fuzzy thinking.” These problems vanished immediately after Slim did the clearing work on their home. This couple owned a large printing company located in a concrete slab warehouse with about 12,000 feet of floor space. The company had fifteen or twenty employees who were not functioning on the best of terms. The man confessed that too many hassles relating to personnel changes and a lot of bickering and infighting among the staff created enormous amounts of stress for him. Slim questioned his client on his income level, because it is often the case that geopathic stress restricts cash flow, especially in a business. The man responded quite proudly that they had brought in about $100,000 that year. The tone in his voice suggested that he was satisfied with that amount. After Slim does geopathic stress removal, he calls to follow up on people to see what improvements have occurred. When he called the man who owned the printing company he was told that business had suddenly picked up. And (you’re gonna love this) his landlord reduced his rent! How often does that happen? Then his landlord asked if he could invest in the business! Within a year, the printing company was operating in the twoand-a-half to three-million-dollar range. The rent was lower, his landlord remodeled the building, and the two of them entered into a partnership that proved to be beneficial.
Small-Town Politics Back in the summer of 2001, Slim did a geobiology workshop in a small New England town. The group met for three days in the back room of an old building that housed the town offices and the historical society. It was also the place where the town meetings were held and where the selectmen gathered to make important community decisions. ❍ 92 ❍
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The coordinator for this workshop contacted the liaison at the historical society, who happened to be on the town board. He was intrigued by the description she gave of Slim’s work and by the whole idea of subtle energy. During a phone conversation, he jokingly mentioned that he hoped that any clearing work the group would do on the historical society building would also raise the consciousness of the selectmen, because the local political atmosphere was heavily divided. Apparently, there was so much dissent in the town that nothing could be accomplished. Further, problems in the community were being aggravated by the influence of one specific individual, who for some strange reason happened to be in charge of everything. On day two of Slim’s workshop, all of the geopathic stress was removed from the historical society building. Three months later, after an earthquake rocked the area, a second geobiology workshop was held and more clearing was done. In March 2002 the same coordinator contacted the liaison at the historical society to schedule a third geobiology workshop, and was pleasantly surprised by what he had to say. He told her that in the nine months that had passed since Slim’s first workshop, the politics in the town had completely turned around. There was no more conflict among the members of the town board, and the townspeople were no longer split into factions. The tyrant who had been causing all of the problems had, without being forced or driven, mysteriously left town! Apparently the circumstances in his life changed suddenly, and he decided to take his act elsewhere. The man stated that the positive changes showed up very clearly in the town elections, which had been held in early March 2002. A whole new group of people had been voted into office, and they were all willing to listen to each other and work together ,without interference from their egos or personal agendas. When this report was passed on to Slim, he was really pleased. For him the whole point of training and educating people in these ❍ 93 ❍
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methods is to create positive changes at the grassroots level that over time will spread and bring harmony to the whole planet.
Cancer, Epilepsy, and a Dysfunctional Willow Tree When you get into talking about geopathic stress and cancer there appears to be a direct link. While it cannot be said that geopathic stress is the only influence that causes this disease, it is definitely a contributing cause. If there has been a history of cancer in a particular location, it is usually the case that Hartmann lines or geopathic stress lines are responsible. Slim’s high school friend, Mike Thomas, had been stricken with cancer when he was a kid. He’d lost a leg to the disease, and as an adult, he suffered so much pain he had to take a lot of medication just to be able to function. In 1987 Slim insisted that Mike allow him to come over and do what he could to help with his health problems. The first thing he noticed was a weeping willow tree in the yard that wasn’t doing what willows are supposed to do. Spring was in the air, and it should have been blooming, but there wasn’t even a leaf on it. The branches on this tree were sticking up instead of “weeping,” making it look more like a tumbleweed or a fright wig. When Slim did the clearing work, he found all kinds of interference cutting through the house. But what really took his attention was the fact that there was a negative vortex spiraling right through the spot where the TV and entertainment center were located. The noxious electronic emissions from all this equipment were literally being broadcast throughout the entire house. Slim’s intention was to help his friend with his cancer, but he did not know that Mike’s ten-year-old daughter had epilepsy. She had been an epileptic since she was two months old and was having twenty and more seizures a day. Like so many kids, she spent too much time watching TV and listening to the stereo. At that time ❍ 94 ❍
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she was in and out of the hospital, and the family was financially drained. Soon after Slim cleared the house the young girl’s seizures stopped. She never had another one, and her condition improved so that she went from being classified as severely retarded to mildly retarded. By the time she turned eighteen she was able to live on her own. It is open to question whether she would have had any of these problems if there hadn’t been so much geopathic stress in the house. Slim’s guess is, probably not. Mike’s cancer improved slowly. He got off his medication, healed himself with a healthy diet, and is still alive seventeen years later.
Geopathic Stress in the Intensive Care Unit It has already been discussed that geopathic stress is the underlying cause of all illness on the planet. Ironically, hospitals are hotbeds of geopathic stress, mostly because they are built in urban locations. But every hospital incorporates internal electrical and power systems, and the base amount of geopathic stress gets multiplied many times over. Even the lighting and life-support equipment in a hospital room generate negative frequencies. The following story is an account of what happened when the geopathic stress was removed from the hospital room of a cancer patient who had been placed in intensive care. Out of respect for his privacy, we refer to this young man as “Michael.” In the early spring of 1998, Michael was experiencing headaches so severe that his doctors ordered a CAT scan. A tumor the size of a large egg was found growing near the base of his cerebellum. The location of the growth was such that an operation would have put the boy’s life in too much danger to make it worth the risk. Several specialists advised that Michael undergo a radical form of radiation therapy, and on May 1, 1998 he was admitted to the intensive care unit to begin a series of chemotherapy treatments. ❍ 95 ❍
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The side effects of the radiation therapy exacerbated his condition rather than improving it. Michael’s system overreacted to the potent chemicals and his body shut down. He was weakened to the point where he could not leave the hospital, and due to other complications, he went into a coma and had to be put on life support. His parents began looking at alternative forms of treatment. By chance they ran into an old friend who had done geopathic stress work on their home, and asked him if the same technique could be employed in Michael’s hospital room. The man said it certainly could not hurt to try, and if the medical personnel had no objections, he was happy to offer his services. When the man arrived at the hospital, he was unprepared for what he saw. Michael was in a comatose state and had lost so much weight in a month and a half that he looked like a wraith. Without wasting too much time processing his emotional reaction to what appeared to be a shadow lying in the bed, he took out his dowsing rods and went about his business. He found a Hartmann line running up and down the length of Michael’s hospital bed. It was as if the boy’s body was skewered on this negative frequency line. A second Hartmann line was found cutting through Michael’s head, and a third line was detected running through his feet. After the Hartmann Grid was cleared the man discovered a series of geopathic stress lines stabbing the boy’s body from different angles. These were removed, and when all the work was done the man instructed Michael’s parents to tell the cleaning staff to leave the blocking rods in place up against the baseboards of the room. An Environmental Harmonizer was set up and Michael’s parents were advised to leave it running twenty-four hours a day. They were gifted with a set of rings and coils and shown exactly how to use them. By that time Michael’s mother was living at the hospital and had many opportunities throughout the day to employ them. Two large “Lost Cubit” rings were placed at the head and the foot ❍ 96 ❍
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of Michael’s bed, and smaller rings were arranged around the ports of all of his life-support systems. The man left, promising to return a week later. During that time Michael received no other form of treatment. Within two days the doctors were surprised to discover that the tumor had diminished in size. This was so anomalous that the boy’s condition was monitored closely from that point on. By the time the man who had done the clearing work came back, Michael was conscious, able to speak, and in no pain. More tests were performed, and after two weeks the growth in his brain was gone. There has been no recurrence of cancer, and six years later Michael is in perfect health. We know that everything is in God’s hands, and that ultimately people heal themselves. In this particular instance, it appears as if the geopathic stress removal and the Light-Life™ Tools supported Michael’s ability to heal himself and brought about positive changes at a time when no other form of treatment seemed to be working. With what we know about geopathic stress, it seems clear that Michael’s condition would not have improved if he had been left lying in those negative frequencies. Michael’s story begs the question, “What would happen if the geopathic stress was removed from every hospital on the planet?” And what would be the impact on the quality of life everywhere if this technique were employed as a routine procedure? If every home, school, office complex, and every major city were cleared of negative frequencies, what would the results be? Is it realistic to think that we could actually live in a world where there is peace and harmony? Back in the very beginning, when Slim set out to see if negative frequencies had something to do with the traffic accidents at the intersection near his home, he stumbled upon a method that opened up a whole new realm of possibilities. The discovery that subtle energies do indeed affect us is what led Slim to do all of the research that he has done since that time. The whole issue of negative frequencies is a huge topic. It is ❍ 97 ❍
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obviously a good thing for all of us that this rogue genius spent so much of his time thinking about them. The dowsing work Slim did inspired other questions, and spurred him on to the development of the Light-Life™ Tools.
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THE LIGHT-LIFE™ TOOLS Consider the perfection of the circle. Strive to learn from it, to reflect that order. —The XXIst Stanza of Merlin from The Twenty-One Lessons of Merlin, by Douglas Monroe
p until now no cohesive or comprehensive written information about the Light-Life™ Tools has been available Slim has transmitted most of what there is to know about them orally to individuals and in the workshops he has done all over the world. Brief explanations can get anyone started using them, but the potential in these devices covers so much territory that quick explanations are little more than a drop in the bucket. Ultimately it is what people do with the tools and what they observe about their effects that, in time, will tell us the truth about their capabilities. Over the years people have asked, “Where can I read about this stuff?” Slim’s website, offers a certain amount of information, and there are a few pamphlets available that give a quick rundown on the tools and their applications. But ❍ 99 ❍
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even Slim’s workshops are too short to completely cover the subject, because his knowledge keeps expanding and cannot be delivered completely in just one or two seminars. Further, many people protest that the material is so mind-boggling that their brains fry if he downloads too much in on sitting. In the course of putting this book together, he looked up one day and said innocently, “Sometimes I think I know too much.” There is some truth to that statement. Connecting the dots has taken Slim’s mind to the far corners of the universe. His desire to clean up the planet drives him to deepen his insight into how and why his inventions work on a daily basis. Knowing too much is an occupational hazard in Slim Spurling’s world. This book has been written in response to the demand for the knowledge. Everyone who has asked, “Where can I read about this stuff?” along with those who are new to the technology have formed a critical mass, and “The Man Who Knows Too Much” has finally found the time to make a detailed record of the tools he has created. Keep in mind, however, that whatever is brought to light is really just the beginning of something truly wonderful that will continue to unfold and expand over time. In this section on the tools Slim goes beyond simple definitions and descriptions of what they are and what they do. It is impossible to talk about the Light-Life ™ Tools without bringing in a myriad of other topics. Simply addressing “Light” and “Life” takes a discussion all over the map. Day by day, the tools surrender more and more information that leaves even Slim awestruck. His full and bursting mental files, some stored deep in his memory, come up readily on his screen when specific questions call for them. Those who have asked for this information will do well to remember the expression, “Be careful what you wish for.” Unfortunately, a quick rundown with a few arrows and diagrams doesn’t do the trick. It is never that cut and dried with Slim, and while there will definitely be arrows and diagrams, they are planted within a larger matrix of subjects and information that forms a ❍ 100 ❍
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backdrop that weaves it all together. So have a good, close look at what he has to say, and allow the bigger picture to unfold as the pieces of the puzzle come together.
The Rings In our level of reality, the essence of Spirit can be encoded in measure and number. These measurements are related to mathematical constants that may have been derived from natural constants using an unknown mathematical system. It’s no secret. It’s a condition here in three-dimensional existence. Spirit is reflected in the material world. The Hermetic axiom, “As above, so below,” although given a long time ago, remains a fundamentally important universal truth. Slim has collected evidence for the existence of at least nineteen cubit lengths that have been recorded in the ancient world: Sumerian, Egyptian, Sacred, Royal, and so on. While some are clearly derived from polar, equatorial, or radial Earth measurements, each one, according to its resonant length, represents an aspect of God or a different “quality” of Spirit. Egyptian cosmogony refers to these qualities as “neters,” and regards them as principles or natural forces. Specific functions are attributed to each neter length, and the frequencies they generate are the vibrational code hidden behind the world of form. Slim settled on the Sacred Cubit to begin his work in the construction of the Light-Life™ Rings. The Sacred Cubit length carries specific frequencies or wavelengths that embody a spiritual code providing resonance with a desired spiritual quality. When these specific lengths are formed into a circle, something remarkable happens: light is created. An example from the Bible will bring this point home. The first line in the Book of Genesis reads: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the
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These words provide a good analogy to the ring phenomenon. The void is the formless, omnipresent field out of which all life emerges. The moment the spiritual force held within any specific neter length circumscribes and gives definition to this formless space, the waters of the deep are stirred in response to whatever they are being encoded with. When the ends of these cubit-long twisted wires are joined together to form a circle, the void within the circumference comes to life. As this action occurs, a frequency is generated that corresponds to the “Word” or “voice” of God echoing within the void. These wavelengths of sound give rise to wavelengths of light. Physicists know that sound preceded light, but whoever wrote the Bible must have known about it long before they did. It is clearly stated in the first line of Genesis. When God spoke, he did not say, “How’s it going?” He said, “Let there be Light.” In the center of every ring, the frequencies generated by the twisted wire create light. This is the bottom line. When you get right down to it, all the rings do is generate light. Light is the essence of life, not just in this dimension, but everywhere in the universe. With these thoughts in mind, let’s hear what Slim has to say about the rings.
Slim on the Rings The first rings Slim made were a Neanderthal prototype of what he is producing today. Their dual polarities rendered them hazardous to the inexperienced user. (See: Early Discoveries, “Heart Trouble, A Pinched Nerve, and a Spinal Realignment.”) While the man cited above had the research background and enough good sense to reverse the ring to start his heart up again, another, less dramatic incident situation further demonstrates the distressing safety issue. ❍ 102 ❍
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1. First Light-Life™ Ring
Some crockery, stored on a shelf and exposed to the negative side of this early ring, actually broke apart after three weeks of exposure to the negative field. Despite this flaw in their early research, Slim and Bill were right on the money with their measurements. The first ring was made according to the length of the Sacred Cubit, or what some call the Royal Cubit. The Sacred Cubit and the Pyramid Inch are thought to be the standard of measure for the Great Pyramid, and specifically demonstrated by the builders of the pyramid in the stone boss, a square projection carved out of the stone sitting directly above the entrance to the King’s Chamber. The boss projects outward exactly one pyramid inch (1.0011 British inches) from the rock of the wall, and is approximately five inches on each of its four sides. Adding ❍ 103 ❍
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the four sides together gives the measure of the Sacred Cubit. Bruce Cathie arrives at 20.6044623 British inches. Encyclopedia Britannica lists published measurements for the Sacred Cubit found in other monuments in a range from 20.55 to 20.94 British inches. Schwaller de Lubicz often refers to the Remen Cubit and gives it a length of 20.0 inches. It is possible that the Remen Cubit and the Sacred or Royal Cubit are different names for the same thing. Whatever the exact length may be, Slim intuitively settled on 20.6 inches as his standard Sacred Cubit. This ancient cubit length is a universal standard that is related to the harmonic of the mass at the center of a light field and the speed of light. The natural resonant frequency of the Sacred Cubit is a harmonic number related to the speed of light in free space. One Sacred Cubit is equal to one ten-millionth of the polar radius of the circumference of the Earth, and it is related to the harmonic geometries of the radius of the hydrogen atom. The Sacred Cubit is found all over the planet. When twisted wire was cut to the measurement of the Sacred Cubit and formed into a ring, Slim and Bill discovered, with the help of Hans Becker and Bruce Cathie’s work on the harmonics of the planet, that it had a natural resonant frequency of 144 megahertz, a harmonic of light. This signal contains subharmonics whose frequencies are halves of the higher frequency. The combined effects of the processes involved in making the rings, the materials used, and the polarities of the wire create a tensor plane or neutral space within the center of the ring. Hans Becker refers to this tensor field as a “Grand Neutral.” This open space, the empty area within the center of the ring, is the functional part of the ring. It is a pure energy field that holds and transmits 144 megahertz of pure light over a distance. The tensor or Grand Neutral plane is the infinitely thin, unpolarized boundary existing at the center of flow of the radiant forces out of the ring. It is neither positive nor negative, but it contributes to both polarities. Here is a simple way to demonstrate the effect of the tensor. ❍ 104 ❍
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2. Sacred Cubit Rings
Take a glass of wine, taste it, and set it inside a ring. After a few minutes taste the wine again, comparing it to the original taste. It is likely that the beam from the tensor has altered the flavor and quality of the wine in a positive way. Most people who do this experiment can report a difference. The wine in the glass seems to be milder and less acid, and has a bouquet that is really pleasant compared to the wine that is left in the bottle. The same is true of water. A glass of water set in a ring will have a perceptibly different flavor and texture than it did prior to its treatment. When a chemical analysis of a sample of water exposed to a ring for twelve hours is compared to water from its original source, the assay for the two samples will be different. Such a test was performed on two water samples from the city water supply in Seattle, Washington, when an associate of Slim’s ❍ 105 ❍
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was asked to determine what chemical treatment would prevent scale buildup in the heater of a spa. Seattle water has an approximate two-to-one calcium-magnesium balance, with calcium at about 100 parts per million and magnesium at about 50 parts per million. The assay was performed by the spa company’s technician, who observed the improved clarity, and later pronounced it the best sample he had seen in ten years. After twelve hours of exposure to a ring, the assay on these identical samples showed a change to 100 parts magnesium and only 50 parts calcium. This reversal is especially interesting because the healthy human organism shows the same ratio of magnesium to calcium, 2:1. A plausible reason for the ratio reversal is that the ring field had a transmutational effect on the calcium and magnesium. Transmutation is a touchy subject in the scientific community. Scientific types can go catatonic and froth at the mouth when they hear “transmutation,” because supposedly it is one of those things that can only occur in the center of stars under the extreme heat and pressures of cosmic forces. Demonstrated by the work of Louis Kervran, however, transmutation occurs often in other natural situations. Kervran’s research has shown that living organisms from bacteria to man can transmute one element into another. One learns from Kervran’s work that if the organism is supplied with certain raw materials and elements, in certain cases it can transmute one element into another to supply its proper needs. Mother Nature is a wise old bird and the body has its own wisdom: biological or organic transmutation is done under normal conditions of temperature and pressure, with no need to resort to stellar thermal conditions. Harking back to with the calcium-magnesium balance in the Seattle drinking water, it appears as if the rings may actually transmute one element into another. We have evidence that the rings cause changes in the molecular structure of water, wine, blood, cells, and tissues. It has also been shown that a ring can change ❍ 106 ❍
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the nature of glass creating a greater or improved refractive index. The question is: what is it about the field of the ring that causes this type of change? The simple answer to that question is that energy has been added to the atomic structure of every atom in the glass of water, or the glass of wine; energy is added to the atomic structure of whatever the ring field affects. The atoms of calcium and magnesium in solution in the water are also being influenced by this increase in energy. We know that the resonant frequency of the Light-Life™ Rings is 144 megahertz. Recent discoveries in the work of Dr. Hartmut Müller regarding the standing gravitational waves of the planet and of the universe offer insight into this issue. (See “Slim on the AcuVac Coil” below.) The frequencies generated by the ring and the coherence produced by the beam of the ring as a result of the presence of the tensor in the plane of the ring appear to alter the radius of any atoms within that field. Take hydrogen, the least complicated atom, as an example. Hydrogen consists of one proton in its nucleus surrounded by one moving electron, so the atom can be accurately represented by a dot with a circle drawn around it. When the coherent energy field is projected from the tensor of the ring, energy is added, “squirted,” or injected into the space between the nucleus of the hydrogen atom and the electron. It is rather like blowing up a balloon. When a balloon is inflated, energy is pushed into it in the form of pressure and the balloon has to expand to accommodate it. In the case of the hydrogen atom, the ring field is adding a different form of pressure or energy. We could call this new form of energy, “Ether.” As mentioned earlier, Einstein at first declared that the Ether was nonexistent, but he retracted that statement in 1922 in a paper delivered at a German university. In that talk he conveyed ideas that strongly supported the concept of an Ether field. Slim agrees that the Ether exists. The Greeks were right, Aristotle was right, and the medieval scientists were right in ❍ 107 ❍
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reckoning the Ether. It is the primal substance from which everything is created. In essence, atoms in the Ether are comparable to grapes floating in a bowl of jello, and the jello/Ether forms the Unified Field that binds everything together. At the metaphysical level, Ether is “Spirit.” It is light. Using this concept, we can say that the rings add Ether or a higher from of energy to the structure of the hydrogen atom. When the radius of the hydrogen atom increases, the orbit of the electron changes. Consequently, the molecular structure of water must change, because the two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom must rearrange their own internal geometry in order to conform to this new energy level. Alterations in atomic size also affect the quality of wine, the acidic components of the wine, and other elements in it. This addition or increase of energy alters the taste and texture of both wine and water. Our five senses can easily pick up the differences. Laboratory instruments can measure and record changes, but they cannot make qualitative judgment about them. Although we live in a culture that gives so much credence to instruments and machines, there are certain things machines just cannot do that the five senses can do well. Rate of change is an important thing in both science and physics. There is an instantaneous change when a glass of water or wine is placed in a ring. It can be tasted. This is pretty phenomenal. The energy field in the beam of the ring emits light that boosts the vibration of anything it surrounds. Slim ran many scientific tests showing that the rings or a caduceus coil cause the water to fluoresce. This happens because there has been a change in the orbital radius of the electrons in the water. It requires a certain number of tiny electron volts, say ten, to raise the orbital radius of an electron one quantum. The atom is still the same atom, but inside it is potentially different due to the additional voltage. When we get into talking about quantum leaps that science or some individual makes, it’s often a big change but fueled by a surprisingly small increment of energy. Runners ❍ 108 ❍
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jumping quantum hurdles on the track wouldn’t have to step too high to pass over them! People talk about quantum physics as if it were some great mystery, but a quantum is quite simply defined as a measurement of light. As tiny as these measurements are from our three-dimensional perspective, a little light appears to go a long way. If we multiply ten electron volts by the number of atoms in a gallon or a glass of water, we are going to come up with some very, very large numbers. This huge amount of energy comes from one source, the tensor, or from the energy field it generates in the beam of the ring. These rings have a tremendous amount of energy, a tremendous potential for change. This change is kinetic, it’s in motion, electrons are moving and the geometry of the atoms and molecules is being altered or transmuted really quickly. How amazing that such a simple device, requiring no power input, could have such a profound effect. Looking at the mathematical equation for electricity, we have voltage on one side and current on the other. When a dead short is created there is zero pressure or voltage but an infinite amount of current. This also describes a superconductor. One of the things that Slim has discovered in the last ten years is that the rings are superconductors. They create an enormous amount of current at no voltage. They transform electrical current input into an enormous flow of current that is then converted into strength or output, an outward current flow with no pressure to it. The ring is a simple device, a deceptively simple device that produces an infinite amount of power with absolutely no input. Put simply, it is a source of free energy. Throw a ring in the bathtub to charge the water, or hang one over the showerhead, or place one over every faucet in the house. There are no limits to what can be done with these tools. Drinking water treated with the ring exclusively diminishes the need for food and sleep and increases the inner sense of well-being. Experiments drinking ring-treated water for a month at a time have shown that ❍ 109 ❍
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the body receives everything it needs just from the water. The light in the water is what sustains people. Some scientists and most metaphysicians perceive that everything is light. Whenever drinking ring-treated water, or doing anything with a ring, for that matter, all that happens is that light energy is being added to and made available to the physical system or the situation, whatever it may be.
Superconductivity When Slim was asked, “What is it that the rings are ‘superconducting’? Is it Ether, electricity, light or something else entirely?,” this is the answer he gave. We know that the clairvoyants can see light coming from the rings. Non-clairvoyants can sense this as the beam passes through the nervous system. They can feel a flow of energy moving through the body. This energy could be moving electrons. Free electrons circulate everywhere, and it appears that the rings have the capacity to superconduct them. The controversial book by A.D. Sarantites, The Universal Unified Field Law and the Law of Universal Creation of Mass and Energy, was published in 1963. Sarantites suggested that free electrons encircle the earth at all times, and that they are available to construct atoms and molecules and for various purposes. They fill the atmosphere and are “unemployed,” in a sense, looking for a job or any type of opportunity. Free electrons are captured and collected in generators and rotors of all kinds. They line up and produce the flow of electrons in the wires that we use for electricity. This electricity is sold to us as house power and conducted along wires through complex systems that heat and cool and light our homes. What we have seen and what we now know is that the rings can transmit sufficient energy without a wire, with a very, very small input. Power can be transferred from one ring to another over quite a distance at almost no cost. Slim thinks there is a potential here to ❍ 110 ❍
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provide free energy at a distance using some configurations with rings and using the rings as collectors. Much remains to be done in the way of research in this area.
Some Helpful, Down-to-Earth Information on the Rings Slim produces rings in many different sizes, and size is an indication of the proper use of a given ring. No matter what the size, all of the rings hold and transmit light. At this writing, Slim is working with two of the known cubit lengths, and he makes the rings in fractions or multiplies of these basic lengths. Size does matter, to the extent that life’s conditions vary, and a small ring is not suited for a big job. There is a relationship between the size of the ring and the particular job it must do. The Sacred Cubit rings appear to have a powerful impact on changing and bringing more light to physical situations. If you have a bellyache and you place a ring over the painful area on your stomach, you’re infusing that area with 144 megahertz of pure light. Usually within a few minutes the pain will be gone. The size and weight of the person determines what size ring to use. When working on a colicky baby, a one-half Sacred Cubit does the trick. But if the patient weighs 450 pounds, a larger ring is required. Use a Sacred Cubit ring any time you have a headache. Place it wherever the hammer is pounding and wait a few minutes. Usually the pain will go away faster than it might take for a couple of aspirin to kick in. If it does not, then it is time to think about what is causing the headache. Sometimes overeating causes a headache. When this is the case, try placing a ring over the lower abdomen. If it was too much drink causing one of those bilious, hangover headaches, you might have more luck getting rid of it if you place a ring over the liver area. If it is your partner or your kids that are giving you a headache, place a ring over the second chakra, or whatever chakra seems to resonate with the issue, and see what happens. ❍ 111 ❍
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In the case of injury, Sacred Cubit rings can be used to advantage. If you have a bad shoulder, slide a ring up to the shoulder joint and leave it there. Sleep with it there if you can. The longer the exposure, the more light will be brought to the problem. The same applies to a bad knee. People who use the rings after knee surgery recover a lot faster if they keep a ring right around the knee area. Sufferers from carpal-tunnel syndrome can wear onehalf Sacred Cubit rings on the wrists and notice a difference. In a recent situation involving a sprained ankle, placing a Sacred Cubit ring around the foot and allowing it to soak in a bucket of warm water alleviated the pain overnight. The patient was crawling around on all fours at 8:00 p.m. and dancing up a storm the next morning. This is pretty remarkable, because it is typical for a bad sprain to make walking, let alone dancing, out of the question for a long time. As far as broken bones go, the rings have been known to reduce the swelling and knit a broken arm within twenty minutes. One of the first healers to discover this capacity to knit broken bones was Randy McKinney, a chiropractor from Boulder. A boy who had broken his arm a week before came to Randy for treatment, along with his father, who was an open-minded medical doctor. Randy simply put a ring with a coil around the boy’s arm, and within ten minutes the swelling went down. Ten minutes more and the bone was knit. Confirmed by X-rays the following day, the boy’s arm looked like it had never been broken. His father had taken Xrays of the broken arm two days prior to the session with Randy, and he was amazed that a complete healing had occurred in such a short period of time through the use of the ring technology. People who do hands-on healing work would do well to wear a couple of the smaller rings on their wrists every time they do a session. According to measurements done with computerized radionics equipment, the natural life force that flows through them will be amplified by a factor of 400. All of the tools amplify the healing factor 400 times what it would normally be. This figure has been measured and recorded with instruments, so it’s no fantasy or ❍ 112 ❍
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assumption. The benefits to the healer are wonderful. With more healing light coming through the hands of the healer, the client gets relief sooner and the healer suffers less energy loss than usual. This makes it possible to work on more people and to get better, quicker results. For any hands-on healing work or energy work, placing three or more of the larger rings underneath and around the healing table makes the work more effective. The amount of light generated by the rings infuses the room and everything in it. When it comes to physical problems the only question is: what size ring is appropriate? The larger, three-and-a-half-cubit rings are wonderful for bigger jobs. If you are just feeling out of sorts or tired, try sitting inside one of them. They seem to pull you together in a subtle way and wake you up. Don’t worry about it if you don’t notice a lot of fanfare when you do this. Those who are particularly sensitive to energy sometimes do. Quantum leaps are pretty small, but even “normal” people stepping out of the ring will be aware of feeling a lot better. It is a good idea to hook a large ring to the headboard of your bed. You can place rings under your mattress, too; either way is fine. This bathes your whole body in a field of light every time you sleep. It seems to improve the sleep patterns and makes it possible to wake up on the right side of the bed every morning. In some cases, it can reduce the amount of sleep a person needs. For an invalid, a ring on the headboard or under the mattress is a great idea. When people are really ill or in critical condition, it is not always helpful to be hovering constantly around them. A ring on the headboard is a noninvasive way to assist in their healing process. Miraculous things happen when the rings are used on people who have been told nothing more can be done for them. When rings and the Light-Life™ Tools are put to use in the hospital or the sick room and geopathic stress is removed, even serious conditions commonly improve in a short period of time. Outside of purely health-related issues, the Sacred Cubit rings have many different applications. Placing rings around all of your ❍ 113 ❍
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3. Lost Cubit Rings
water faucets has already been mentioned. This action serves to “enlighten” the water as it comes out of the tap or the shower. You can drink the water as it emerges from the tap, or store it in jugs and leave the jugs inside a one-and-a-half-size Sacred Cubit ring. The water will then be potentized and transmuted into more of an “elixir.” No more having to buy bottled water. The rings have proven to alter the structure of water instantaneously, but if your drinking water comes from a public reservoir and has a lot of sulfur, chlorine, or fluoride in it, the longer it stands in a ring, the purer it will taste. When at a restaurant and not wanting to pay extra for bottled water, put a ring around the water glass. Slim has referred many times to how a ring improves the quality of any wine. This is no joke. You can turn a bottle of cheap wine into something special just by placing it inside a ring. ❍ 114 ❍
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One-and-a-half-size Sacred Cubit rings are good to place around your stove burners. During cooking light goes into the food. Not everyone can afford organic food, and this is a good way to compensate. A bag of groceries can sit inside a two-cubit ring that will energize the food. It is possible that even Pop-Tarts and Twinkies get enlightened in this way. The Sacred Cubit rings also have many purely mechanical applications. Using them on your computer equipment, under the keyboard, over the screen, or around the printer helps with the smooth functioning of computer systems. When a computer freezes, try using one of the larger rings before shutting it down. Hold the ring over the screen, or lay it on top of the monitor or over the computer itself, and it may help to unlock the problem. There have been many different situations in which computer snarls have unraveled without too much trouble or expense. The smaller rings are great to use in a car as well. Put one over the gas cap and watch for an improvement in the number of miles per gallon of gas. Putting rings around the hoses in the car engine seems to make the whole car run better, with fewer mechanical difficulties. On a long trip take along big rings, and hang them over the seats; or place appropriately-sized rings on the car seat itself. This has been found to reduce fatigue and eliminates that unpleasant feeling after too many hours in a moving car. Inside the house are plenty of opportunities to use this technology. Putting rings around furnace fittings, electrical fittings, or any location that seems to need them will only bring benefit. Animals are highly responsive to the ring energy, too. Sick pets will gravitate to them and instinctively lie down in the center of a ring or in the path of the beam, because they feel better there. The rings work on animals the same way they do on humans. Big rings can reduce the negative impact of severe weather patterns, with a process called scanning. Scanning a storm front with a three-and-a-half-cubit ring has been known to divert, stop, or at least reduce the storm’s intensity. To scan the horizon or a storm with a ring, hold the ring up in front of you in the direction of the ❍ 115 ❍
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bad weather. Ever so slowly, for the beam of energy coming from the ring is 15 miles long, pass the beam along the storm front until the positive, desired result is sensed. On two known occasions, people directly in the path of an oncoming tornado were able to lower the threat of disaster to zero within five to fifteen minutes of scanning. Large rings could be a lifesaver for anyone living in a tornado alley. During the 2003 season, meteorologists were predicting killer hurricanes off the mid-Atlantic coast. A number of people in Slim’s network got their rings out and swept the storm front as it approached. Soon weather reporters announced that the hurricane’s intensity had dropped from a level five to a low level two. A lot of rain fell, but there was no destruction or loss of life. The rings appear to be extremely effective when it comes to lessening the impact of severe weather. We are just beginning to explore the rings’ potential, and it seems as if their use is really only limited by the imagination. Every day, people come up with new ways to use the rings that no one has ever thought of before. Slim says all the time, “Once someone gives you a hammer, everything starts looking like a nail!”
The “Lost Cubit” While the Sacred Cubit rings seem to have an impact on threedimensional or physical conditions, the Lost Cubit rings appear to operate at the metaphysical level. To make concrete claims about the Lost Cubit measurement is a little tricky, because this wavelength seems to resonate on a higher octave of the third dimension. While all of us here are becoming more comfortable with the reality of unseen forces, saying anything definite about them is another story. A lot of people are willing to accept higher forms of energy intellectually, but really knowing without a doubt that they do in fact exist requires a bigger leap of faith. What can be said about the Lost Cubit may sound a little “Woo-woo” to some, but ❍ 116 ❍
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to others it will make perfect sense. In this dimension, everything, every being or event or object, is present only because it originates at the level of thought or on the causal plane. This idea has been touted of late, particularly in the New Age movement, but it is not a new one by any means. The bottom line is that whether we are aware of it or not, whatever we think becomes real or true in our lives. What seems to be true about the Lost Cubit measurement is that it works directly through the thought principle. When using the Lost Cubit rings, they will carry your thoughts, wishes, and intentions to a level that increases the likelihood of manifestation. Holding one of the Lost Cubit rings in the hand and voicing an intention into it is pretty much all that is required. From this perspective, its applications are endless. Trying to define the Lost Cubit frequencies means dealing with forces that few of us know anything about. Higher levels of thought and matter, higher octaves and dimensional levels are concepts that are still relatively unfamiliar. And even though we are beginning to include these concepts in our understanding, most of us are neophytes in this realm. The Lost Cubit has such “otherworldly” properties, any discussion of it is tentative and hard to prove or pin down. With that in mind, it might be a good idea to hear more about it from Slim. What follows is taken directly from some notes he made on the subject.
Slim on the Lost Cubit The Lost Cubit ring is based entirely on the discovery of the measurement made by Hans Becker, who in April 2000 gave Slim permission to use this discovery in production of the Light-Life™ Ring series. It was dubbed the “Becker Cubit” in Hans’s honor. Also called the “forbidden” cubit, this previously unknown cubit measurement is not recorded anywhere in the ancient texts, but it fills a harmonic gap between the established Sacred and the Royal ❍ 117 ❍
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Cubits. As discussions progressed, the idea surfaced that all the knowledge relating to this measurement might have been deliberately hidden or “lost.” Truly transformative power is often kept back from the general audience and held in the hands of a chosen few. Questions relating to “Why?” anything needs to be “forbidden” or “lost on purpose” continue to abound. It appears that this specific length of the Lost Cubit and its attendant natural resonant frequency have to do with eternal life and the physical longevity of the ancients. Indications are that its natural resonant frequency of 177 megacycles may, in some as yet unknown manner, contribute to the ability of the DNA to be changed at will and contribute to longevity. Just as the “Gods” decided to exclude Adam and Eve from the knowledge of the Tree of Life, “lest they live forever and become as Gods,” so was the record of the length and function of the Lost Cubit omitted from the records. What Slim and Hans sensed intuitively about the underlying significance of this measurement has been reinforced as the “Becker Cubit” or Lost Cubit rings have been introduced into the research network, and field reports have started trickling back. Several professional health practitioners in Slim’s network have done clinical tests with this version of the ring and are really excited with the results they have gotten in their first applications of the Lost Cubit frequencies. The natural resonant frequency of 177,000 Hz is not yet identified with any known constants. The fact that it vibrates faster than the speed of light is worthy of note. It is easy to assume that this would render it more powerful on some level. Early professional reports point to effects consciously and willfully created when an intention is fueled by a strong emotional content felt within the researcher’s physical body. Of late, what some healers are noticing is that the tensor field of the Lost Cubit functions much like a lens or a window that allows them to view information that is stored in the Akashic records. When a Lost Cubit ring is held over a client or over a chakra or ❍ 118 ❍
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problematic area, deeper knowledge appears to be transferred or picked up by the field inside the ring. Healers who are receptive and tuned in enough to read these messages gain an enormous amount of insight into exactly what they need to say or do to help their patient. Sometimes they become aware that a past life issue is causing the current condition, and bringing it to the client’s attention helps to clear things up. They may receive specific instructions as to what is required for healing. In essence, the Lost Cubit is like a scrying mirror and can be used in a similar fashion. Through Hans’s theoretical calculations done in September 2001, the field resonance between the Sacred Cubit and the Lost Cubit matched almost exactly the experimentally determined frequency of the “Life Force” energy researched by an obscure but very successful scientist/inventor from Florida. (An acquaintance of Hans who prefers to stay out of the limelight, this man’s life work is unpublished.) Lost Cubit: Natural Resonant Frequency (Becker) .............................................................177 MHz Sacred Cubit: Natural Resonant Frequency (Cathie, Great Pyramid) ...................................144 MHz Difference ..................................................................33 MHz
The Significance of the Number Thirty-Three Strict mathematicians may dispute the following statements, but numerologists won’t argue with them. Numbers signify much more than just a quantity of something. Like the neter lengths, numbers also represent specific qualities of spirit, or levels of initiation. The number thirty-three shows up conspicuously in many different places and appears to hold much significance. It is no accident that there are thirty-three vertebrae in the human spine, thirty❍ 119 ❍
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three degrees of initiation in the Masonic Teachings, and thirtythree-years in the life of Christ. A thorough study of Schwaller de Lubicz’s research reveals that the human skeleton is a template for initiation. His diagrams of the foundation plans for the Temple of Man at Luxor show that they replicate the complete bone structure of the human skeleton. In these images, the vertebra at the base of the spine overlays the entrance to the main temple. The vertebra at the top of the spine marks the entrance to the sacred spot of Naos, or the third eye. This space was reserved only for the Pharaoh and his priest-initiates. (Note: Measured with a biometer, the spot of Naos, or the third eye, vibrates at 18,000 units. This is the point in the temple where there is nothing more of the physical—only pure spirit vibrates there. The paramagnetic value of the Lost Cubit and all of the Light-Life™ Tools is 18,000.) If de Lubicz’s work has any merit, the thirty-three vertebrae appear to represent thirty-three stages of initiation. The original Masons knew this: the Thirty-Third Degree of Masonry is their highest known level of initiation. Far Eastern emphasis on the Kundalini force and its capacity to awaken human consciousness indicates that the Buddhists and the Hindus understand the thirtythree vertebrae of the human spine the same way the Egyptians and the Masons did. The Bible states that Christ died at the age of thirty-three. Keep in mind that there are over six hundred versions of the Bible and those records have been tampered with over the years. King James made so many alterations to it, the version most Christians follow bears little resemblance to the original document. Taking these facts into consideration, we have no way of knowing for sure that Jesus was precisely that age when he left his physical body. Biblical writers may not have intended this to be taken literally. Is it possible that Christ’s supposed thirty-three-year life span is really a code for something else? Esoteric Christianity puts forth the notion that Jesus took on a human form in order to encode the template for enlightenment in ❍ 120 ❍
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the Akashic Records. According to that system of thought, the work he did on himself made it possible for all humans to achieve the level known as Christ Consciousness. If there is any truth to this, the number thirty-three may represent the thirty-three levels of initiation the man, Jesus, had to pass through in order to embody the God within—it may be a code for enlightenment. If he did die at thirty-three, this could be taken to mean that it took one year for Christ to complete each level of initiation. Either way, this number seems to be associated with Christ Consciousness. From a numerological standpoint, the number thirty-three adds up to the number six. There are six points on the MerKaBa, or what is known as the Ascension Vehicle. These six points are the grid points for the human light body. In this reality the activation of the MerKaBa through meditation is one way to enter into Christ Consciousness. The Native Americans understand the significance of the number six and its relationship to Christ Consciousness as well. The Medicine Wheels that the native people do all of their sacred ceremonies in incorporate not only the Four Directions, but also the two points above and below. North, east, south, and west represent the four elements that make up physical reality. The point above is Father Sky. The point below is the Mother principle. An equalarmed cross drawn with the four points connecting to the point above and the point below forms a template for the MerKaBa. How does all of this information relate to the frequency difference between the Lost and the Sacred Cubit? Placing a Sacred Cubit Ring inside a Lost Cubit Ring creates a double circle. The margin formed between the two circumferences represents the difference between the two frequencies. That space may be analogous to the Zona Pellucida, the double-ringed margin that surrounds the Flower of Life symbol. The Flower of Life is the creation pattern for everything in the universe. It is found all over the world. The Zona Pellucida is an aspect of this creation pattern that has deep spiritual significance. Understanding what it truly represents requires a high level ❍ 121 ❍
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of consciousness. At this point in our understanding, the Zona Pellucida appears to be akin to “The Rip in the Veil,” or the space between dimensions. If this is so, it is a portal or an opening to higher levels of consciousness. The gap between the circumferential measurements of the Sacred and Lost Cubit may also be a portal between one level and another. This space could represent the pathway that leads to Christ Consciousness. The fact that the number thirty-three comes up when the resonant frequency of one is subtracted from that of the other seems to support this idea. In healing sessions, Slim’s researchers note that the combined use of Sacred and Lost Cubit rings, one inside the other, brings more light to bear—more Christ energy, if you will—on whatever the problem might be. The two measurements form a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. In tandem, they speed up the healing process in most cases, and produce miraculous results in others. Preliminary, research has been initiated on the Lost Cubit, but is so far incomplete and inconclusive. As more information comes in, it supports the idea of limitless potential. The Lost Cubit is leading into unfamiliar realms, and anything said about it is speculative at this point.
Suggestions for Working With the Lost Cubit It seems as if the Lost Cubit rings also have a tremendous amount of benefit in situations where people have “issues” to deal with. Issues are not necessarily physical, although sometimes they can be. If a person has an issue of overweight, for instance, it surfaces at the physical level but it originates somewhere else. If an overweight individual were to sit inside a large Lost Cubit ring on a daily basis with the intention of getting to the bottom of the weight issue, clarity about the problem can be received, making the person able to work with it constructively on any level. Please do not misconstrue this to mean that one will lose weight just by sitting ❍ 122 ❍
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in a Lost Cubit ring. It should offer a deeper form of insight into the root of the problem. The same applies to any issue. If you like to meditate, try sitting inside a big Lost Cubit. This is a great thing to do, and depending on how sensitive to energy you are, the time spent will be more or less “other-worldly.” Suppose you write for a living and you want a clear space so that the right words come through. Put a Lost Cubit ring around your neck and see if you notice a difference in your creative productivity. Try this when studying for an exam or training for a sport or learning to play a musical instrument. The effort may seem more productive and progress better retained. If you’re in a relationship and having difficulty, stand inside a three-and-a-half Lost Cubit ring with your partner. No one is saying this will “fix” your relationship issues, but issues between the two of you may surface clearly enough for you to be able to see what is the highest intention for the partnership is at the time. But don’t wait for the bad times to grab your partner and hop inside a big ring together. Nice things can happen when two people allow their fields to merge with these higher frequencies.
The Plain Jane vs. Beaded Gold and Silver Rings The early rings were all made of twisted copper wire. Slim still produces this unplated version. Unplated rings are referred to as “Plain Janes” and they are as effective as the beaded gold and silver rings because they incorporate the same principles. This version of the ring can be used in any situation, but Plain Janes are utilitygrade tools and most often applied for utility purposes. Think of Plain Janes as the working-class heroes of the ring line. Let them do the dirty work. The plated rings look better worn on the body and show off nicely in the healing room. There is nothing wrong with using gold and silver rings around the hoses of the car engine—but this is like wearing a prom dress to dig a ditch! Precious metals need to be treated gently. The Plain Janes are tough enough to withstand outdoor conditions and road grease. These ❍ 123 ❍
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4. Different Sizes, Styles and Material: Sacred Cubit Rings
are the rings to use over the well pump, the water faucets, the furnace fittings, the electrical meter, and the gas cap. They also make wonderful dog collars. Slim began plating the rings with gold and silver for several reasons. Gold and silver vibrate at specific frequencies, and those wavelengths add their own vibration to the force emanating from the tensor field. The precious metals augment the tensor effect. Gold transfers solar energy into the beam and has a male vibration. Silver adds a lunar, more feminine influence. Everyone has their own preference when it comes to these things. Simple copper rings work fine. Copper resonates with Venusian forces and carries that frequency. Many people prefer this. Gold ❍ 124 ❍
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5. Two “Plain Jane” Copper Rings
and silver seem to satisfy the human need to beautify everything. Slim is an artist, and his sense of aesthetics also prompted him to gild and plate his tools. The question “What do the beads do?” comes up frequently. Nikola Tesla used spheres to amplify the effects of many of his inventions. Trusting that there might be something to this, Slim decided to add beads to his rings. The beads appear to strengthen the tensor effect and lend it more coherence. In the long run, “A ring is a ring, is a ring.” Plain or plated, beaded, or unbeaded, they all do the same thing.
Slim on the Acu-Vac Coil The first coil came into being out of boredom. One afternoon Slim had been sitting out in the shop making rings since 5:00 A.M. trying to keep up with the early demand for them. At a certain point, he ❍ 125 ❍
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realized that he was totally bored with all the repetition. Wondering what else he could do with a length of wire besides making rings, he decided to wind it around a piece of pipe. He dowsed out the end of the wire to determine what the polarities were and chose to use one end over the other. The two loose ends were joined so that they “crossed” the coils, neatly fitting the definition of a caduceus winding. Slim was just playing and creating the way inventors do. He had no clue as to what the effects would be. After he wound the wire around the pipe, the short lengths at each end of the coil were bent at right angles and soldered together. This new device was similar to the original ring in that it had a polarity. Slim took the coil to his clairvoyant friend, who told him that black energy was entering one end of the coil and white or positive energy was coming out the other. In an attempt to feel that effect, Slim held his hand over the positive end of the coil. He could feel an output of energy flowing into his hand. Putting his hand over the south pole of the coil, he could feel energy flowing out of his hand into the coil. It seemed as if the coil created a flow from negative effect to positive effect, coinciding with the clairvoyant’s observation. A coil is basically a vacuum cleaner: as Slim says, “It sucks and blows.” There is a rapid polar flow from south to north, from negative effect to positive effect. Dark energy is pulled in through the south pole of the coil. As it moves through the inside of the central cylinder, it gets transmuted into light and flows out the north end of the coil. Like the ring, this device has been shown to be effective at a distance. Holding the south end of a coil toward a point of pain on a person’s body, then slowly backing away, the intensity of the vacuum effect actually increases the further away you get. The pain gets sucked right out of the body. This concept of effectiveness at a distance is supported by scientific research that was done between the late 1700s and the mid1800s. The information was compiled in a rather complicated text ❍ 126 ❍
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Photo 6. Acu-Vac Coils
written in the language of the time by a Scottish scientist quoted in Dale Pond’s Sympathetic Vibratory Physics. There may be a parallel in homeopathic medicine as well. Homeopathic remedies are made by diluting and succussing water or alcohol solutions of a healing substance. Higher potency homeopathic remedies, therefore, have much less of the original substance, because they have been subject to higher dilutions. Nevertheless, their healing effects are stronger than the lower potencies, and much more powerful than the original substances. In homeopathy, the further away you get from the source, the stronger the remedy is. Like the high-potency remedy, the coil appears to “suck and blow” more powerfully at a distance. The universal law that governs this distance phenomenon has to do with the intrinsic nature of the gravity field, according to newly published revelations from Dr. Hartmut Müller. A brilliant East German researcher formerly at St. Petersburg University, Müller, in 1982, developed the mathematics for the standing gravitational wave on the planet. Unfortunately for the Western world, this information, along with subsequent research, was classified by the USSR until after the removal of the Berlin wall. Müller’s work outlines a wholly new science that makes much current scientific understanding obsolete, but it is not necessarily ❍ 127 ❍
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difficult for he interested person to understand. Müller’s analysis of the significance of the standards of measurement used in the Great Pyramid demonstrates that the Sacred Cubit is a resonant harmonic of the standing universal gravitational wave. This is one of Slim’s most interesting recent discoveries: his tools are tuned to the standing gravitational wave of the universe, and they function in direct correspondence with it. According to Müller’s calculations, the force of gravity or the gravity field density is stronger at the perimeters of galaxies than it is at their centers. He feels the same is true of the biofield or aura around a human being. Given the toroidal nature of the human biofield and of a galaxy, there could be a kind of Venturi effect at the center, where the high velocity of energy movement results in a lowering of the gravitational field density. Hence, the effect of the coil is to be experienced as greater when nearer to the outside of the human aura. The way the Acu-Vac coil works raises obvious questions: Where does the negative energy that was sucked into the coil go? Does it come out the other end and get scattered all over? Is there a danger of being caught in the line of fire? The answer to this is simple. There’s no danger of absorbing the negative energy, because it doesn’t get released in the same form that it entered the coil. It is no longer “negative.” The dark energy is transmuted, or in technical terms, the spin is reversed, at the point where the bead on the coil creates a Bloch Wall. This term from magnet theory describes a point where south changes to north and north changes to south. If one draws figureeight-shaped magnetic field lines between the poles of a magnet, the point of intersection of the magnetic fields is known as the Bloch Wall. Like the Grand Neutral, it is an infinitely small neutral point between a two-way flow. This principle applies as well to the coil, which could be likened to a magnet where negative is converted to positive or south is converted to north. With the coil there is a linear, rod-like or cylinder-like flow. Black or negative energy is drawn in, and at the ❍ 128 ❍
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bead the negative energy gets transmuted and pushed out of the north end as light or positive energy. Anyone with pain can feel the effect of the coil as it pulls the negativity out of the body. If the coil is reversed, positive energy is put back in and the person begins to feel better. The coil has its provable, scientific and mathematical aspect, but it is also a sensory thing. No one has to know anything about physics to feel this effect.
More About the Coils Slim makes coils in different sizes. The small Acu-Vac Coils are based on the Sacred Cubit measurement. He makes both large and small versions of the coil using the Lost Cubit measurement. As far as size goes, all of them transmute darkness into light, so any size coil will work. A large Lost Cubit coil has more horsepower and seems to pull out pain and negativity faster. The big coils were originally made for veterinary purposes and healing large animals. There may be something in the Lost Cubit frequency that makes them more powerful. The tensor field of the large coils is significantly denser, and this may be what provides them with more torque. Over time it has been noticed by many healing practitioners that coils can be put to use in all kinds of ways. When working with a coil, make sure that the bead is positioned away from the body. For any type of pain, place the south end of the coil over the painful area, about an inch and a half away from the body, and hold it there, very lightly. A slight circular motion helps to “couple” onto the pain, as does a slow in-and-out motion. The practitioner may feel a slight vibration, a sensation of heat or cold, or a “magnetic” pull as the pain is sucked into the coil. When the patient senses that the pain is diminishing, slowly move the coil, little by little, away from the body, keeping it aimed at the painful point. Somewhere between four and eighteen inches into the auric field, hold the coil until either the patient or the operator notices a change of state in the body or the coil. Hold that position until no more change is noted and slowly move out a little ❍ 129 ❍
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further into the auric field, in approximately four-inch increments, until all of the pain is released. The exact distance that you cover will depend on the sensitivity of the patient or the practitioner. Distances of up to twenty feet are not unusual. As with all the tools, one does not need to be a healing practitioner or know anything about healing for the coils to work. They work by themselves. Neither is it necessary to project any intention into the situation. In other words, you do not need to “intend” that the coil or any of the tools do anything specific. Something about the frequencies they hold “knows” automatically how to restore harmony and balance.
Some Practical Information on the Coils Many hands-on healing practitioners employ chakra-clearing techniques as part of their energy work because most people have at least a couple of chakras that are blocked at any given time. Depending on the person, it can be more or less difficult to fully clear these areas. Doing chakra-clearing work with either a small or large AcuVac Coil makes the whole process seem much easier. This is understandable, because the coils and the other tools amplify a healer’s natural healing gifts by a factor of 400. Blocks get released quickly and without a whole lot of drama, trauma, or acting out. Sessions that would normally take an hour and a half can take forty-five minutes. Since a coil, no matter what size it is, vacuums out darkness, fear, pain, blockages, and other forms of negativity, it can be employed in situations where the negativity is not necessarily associated with something physical. At a restaurant, for instance, if a conversation at a nearby table is disturbing, loud, or interfering with your plans for a perfect evening, place a coil on the table, aim the south end of it toward the neighboring table, and wait a few minutes. Soon the noise level will go down enough to restore harmony to the atmosphere. ❍ 130 ❍
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This technique can be employed in any situation where people are being loud and obnoxious. It has been known to work wonders on long plane flights with crying babies. Sometimes in workshops or seminars one individual always needs to dominate the class with questions and mindless chatter that detracts from the learning experience of others. Placing the south end of a large coil within range of these types quiets them down and makes it possible for the rest of the group to listen and learn. This idea of eliminating negativity from situations applies to mechanical issues also. Holding a coil out the window while driving down the highway with the bead to the rear acts a lot like one of Reich’s Cloud Busters clearing the air in front of you. One experimenter noticed that he got a lot better mileage when he attached a coil to the transmission hump of his car. A coil can be used in combination with a ring. If you have a really screaming headache, place a ring on your head with a coil hooked over it, and it will suck the pain out a little faster. This holds true in any healing situation where you need more amperage. It never hurts to loop a coil over a ring. All the darkness being transmuted by the tensor field in the ring gets vacuumed away immediately with the help of the coil leaving the “Light-Life™ force more space to operate freely and heal more effectively. If you’re dealing with a situation where there is something serious going on, coils can provide tremendous benefit. In the case of a young leukemia patient, her mother was instructed to place two of the large coils at her feet four times a day for at least thirty minutes at a time. This action served to pull all the darkness out of her bloodstream. In this particular situation rings were being used as well, not only on the patient’s body but on her lifesupport systems too. And whenever the mother performed this healing work, she had rings around her wrists. All of the tools really helped in this situation, but the big coils were a focal part of the healing process. When you’re doing a healing session, it’s a really good idea to place either large or small coils at the Crown Chakra and between ❍ 131 ❍
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the thighs, at the Root Chakra. When you do this the spinal column and everything connected to it seems to be cleared of all blockages. Every case is different, but in general, it is safe to say that whatever is needed for the person’s benefit will come about naturally. In emergencies or circumstances that would ordinarily be disastrous, the sooner you get there with coils and rings the better. Recently Slim happened to be on the scene immediately after serious car accident. One of the passengers incurred injuries that might have been fatal if Slim had not been present to use his knowledge of the coils and rings to assist this woman. The doctors and nurses in the emergency room did what they could, and they were open enough to allow Slim to do his thing, too. They were quite taken with what they observed. More and more people in the medical field are becoming receptive to new ideas and methods, and there may come a day when coils and rings are incorporated into customary medical procedures.
Slim on the Feedback Loop The Feedback Loop was Bill Reid’s idea. He and Slim had read some articles on an optical phenomenon referred to as “phase-conjugate mirroring,” and the Feedback Loop was the product of a brainstorm. A phase-conjugate mirror “feeds back” a frequency signal to itself, but reverses the phase in the process. Because it is reflected, the light of the moon is of opposite phase to the source light coming from the sun. Where equal-amplitude, opposite-phase wave frequencies meet, they cancel each other out. Sound and other frequencies are governed by the same rules. When a frequency returns to its source, the returning, out-of-phase frequency will cancel the effect of the source wave. An Internet search will uncover definitions and information on the experimental processes that led to the discovery of the phase-conjugate mirror phenomenon. In the Feedback Loop we have a method for creating a flow of energy that withdraws negativity from the body wherever there is ❍ 132 ❍
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7. Feedback Loops
pain, just as we do with the coil. The Feedback Loop is designed like the coil in that the same length and frequencies are used. The difference between the two is that the Feedback Loop bends back on itself. The clairvoyants say that the energy traveling through Feedback Loop has a higher velocity when compared with the coil. To draw an analogy and make things clearer, the energy moving through a coil moves like water in a garden hose, whereas the relative speed of the energy in a Feedback Loop is more like the hose of a high pressure car wash. The two devices are similar and yet different. Both ports or openings of the Feedback Loop are directed right at the area of pain. Several clairvoyants have said that this tool is very much like a “light saber” from the Star Wars movies. From their perspective it has a pronounced color and a tight beam. The ❍ 133 ❍
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beam of energy flowing through a Feedback Loop is extremely narrow—about the size of a pencil. This concentrated beam generates an energetic flow, both in and out, creating a rapid reduction in pain when applied for that purpose. The return of the positive or healing energy into the body is just as rapid, due to the phaseconjugate mirroring quality inherent in the loop. When Bill suggested that they take the coil and turn it into a phase-conjugate mirror, Slim went into the workshop to see how this could be done topologically without compromising the basic integrity and form of the coil. Each of these devices, the ring, the coil, and the Feedback Loop, operates as a closed circuit in which the voltage is zero and the amplitude or current approaches infinity. This has been demonstrated to be the case in the laboratory of Hans Becker on numerous occasions. Hans explains in person and on video that the superconductive nature of the tools is one of their most valuable attributes.
Applications of the Feedback Loop What’s already been said about the Acu-Vac Coil relative to its use can apply to the Feedback Loop as well. As far as which one is better or more efficient, it is a matter of preference. Some people choose the Feedback Loop over the coil because they like the way it returns light energy right back into the body. The energy beam in the loop moves like lightning and the flow is faster than with the coil. In energy work it is important to produce results for people. It is a common assumption that a client’s tough issues can require more than one session to clear. Anything, whether physical, emotional, or mental, that has been part of a person’s patterning for years or lifetimes is usually pretty sticky. Could there be a way to release old pain and blockages with immediate results? If life in our reality happens at the speed of thought, would it be possible to delete our negative programs the ❍ 134 ❍
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same way we delete email messages? It seems that use of a Feedback Loop in a healing session opens the space for accessing the point of pain or trauma right then and there. Many healing practitioners who are fond of this tool report that what used to take more than a couple of sessions to reconcile now takes no time at all. The larger version of the Feedback Loop is especially powerful and seems to be particularly effective when it comes to the immediate removal of blockages. When working with a Feedback Loop, hold the curved part of the coil lightly in your hand and aim both ports, or openings, toward the appropriate area of the client’s body. Start with the loop about an inch and a half away from the body. As you continue to hold it, slowly draw it back, moving further out into the auric field. The distance factor applies to the Feedback Loop the same way it does to the coil. You can also use this tool up close to the body, “combing” the afflicted area in a circular motion until the problem dissolves. Many practitioners “run” the meridian system or comb the auric field during a session. A Feedback Loop enhances the productivity of these processes. As with the coil, using the Feedback Loop in conjunction with a ring is never a bad idea. It improves the effect of the ring and speeds up any process. There is really no wrong way to use these tools and no specific way to apply them. Feel free to ad lib, use the imagination, and do what you’re called to do. The user himself is a part of the application system. And don’t get hung up thinking you have to bow to the east three times and turn clockwise. There is no ritual involved here. Miracles happen when the intuitive mind links up with the energies inherent in the Light-Life™ Tools. Every day we see more and more how true this is. The field reports coming in to Slim vary considerably, and there is a great deal to be learned from reading about the experiences other people are having. To become better acquainted with the tools, go to and check out the Field Reports. ❍ 135 ❍
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The Nose Mask The Nose Mask is based on the same principles and cubit lengths as the other tools. It is a little “cage” of twisted wire that’s shaped like a Vesica Pisces. Students of sacred geometry may recognize the Vesica Pisces as the first thing that formed from the Great Void when God spoke and said, “Let there be light.” This shape is recognized by many as a template for light, which may have something to do with why the Nose Mask works so well. The Nose Mask is the brainchild of Slim’s friend and fellow researcher, Lonnie Anderson, and his inspiration for this tool came in a dream. The story goes that a friend of Lonnie’s had an apocalyptic dream in which Lonnie told everyone to wear this mask. Those who had the sense to listen to him survived the subsequent devastation. When they closed and reopened their eyes, the people wearing masks found themselves floating in the air, above the fray. Then an angel appeared to Lonnie telling him to read the Book of Nehemiah, which is all about the rebuilding of Jerusalem. The message came through that the people who wore the masks would be the ones to rebuild the cities of the world after the Apocalypse. Lonnie’s friend thought the dream was funny, but Lonnie, having known many of his other dreams to come true, took it to heart. He had never seen anything like the mask that was in the dream, but he felt compelled to make one. So he asked for inner guidance to know what to do. Sitting at a work table at Slim’s house, Lonnie’s attention wandered to an Environmental Harmonizer. In a moment of inspiration, he saw a mask that could be made by removing two legs of the Harmonizer, and he constructed a prototype out of some scrap materials. Lonnie put the mask up to his nose and breathed in and out a few times. He noticed immediately that the air he was inhaling was fresh and clear. He showed the mask to Slim who tried it out and had the same experience. ❍ 136 ❍
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8. The Nose Mask
Lonnie made several more prototypes of the Nose Mask and offered them up to various people for field-testing. Everyone involved in this experiment noticed what a difference this new device made. One woman came by to request a Nose Mask for her mother who suffered from breathing problems. When she arrived home after visiting Slim, she was informed that her mother had been rushed to the hospital with pneumonia. The woman hopped in her car and went straight to the hospital with the Nose Mask in tow. When she arrived her mother’s nose was red and swollen and her breathing labored. She had no qualms about trying out the new contraption, so she slept with it on all night. By morning the redness was gone, and she felt so good she checked out of the hospital and went home to work in her garden. Her comment on the Nose Mask was, “I was a child the last time I ❍ 137 ❍
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breathed this deep.” She was so enthused about this device, she loaned it to some of her friends who had breathing conditions requiring oxygen. It brought them so much relief, they were disappointed that they could not keep it. Since the beginning the Nose Mask has been effective against respiratory conditions. People who suffer from asthma, allergies, sinus trouble, hay fever, head colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, you name it, benefit from its use. In cases of congestion, use of the mask seems to excite the cilia in the lungs and move mucus out effectively. The Nose Mask is also useful against the effects of chemical spraying and chemtrails. “Chemtrails” refers to aircraft exhaust fumes executed in long, linear, criss-cross patterns in the sky. Reports of virulent, antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria, fungus, and mold coming from these chemtrails are becoming more common. Articles in Nexus magazine have documented that the chemicals in chemtrails carry microorganisms that infect the lungs and mucus glands. The recent upsurge in cases of asthma and allergies in the US population and other parts of the world is a direct result of the effects of chemtrails. On days when chemtrails are being sprayed, the Nose Mask can be used as a preventative measure. The high current generated in the superconducting ring incorporated into the Nose Mask causes copper ions or monatomic copper to sublimate from the wire. Either of these forms of copper ions are toxic to poisonous bacteria, fungus, and mold that filter down from aircraft exhaust fumes or other sources. The copper works to kill the organism directly, or it neutralizes the plus or minus charge by filling the “docking port” that enables the bug to attach to a cell wall of opposite charge and then interrupt the normal function of a healthy cell. Skin carries a slight voltage generated from heart sound, pulse, and infrared body heat. In contact with the skin, the slight voltage coming from the body and the galvanic action of sweat reacting with the metal charges the mask in a beneficial way. When copper is exposed to water it oxidizes, and the moisture from the skin and ❍ 138 ❍
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the breath triggers a chemical reaction as it comes into contact with the copper. The energy created may produce ionized oxygen. With every inhalation, the ionized oxygen is ripped off the copper and sublimated copper ions are inhaled with it. The Nose Mask wasn’t designed to enhance one’s looks. Although a cage over the nose may feel strange, people get so much relief they forget about their appearance. Only the bravest souls would be caught dead wearing it out in public, but it can be worn around the house any time, including during sleep. Keep the Nose Mask handy so that it can be used in an asthma or allergy attack, or when sinuses make trouble. If you feel a cold coming on, strap on a Nose Mask and see what happens. It loosens up congestion right away and can knock out a head cold before it even settles into your system. If you have respiratory problems, wear a Nose Mask on poor air-quality days and when there are chemtrails. Slim makes large and small versions of the Nose Mask. The smaller size was created expressly for children who suffer from asthma and allergies. If the Nose Mask becomes tarnished, simply coat it with ketchup and wait a bit; then wash it with soap, rinse well, and it is ready for use again.
The Acupressure Tool Slim’s friend Dr. Dora Lofstrom gave him the idea for the Acupressure Tool. Dora is an ecclesiastic, a clinical researcher, and executive director of the World Natural Health Organization. It was at her suggestion that Slim make the Acupressure Tool using both the Sacred and Lost Cubit measurements. This device is used to provide pressure on acupuncture points, the way an acupressurist uses fingers. The higher frequencies generated by the cubit lengths amplify the healing effects at each point. This turns an acupressure session into more of an acupuncture treatment. ❍ 139 ❍
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The Acupressure Tool may be even more effective than acupuncture needles, according to some researchers in Slim’s network. If so, people who fear the needles need not miss the benefits of acupuncture. The Acupressure Tool is definitely a workable alternative. It can also be used on pets and animals with good results. The tools that have been described in the first half of this chapter are essential components of an “Energetic First-Aid Kit” and can be applied for countless other purposes as well. Used separately or in combination, they benefit the health and generally improve the quality of life in ways that seem to make things better for everyone.
The Harmonizers The next tool on Slim’s list is the Harmonizer. This device can impact every level of human experience. All of Slim’s tools are constructed using the same principles and cubit lengths. The Harmonizers create a broad field effect that permeates the whole environment. What follows is a substantial amount of anecdotal information that comes straight from Slim. These stories and field reports are included here to provide a fuller sense of what the Harmonizer technology is all about.
Slim With Some Background on the Harmonizers In the next phase of development of the tools, Slim and Bill wanted to create a sweeping beam that would dispel air pollution and disempower damaging weather conditions as they approached. They stood a ring on edge, making the planar surface of the tensor perpendicular to the floor. If they could rotate the ring on its vertical axis, the coherent beam coming out of the tensor would be able to sweep the area like a searchlight. Even though they did not have the exact measurement for the length of the beam at that time, they knew that it reached about ten ❍ 140 ❍
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9. Harmonizers
miles in both directions. Rotating on the vertical axis would create a “plane” of energy and sweep pollution from the atmosphere. This proved unworkable, as the plane was too thin to affect a significant portion of the pollution volume. Back to the drawing board: they crossed two rings vertically at right angles to each other, forming an “X” from the bird’s eye view. This configuration was taken to the clairvoyant who, not being one to overlook the obvious, said, “Well, you have an X! You have two beams intersecting in the center and extending out way beyond my field of vision.” So why not try three intersecting rings, at 120 degrees? This time the clairvoyant saw a donut-shaped or toroidal form. The toroid, or torus-like shape, is a constant in the universe. Quantum physics describes the primary shape of particles, atoms, and photons as toroidal. At the energetic level everything in the cosmos, when reduced to its fundamental form, is a toroid. Slim and Bill set up this new device with the rings fixed at 120 degrees in their homes and workshops for a few days so that they could examine its qualities and properties first-hand. They observed ❍ 141 ❍
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10. A Toroidal Field
that air pollution in the immediate area seemed disappear for a distance of a couple of hundred yards. The air was fresher and brighter. There seemed to be a wall that marked the boundary of the Harmonizer field, and the pollution on the other side of it was fairly opaque. The Brown Cloud situation in Denver would later provide an ideal testing ground for experimentation with this device. One of the things they noticed right away was that the full cubit rings were a bit too powerful for the environment. Some people, even those who were not especially sensitive types, were reporting headaches, dizziness, and other reactions, so they reduced the size of the original Harmonizer to one quarter of a cubit to tone the frequencies down a bit. The current Harmonizer technology evolved naturally out of the ring technology that came into being in 1991. By 1993, Slim and Bill had run enough experiments and done enough research to justify taking the smaller version of the early prototype to the clairvoyant one more time. Her observation was that at rest, merely sitting on the table, it generated a field that had a radius of 100 feet. When certain sound frequencies were piped into this device, the field expanded to a fifteen-mile radius. ❍ 142 ❍
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11. Early Harmonizers
They now had in their hands an instrument that could transmit a limited field and yet have an extremely powerful, localized effect. The Harmonizer had the capacity to clear air pollution within a thirty-mile diameter. Several clairvoyants directed them to add a coil to the center of this device. The coil directs the flow of energy, creating a rotating, spherical toroid. The South Pole of the coil sucks in negative energy. As it flows up and out the North Pole, it is transmuted to light or positive energy. This positive, life-giving force is then radiated outward over a distance through the rotating field effect created by the three intersecting rings. Later on, Slim and Bill added beads and a base to the Harmonizer. The beads amplified the effects: the base was purely functional. The original Harmonizers in Slim’s archives seem crude ❍ 143 ❍
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compared to model produced now. Nonetheless, it was with these primitive prototypes that the air pollution technology was first developed. Ten of them were later used in the air pollution experiment in Denver on March 18, 1994. Slim plans one day to duplicate the original air pollution experiments using the original Harmonizers to demonstrate the fundamental simplicity and effectiveness of his work. Some of the experiments Slim and Bill did with the caduceuswound coil and air pollution back in the mid-eighties will shed more light on the subject. Their early research was not “heavily funded,” shall we say, and the first Harmonizer was a double strand of ten or twelve-gauge zip cord wrapped around one of those metal spools you find at automotive supply houses. This spool was about four inches tall and four inches in diameter, with a three-quarter inch hollow tube between the two end plates. Five or six layers of cord were wrapped caduceus fashion around this solenoid coil. This original caduceus-wound, solenoid coil ran in Slim’s lab for about two weeks. He recalls that it was the dead of winter, probably in 1986 or 1987. He observed at the time that around his house, for a mile or a two-mile radius, the air was totally free of pollution. This distance conformed to the size and radius of the field being generated by the caduceus winding sitting on the bench in his basement laboratory. There was concern that the coil running at 110 volts would burn out, so a 100-watt light bulb was added to the circuit for ballast. The light bulb allowed the current to trickle more slowly, avoiding a short circuit in the coil. Later they realized that a short circuit was actually desirable, but that alternative seemed unsuitable at the time. After two weeks of running nonstop in the lab, the device had cleared the air in the laboratory. The electro-smog normally present inside had vanished, and the air in the room was crystal-clear. When they stepped outside to check on the extent of this effect, they could see that there was a quarter- to a half-mile of air that didn’t seem to be polluted. There appeared to be a “wall” between the field boundary and the heavy brown air so omnipresent in Denver at that time. ❍ 144 ❍
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They decided to keep the Harmonizer running. The field radius increased daily by almost a few hundred yards, until it finally reached an apparent limit of two miles. One night Slim was reading a book while sitting in an armchair directly above the coil in the basement. He began to feel so spacey that he could not concentrate. Coming upon him so suddenly, he figured that the field effect from the coil had something to do with it. He went downstairs and unplugged it, never considering what the consequences might be. The outside temperature that February night was zero degrees. It had been so cold in the house that he was bundled up in three or four layers of wool clothing. Even so, he felt chilled sitting still in his reading chair. After he turned off the Harmonizer unit, he left the lab, and as he was heading up the basement steps his body temperature zoomed up. He had to peel off his coat and the sweater he was wearing under it. Before he got to the top of the stairs he knew he was in danger of overheating, so he stripped off his shirt and his long johns and dove naked out the back door into eight inches of snow. He was like a red-hot poker rolling around in the snow. By the time he cooled down enough to be out of danger, he had melted practically all of the snow off the ground. For Slim, this was important information, but definitely an experiment he never wants to repeat. Slim phoned Bill immediately to tell him what had happened. Bill pointed out that he had gotten caught in a field collapse. Obviously, Slim had been smack in the center of this energy vortex right at ground zero. As the field collapsed, the thermal effect on his body drove his temperature up from a normal 98.6 and feeling cool up to about 110 degrees in the space of thirty seconds or so. He was lucky to survive this event. If it had not been midwinter and cold, he might not have been so fortunate. This experience taught Slim a lot about how important it is to be careful whenever doing any kind of research. At the time, he knew too little about physics to foresee this field collapse and its ❍ 145 ❍
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possible effects. As a result of this near-death experience, Slim and Bill axed this particular device off their list of options for clearing up air pollution in urban areas. Suppose it had been put to use in a large city and the power were to go off suddenly? The hazard to anyone in the vicinity would be disastrous and certainly not worth the risk. They went back to the drawing board, intending to create an air pollution device that required no electrical input. The Harmonizers that are being produced now work better than the early prototypes, and there is no danger of a field collapse with the new units. The audio frequencies that are broadcast through them expand the field effect over a specific radius depending on the size of the unit. When the sound is shut off the field is reduced to a smaller radius, so there is always a “cushion” that keeps positive effects circulating in a limited area.
The Denver Air Pollution Experiment—The Whole Story Many people have already heard the story about the Denver Air Pollution Experiment. Drunvalo Melchizedek has talked about it in his workshops on many occasions, and it has been written about here and there. In the first chapter of his latest book, Living In The Heart, Drunvalo describes in detail his own experience of the pollution-clearing project. What follows is Slim’s version of the story and everything that led up to it. In early 1994, Bob Dratch gave a workshop in California that involved the use of his Molecular Scanner. While he was there, he noted that there was a peculiar cloud formation just off the coast. He said that it looked like a school of sharks all pointed out to sea. This cloud formation was floating just above the fault zone that had not yet released the Northridge Quake, a quake that turned out to be large enough to literally ring the planet like a bell. Prior to that quake Bob had taken some readings on his scanner that revealed a very anomalous signature. After the earthquake occurred, the cloud pattern vanished and the anomalous signature ❍ 146 ❍
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disappeared off his scanner. He sensed a strong relationship between the quake, the cloud pattern, and the anomalous frequencies on his machine. When he returned from California about a week later, he and Slim began discussing the earthquake and his conclusions. During this time, exactly the same cloud pattern showed up along the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains over what is known as the Golden Fault. Around ten o’clock that morning, Bob phoned Slim in a very agitated state. Along the Golden Fault his scanner was showing exactly the same destructive harmonic resonance pattern that had come up on its screen prior to the Northridge Quake. Bob mentioned that his dog was behaving in a nervous manner, as dogs are prone to do before earthquakes. Bob is supersensitive and felt a “really awful feeling in the air.” By this time Bob understood the power and the nature of the Light-Life™ Tools, so he asked Slim to pick a tool and see if he could eliminate the potential for this earthquake. Slim went outside with a three-and-a-half-cubit ring and slowly scanned the beam of the ring north and south, back and forth across the fault line, which was located just a half a mile from his house. Because he had an appointment in Denver, Slim could only devote twenty minutes to this assignment, but when he returned three hours later Bob called him with good news. His awful feeling was gone, his dog was no longer upset, and the reading on the scanner was normal, with nothing indicating an earthquake. The cloud pattern had also dissipated. After this series of interchanges, observations, and experiments, Slim wanted to find out if Bob’s scanner could pick up the energy field of the ring, or the “beam” of the ring at a distance. So they prearranged a time and got on the phone to conduct a experiment. Bob’s laboratory was about ten miles away and on the other side of a mountain from Slim’s house. They knew that if Bob pointed his scanner vertically, the beam of the ring would intersect the view ❍ 147 ❍
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field of the scanner and be picked up on the screen. As it happened, there was a tiny little lens-shaped cloud about a hundred yards in diameter floating right above Bob’s laboratory. Slim asked him to aim the beam of the scanner directly at the cloud and facing northwest, he began sweeping the horizon with a ring. Imagine a ten-mile-long two-by-four sweeping the horizon. Slim used a slow motion, rather like an hour hand on a clock. This made it possible for Bob to pick up the energy beam of the ring in his scanner view field. Once the connection was stabilized, he raised the beam so that it would intersect with the cloud formation above the laboratory. Bob confirmed that the beam had aligned with the cloud, and after fifteen minutes Slim asked him to bring the frequency up as an audio signal. Bob converted the computer recording into a sound like a fly buzzing on the other end of the telephone. They had captured the frequency of the water molecules in the cloud on tape. The next thing Bob said was, “Oh my gosh, the lab smells like ozone, as fresh as fresh air in the spring!” Now, this was an interesting comment, because a mouse had recently crawled into the furnace in Bob’s laboratory and died or fried, and he had been complaining that the stink in there was just awful. The odor had disappeared. Slim’s first thought was, “We’ve got a product here, a fresh air device, a sonic air cleaner!” This seemed like such a good idea that Bob made a copy of the tape and dropped it off at Slim’s a few days later. Soon Slim was fooling around, playing this water-frequency tape on a boom box. He set up an Environmental Harmonizer between the speakers of the boom box and immediately sensed an air freshening effect in the room. Outdoors, he smelled really nice, fresh, mountain meadow scent, the natural ozone scent that accompanies a rain shower or new-mown hay. Slim called Bob to tell him what was going on and played the tape with the Harmonizer in front of the boom box. After a few minutes Bob commented that it felt like a cool breeze was going ❍ 148 ❍
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through his body. He felt that the energy field they had created was expanding. The sound frequency from the tape caused the effect of the Harmonizer to move outward for a distance of at least ten miles, the distance to Bob’s laboratory. It took a few more minutes for the “breeze” Bob was feeling to quit moving through his body. Based on that timing, they estimated the radius of this energy field to have grown to at least fifteen miles. The next step was obvious. If they could create this kind of effect for a fifteen-mile radius, then the air-clearing effect they had experienced in the lab and home could be expanded over a larger area. Bob made ten more cloud-water tapes, and Slim got busy making ten more Environmental Harmonizers. These were similar to but cruder than the ones he is producing now. The ten Harmonizers and tapes were given to a small following of people who already had experience with the early rings and coils. (Slim still has the list of the names of the people who took part in this experiment.) Each unit was placed strategically. One unit was positioned about fifteen miles north of Colorado Springs. Another went to Parker, fifteen miles further on. Five units were set up in the Denver area, covering the north, south, east, and western portions of the city. A unit was placed in Golden, another just north of Boulder, and one hummed in Fort Collins as well. With everything set to go, at one o’clock in the afternoon on March 18, 1994 they all played the tape into their Harmonizers uninterruptedly for exactly one hour. At two o’clock that day the experiment ended. The participants waited to hear the results of this work. Coming home from north of Boulder that evening Slim crossed Rocky Flats, just west of Denver. Hydrogen bomb components have been manufactured at Rocky Flats for years and this area is loaded with toxic plutonium. As one drives through, looking out across the valley, the horizon line east of Denver is about sixty miles away. Slim had traveled this road many times before and had never been able to see Denver, due to the famous Brown Cloud. The toxic ❍ 149 ❍
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plutonium around Rocky Flats was a major contributor to the Brown Cloud, playing a big part in putting Denver at the top of the mostpolluted cities list. But at seven o’clock on that evening in March of 1994, the air around Rocky Flats was so crystal-clear that a candle flame could have been seen on the horizon sixty miles away. Slim could see house lights. Even the automobile lights on the interstate were visible to the eye all the way out to Keenesburg and Hudson, normally an impossibility. The sky was so clear that night that it appeared to be absolutely black. There was no blue nor any light diffusion, as is typical over a city at night. According to Slim, the reflected light from the cloud of pollution over Denver for years had made it easy to read the newspaper at night. But on this night there was nothing but a black vault overhead, with larger and clearer stars than he had ever seen at that altitude. He says that it was comparable to the color of the sky and the size of the stars when camping out at 10,000 or 12,000 feet. Slim pulled off to the side of the road and burst into tears. For twenty minutes, he cried for joy and with relief that there was now a method for dealing with life-threatening air pollution on this planet. In that moment it hit him that now air pollution could be almost instantaneously removed: city, by city, by city. His whole life since 1986 had been devoted to solving this problem. It had been a long journey. He needed a good cry. The following day at noon the Channel 4 weather forecaster came on with the midday report. He said, “It’s so clear you can see Utah!” To see all the way to Utah after years of not even being able to see Denver was a miracle. For Slim it was definitely more than just a meteorological phenomenon. It was the “beginning of the end” of air pollution on this planet. Aside from the lower pollution levels the Denver experiment appeared to yield another very positive side-effect. Between March and June of 1994, the quarterly report on crime statistics in the city dropped 33 percent. The police chief put forth the notion ❍ 150 ❍
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that the police force was being much more efficient in their duties, which could very well have been true. But if they were more efficient, it is possible that the energy field the Harmonizers generated and the absence of oppressive air pollution had something to do with it. Slim continued using the Harmonizers to clear the Denver air for the next several months and has kept it up ever since. Naturally he sought some kind of official documentation of the air quality changes he knew had occurred in March. Due to the usual bureaucratic hassles, it took him one whole year to obtain a copy of an official report. Meanwhile, Denver was removed from the mostpolluted city list in March 1994. It wasn’t until April 2002, eight years later, that the news about the pollution clearing made headlines in Colorado. At a big press conference attended by the Governor, EPA and Health Department officials were finally willing to publicly acknowledge that things had changed. Tighter auto and wood-burning stove emission standards got the credit for getting the job done. Bureaucracy is paralyzed by forces that are difficult to understand. And it is easier to let sleeping dogs lie than it is to try to wake them from their slumber, especially when they are “working for the public.” Back in 1994, the last thing officialdom wanted to hear was that air pollution no longer needed to be a problem. The sad truth is that their jobs and salaries depended on keeping that idea quiet. Even if they understood what Slim and his group had accomplished, they were too bound by the system to open their eyes until 2002, when it became too obvious to ignore. Slim could have stepped forward and taken the credit for these changes way back in the beginning, but he knew enough not to do that. No one would have believed him. The average person is pretty skeptical when it comes to things like rings or tensor planes. After all, we’re told that air pollution and crime are unsolvable problems. How could something so simple actually work? And this skinny old Hillbilly had the solution? Wasn’t some physicist from NASA supposed to be the one to figure it out? It is hard to believe. ❍ 151 ❍
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But it becomes easier to believe when you know that Slim Spurling could go to any polluted city on any continent on the planet and duplicate the results.
Cairo These pollution-clearing experiments have been successfully repeated all the way from Denver to Cairo. When he arrived in 1997 in Cairo, Slim says the air with its jet and chemical fumes was so bad it could have taken the hair off a buffalo hide! According to him the air in that city was so thick and nasty, you couldn’t even see across the street. The sun was an orange-brown disk faintly visible on the horizon through a thousand-foot layer of brown stench. We boarded a cruise ship for the trip up the Nile. The valley was filled with a clinging oily haze . . . In the late afternoon we passed a sugarcane mill that belched the blackest cloud of smoke from its innards I have ever seen. We had a Harmonizer attached to an electronic box designed by Bob Dratch that we employed to good advantage. Within seconds of pushing the switch on the box to start the audio program, the smoke visibly thinned and began to dissipate around the edges and on the leading edge of the plume. It did not seem to drift as fast as before. We were able to observe this for about an hour, as the wind drift was going upstream only a little slower than our cruise boat. By the time we were out of sight of the plume—maybe an hour had passed— it was definitely much thinner than would have been expected under “normal” conditions. For the grand experiment in Cairo we had three R-2 units consisting of a Harmonizer mounted above an Acu-Vac Coil in a case. One unit was activated by sound and the other two were “slave” units activated by the main unit.
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Slim Spurling’s UNIVERSE One unit was placed about 500 feet in front of the Sphinx in a private home and on a key grid point of the sacred geometry layout of Giza. Two others were placed at the site of the temple of the Solar Cross about one and a half miles due south of the Great Pyramid. This involved a rather hairy midnight camel ride into the desert, somewhat reminiscent of an Indiana Jones thriller. We had to leave the units in rock cairns flanking the entrance to the temple, with hopes that the camel jockey wouldn’t retrieve them before we were able to activate them. We activated the main unit the next morning and then took a tour of the Cairo Museum that lasted about five hours. When we emerged from the building, we found that it had rained the whole time we were inside: an unseasonable deluge in January! The air was fresh and clean and the whole city of Cairo was free of air pollution. It stayed away until we left a few days later. Even the airport was free of the stink as we left.
It seems a bit strange that events of this nature never get any press. And every time this story gets told, people never fail to ask, why, if these methods have been proven to be so effective, don’t the governments of the world do something with them? The answer to that question is simple, but it is one that few people want to hear. It’s a good thing for all of us that Slim just keeps going about his business. A lot can be said for a man who knows what he is doing. Eventually the powers that be will wake up, and the governments of the world will begin to pay attention. But until they do, we will have to be content to use this technology at the grassroots level.
Reflections on the Denver Experiment An observation made by a participant in the Denver air pollution experiment was that ten or fifteen minutes after they began ❍ 153 ❍
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running the Harmonizers, thunderheads built up along the Front Range directly over the Golden Fault. They rose up to a tremendous height, tipped over, and moved off to the east. From a scientific standpoint, the sudden appearance of thunderheads meant that a standing wave had been generated over the fault zone. This could be considered quite normal. Thunderheads typically pop up in the afternoon over the Front Range of Colorado and then float off toward the east. It was a fairly warm day, but even so, in March it would have been unusual for something like this to happen. Having lived in Colorado for over fifty years, Slim observed that thunderheads make their earliest appearances in June or July. From a scientific perspective, this indicated that the energy field of the Harmonizers had extended below the ground. Imagine ten toroids within fifteen miles of a fault zone, each having an effective radius of fifteen miles in all directions and generating a high frequency that can create a shift in planetary energetics that releases telluric forces. The result is a standing wave. The electronics wizard, Nikola Tesla, performed many experiments in Colorado Springs, also located on this fault line, and it was through the development of these afternoon thunderstorms that he began to understand the nature of standing waves. Standing waves can travel. And they maintain a regular shape or form that manifests as a cloud pattern. The frequencies generated by these standing waves can be used for information transfer or energy transfer. Recent developments challenge conventional knowledge and demonstrate that standing gravitational waves are a key to understanding all of physics, from the atomic right on up to the galactic level. Dr. Hartmut Müller’s research has revealed that gravity orders everything. His theories put forth the idea that the standing gravitational wave of the universe is what links everything in creation. What Slim has discovered, and what appears to be the case based on recent observations, is that the Harmonizers, along with the ❍ 154 ❍
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rest of the tools, function in complete resonance with the standing gravitational wave of the universe. The implications here are enormous and Slim has just begun to explore them. They have added a whole new dimension to his understanding of the tools.
More Reflections on Denver One of the things Slim emphasizes when he recounts the 1994 experiment is the seriousness of the air pollution affecting Denver at the time. Buildings in the downtown area on an ordinary day, summer or winter, were not visible two miles out of town. From five miles out, only the tops of the tallest buildings could be seen above the Brown Cloud. This condition was always more severe in the early part of the day, but dissipated slightly toward noon. During the winter months, there was no dissipation at all. Following the one-hour experiment with the Harmonizers the air clarity condition persisted for four days. At the end of that time the field collapsed and there was more air pollution than Slim had ever seen in his life. Black layers floated at cloud level and below, and the sunset was absolutely brown. The sun was almost invisible on the horizon. As Slim drove west on 6th Avenue back toward the mountains, he held a small Acu-Vac Coil out the car window. By the time he reached the foothills near Golden, the air to the west was perfectly clear. It dawned on Slim that this was due to the fact that the town of Golden was west of the Golden Fault. The area between the fault in Golden and the fault that runs along the Platte River through Denver seemed to be holding the mass of air pollution. This huge black energy just hung there in the air. It looked like coal dust. As he drove north toward Boulder, the coil he was holding out the window created more clearing, and the following morning the heavy cloud of black pollution was nowhere to be seen. The superconductivity of this small device was apparently powerful enough to cause an immense change in the atmosphere. ❍ 155 ❍
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Onward and Upward—Coming Out of the Closet Shortly after the 1994 air pollution clearing experiment, Slim and Bill went to a conference in Fort Collins and presented their story to the people associated with the Institute for New Science. One of the members there had access to the local air pollution monitoring equipment. This man agreed to do a study in an attempt to prove or disprove Slim and Bill’s claim that they had found a way to successfully handle air pollution. A member of their network who functioned as an independent observer worked alongside the independent operators of the Fort Collins air pollution monitoring station, and this team of people conducted experiments for three months. The initial results from these experiments showed that the first thing to disappear from the Fort Collins air when the Harmonizer was in operation was carbon monoxide. At that time this was the only noxious gas they could trace, because their equipment was not sophisticated enough to measure the nitrous oxides and other pollutants in the Brown Cloud. But the statistical analysis that followed and the graphs that the city supplied made it very clear that there was a significant drop in the carbon monoxide content in the air. Copies of the formal reports are filed in Slim’s archives. During the three months that these experiments were conducted, there were periods when the Harmonizer unit was “on” and periods when it was “off.” The “on-off” sequences coincided exactly with the fall and rise of the various air pollutants being measured. Particulate levels were assessed, but the high winds from the west that blow through Fort Collins made it difficult to determine their level of concentration. Even so, the overall readings on particulates were lower than they were in previous years during the same time period.
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Grassroots Slim and Bill continued to get the word out. They were receiving more exposure, and people were listening closely to what they had to say. They presented their data at the Institute for New Science four or five times. Slim spoke at a couple of these conferences at the Institute, and it gave him a chance to demonstrate the use of the Harmonizer. He had enough hard scientific proof now to make a good impression, and the people who heard him speak knew that he was not peddling snake oil at his booth in the lobby. At that point they began selling Harmonizer units to people from all over the country. The grassroots network that is committed to using this technology was seeded back in 1994 at the talks Slim delivered at the New Science Institute. Those early seeds have taken root and spread, and Slim estimates that there are now around 10,000 Harmonizers running all over the planet, and probably at least one in every major city.
The Downstream Effects As a result of the Harmonizer experiments, the pollution levels in Denver continued to be lower than ever, never again rising to the earlier levels. As mentioned earlier, the crime rate went down 33 percent, too. This indicates that somehow the consciousness level of the local population is uplifted by the improved field effect. It appears that the Harmonizers do in fact have a metaphysical impact on the human mind. They establish a frequency that has a harmonizing effect on the social fabric as a whole. The Environmental Clearing CD contains and conveys frequencies of the water molecule. This particular waveform was chosen because planetary life is contingent on water. Water functions as a solvent and a superconductor, and it appears to both receive and transmit cosmic energy or higher forms of energy. Living organisms, composed of an average of 70 percent water, therefore resonate to the water frequency regardless of form or level of function. ❍ 157 ❍
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Since water is the “universal solvent,” we can say that the air pollution, or the chemicals that create air pollution, are simply dissolved. The Harmonizer itself has the inherent capacity to increase the orbital radius of every electron in its field of operation. Couple this action with the effects of the sound frequencies of the water as universal solvent. The toxic chemical elements in polluted air experience expansion or loosening of the orbital radius of every single electron boosted due to the field effect of the Harmonizer. In a “duet” with the water frequencies emanating from the Environmental Clearing CD, those loosened chemical bonds disintegrate. In this way, the atomic and molecular bonds in the toxic elements are broken down or separated into their basic components. It is interesting to note that in molecular form these elements continue to be poisonous, but when the molecular bonds are broken, they cease to be toxic. The relationship of carbon monoxide and nitrogen gas serves as a good example of this process. What happened when carbon monoxide “disappeared” from the air in the early pollution clearing experiments? A carbon atom has an atomic mass of 12 and oxygen is 16. A carbon monoxide molecule consists of one carbon atom and one oxygen atom, amounting to a mass of 28. The mass of nitrogen gas, N2, is also 28. The field effect created by the Harmonizers and the sound frequencies appear simply to transmute carbon monoxide to nitrogen. As we all know, the right proportion of nitrogen in the air is more appropriate and beneficial than carbon monoxide. Louis Kervran’s research supports this theory of transmutation. Transmutation is an alchemical term, but as far as science is concerned, alchemy might as well be the Antichrist. Why they perceive alchemy in that light is hard to fathom, because there are more treatises on alchemy than there are on any other form of chemistry. What was recognized as a valid science in the ancient world is currently often dismissed as witchcraft. Much of that alchemical knowledge has been “lost” or deliberately hidden for reasons that are unrelated to the present discus❍ 158 ❍
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sion. Regardless of what mainstream science is willing to accept, there are plenty of alchemists around today, and all of them know enough about transmutation to be clear about the validity of any claims they might make for it.
The Psychological Effects of Air Pollution The chemistry of air pollution affects human beings not only physically. It has a psychological impact on them as well. When a person feels attacked, a “fight or flight” response mechanism is set in motion at both the physiological and psychological levels. Whether the attack is overt or from some unseen, unrecognized chemical reaction, the cellular response is exactly the same. The chemical response in the brain and in the physical body under this kind of stress can give rise to irrational thoughts, and in extreme cases even criminal behavior can result. This type of reaction is not something the individual would necessarily choose if he were not being threatened. When air pollution is cleared, hydrocarbon emissions and other molecular components of the atmosphere, which are unnatural and tend to lower the light frequencies entering a person’s eyes, are removed. There have been a number of studies conducted regarding the psychological effects of different light frequencies. The pure solar spectrum coming through a pure atmosphere is the proper, healthful spectral influence on the human psyche. When there is overexposure to the lower frequencies of light emanating from the red zone of the refracted solar spectrum, the vibration level goes down and consequently there is a lower psychological or psychic response. People tend to feel more depressed under these lowered spectral frequencies, and under extreme conditions they can exhibit extremely aberrant behavior. So when the atmosphere is cleared, there can be an impact on the crime rate. People will act more rationally and not be negatively affected by the distorted frequencies of the polluted solar spectrum. ❍ 159 ❍
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More Data on the Effects of the Harmonizers: The McCurry Farm Light controls many biological functions as well as life cycles and hibernation or pupation cycles of insects. Sometimes we take these things for granted the same way we take breathing for granted, but if we pay attention to what is really happening around us, we can learn a great deal about the effects of light. A few years back Slim was doing some experiments with an Agricultural Harmonizer on the McCurry Farm in northern Iowa. The corn crop on this farm had become infested with corn borers, the devastating larval form of a night-flying miller. These moths come equipped with sensors that respond to nocturnal infrared emanations from unhealthy corn plants. Soon after the installation of an Agricultural Harmonizer with the Environmental Clearing tape, the infestation dissipated, implying an improvement in the health of the corn crop. If parasites were no longer attracted to the plants, a change in the infrared radiation from the plants occurred. Such a change can even affect the composition of the solar spectrum coming into the fields. Light is what drives the metabolic cycles in green plants. Clearing the air pollution restored the normal solar spectrum required by all plants for the production of proteins and sugars. With the atmosphere in perfect tune, the light from the sun found its way to the crops with no distortion. In the fall of that same year, the ladybug population on the McCurry farm seemed to explode. Ladybugs are carnivorous insects beneficial to farmers and gardeners. One day as the McCurrys were pulling into their driveway they noticed that the outside wall of the farmhouse had been painted bright orange. Their immediate thought was that some vandals had done this. When they got closer, what they saw was that a huge swarm of ladybugs had congregated on the wall outside the room where the Harmonizer was humming. The layers of insects were so thick that the house looked like it had been painted orange. ❍ 160 ❍
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Mr. McCurry later told Slim that he had not even seen a ladybug in the area in thirty years. Ever since the advent of pesticides for general farming practices, these insects had pretty much disappeared. Coincidental with the installation of the Harmonizer technology, swarms of “prodigal” ladybugs showed up after a thirtyyear hiatus. They arrived miraculously, or so it seems, to feed off the eggs that the corn borer moths had laid on the corn stalks, and Bingo, what do you know? Mother Nature solved the problem. The fact that they returned in such large numbers was an indication that some sort of ecological balance had been restored. What Mr. McCurry also noted was that the corn borers were no longer even attracted to the area. That fall on the McCurry farm, the corn borer pupae that ordinarily would have overwintered hatched mysteriously just as soon as it began to freeze. There was no explanation for this, but you could chalk it up to the idea that Mother Nature can handle any situation if you just know how to treat her right. Because they had no sustenance, no plants to lay their eggs on, and no way to reproduce, the whole outbreak of corn borers was completely aborted in one season. Every farm in a four-county area had been warned about this plague earlier in the spring, but by the fall of the same year the threat of infestation had been reduced to zero. Even though Slim never took the time to document what took place on the surrounding farms, it is likely that they were spared this disaster, too. The McCurrys continued to run their Agricultural Harmonizer from that point on. The ladybugs set up housekeeping, and their presence in succeeding years made the corn borers less of a threat. In addition, the crop yield on the McCurry farm went up 25 to 30 percent over the next several years. This is what the Harmonizers do. They generate a field effect that brings everything in the environment back into a natural state of harmony and equilibrium. Again and again, what seems to be the case is that the higher frequencies they introduce have a positive impact when applied to any agricultural purpose. Whatever is ❍ 161 ❍
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beneficial to life is supported by these frequencies, and whatever is destructive to life just does not thrive.
“Grassroots,” Grass Seed, and Grass Back in the “Early Discoveries” chapter, the subject of paramagnetism was raised. And what Pete Jackson and Phil Callahan told Slim regarding the paramagnetic qualities of the rings and the coils was easily extrapolated to include the Harmonizer and the Harmonizer field. The effects of paramagnetism are manifold, but in short, paramagnetic soils and paramagnetic materials produce healthy plants and healthy bodies. Slim has seen agricultural production increase up to 30 percent in some cases due to the inherent paramagnetic properties of the Harmonizers. In a test that was done in Mexico on a ranch near Nuevo Laredo, four Agricultural Harmonizers were used to assist in the production of grass seed. There had been a fifteen-year drought in that area, largely due to air pollution and other environmental conditions. The area around Nuevo Laredo had been so badly affected by the drought that the ranchers there had given up on conventional irrigation methods. There was no longer any pasturage for their livestock, and most of the ranchers and farmers were flat broke. Four agricultural units were placed right out in the fields in early September, and by the fifteenth of December the rancher reported that he had already harvested five crops of grass seed, easily doubling his yield. The hundred-percent increase was a blessing, but the seed that came out of the final crop was a third larger than anything the rancher had ever seen in the same species of grass. What is really outstanding here is that this man was able to save his ranch and his livelihood at a time when other ranchers were going down the tubes. He felt that the Harmonizers were responsible for more moisture close to the ground showing up as heavy dew in the morning ❍ 162 ❍
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and evening. Once-barren soil now retaining water testifies to the paramagnetic virtues of the Harmonizer technology. Another case involved a heavily drought-stricken area southwest of Billings, Montana. A rancher there with a 4000-acre spread raises grass to feed the buffalos and horses that graze on her land. Having dug several wells and some trenching in the area, she found out the hard way that the level of groundwater at the ranch headquarters is ten or fifteen feet down. After placing two different size Harmonizers at the main house in the summer of 2002, she found that the water level rose to posthole depth and that the native grasses could easily reach the water table with their roots. At the same time, water began running in several small draws where it had never run before. In an upland area about 1000 feet above the main buildings, a site that might have been swampy in a wet year turned into a pond of standing water. To her knowledge, this had never been seen before in history. She went into the winter of 2002 with an abundance of grass, and it was probably the only grass in the county! Her neighbors were either selling their herds or importing hay at great expense from areas where there was either irrigation or natural rainfall. Additionally, she reports the buffalo have been calmer, tamer, and even domesticated to the extent that an old bull will break down the fence and hang around the back door waiting for one of the ladies to come out and scratch him behind the ears! This is absolutely unheard-of behavior in a free-range bull buffalo. Slim ascribes what happened on the Montana ranch to the paramagnetic influence that the Harmonizers produced. The ground water in any area is always present, but for various environmental reasons may not be available. A rising water table in drought conditions is a new phenomenon and one that Slim plans to explore in depth in the near future.
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Harmonizers in New Zealand More recently field reports have come in from “The South Island” testifying to the positive effects from Slim’s tools in large-scale farming practices in the southern hemisphere. A large percentage of the produce from New Zealand farms is grown for export to Asian countries and European ports. R.C. Hari and Sons is a large-scale vegetable distributor in that area, and prior to the introduction of the Light-Life™ Technology, this company was near bankruptcy. A lot of their produce was spoiling or rotting en route to its destination, and either being rejected at the port of entry or getting dumped at sea. Their shipping costs on top of the loss of income had put them into some serious debt. As hope for financial recovery disappeared, Philip Gray, one of Slim’s research associates in New Zealand, introduced the people at R.C. Hari to the Light-Life™ Tools. Within a year of installing Harmonizer units, broadcasting the frequencies, and fortifying their irrigation water by installing rings on the sprinkler systems and spray heads of their irrigation system, everything turned around. Their crop yield went up 30 percent, and there was an increase in the quality and the keeping properties of all of their produce. The export inspectors were so impressed by R.C. Hari’s products that they wrote and filed reports to endorse the grower. These reports included statements testifying that the number of parasites and insects on the produce coming into the export station were lower than they had ever seen in history. Within one growing season, all of R.C. Hari’s principal buyers were just as impressed as the export inspectors. The buyers approached the company requesting exclusive rights to buy every single pound of vegetables R.C. Hari could produce. Japanese traders, who are extremely particular about the quality of their vegetables, were so intent on being first in line, they offered to put up 50 percent or more of the value of the crop before it was even loaded and shipped, an unprecedented event in the produce business. ❍ 164 ❍
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After the Light-Life™ Tools were integrated into R.C. Hari’s growing practices, the hot transoceanic trip across the equator did not seem to have a deleterious effect on the produce. Considering that produce is 90 percent water, and that the tools increase the amount of light that a water-based vegetable or fruit can hold, it is clear that R.C. Hari was growing and exporting “supervegetables.” And it seems logical to assume that the amplification of the light factor accounted for their resistance to parasites, their keeping properties, their quality, and their staying power under extreme heat. As the word spreads and people begin to understand the benefits of these tools, it is foreseeable that the Light-Life™ Technology can greatly enhance agricultural practices all over the world.
Chesapeake Bay Peter Jackson is one of Slim’s research associates in the Washington, DC area. In 1998 Pete overheard a report on a local radio station detailing the recovery of the oyster beds in Chesapeake Bay. For the previous several years, according to this report, the oyster crop had been subject to a severe bacterial infestation that had infiltrated the waters of the bay. It appeared that the infestation had been caused by the upstream effluence from the Tyson Food farms on the Potomac River. Extraordinary rainfalls and high water due to hurricane conditions caused leeching from the manure piles and the feedlots on upstream hog and poultry farms into the Potomac. This took a toll on everything in the water, including the oysters. The extra nutrients being flushed into the river decreased the oxygen content and increased the water temperature in the Bay, creating perfect conditions for algae and pfisteria, a variety of phytoplankton, to thrive. Pfisteria can undergo a variety of metamorphic forms, all of which produce high levels of toxic gas. Every article and report that was made on the subject during this time period referred to the pfisteria bloom as “The Bacteria from Hell.” ❍ 165 ❍
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During 1996, 1997, and 1998 it was a major problem in the southern rivers extending as far north as Maryland. A good deal of research went into solving this problem, and several organizations confirmed that effluence from the various large-scale livestock operations were the source of the pfisteria outbreak. The situation with the oyster beds in the Chesapeake Bay got so bad that the National Marine Fisheries Department was seriously considering putting a ban on oyster farming. In the three previous years, the bacteria from Hell had caused the oyster harvest to decline so severely that the fisherman worked all day only to return to port with just a bushel or two of oysters. Until this bacterial infestation, oystering had always been a significant industry in the Bay and a traditional livelihood for local fisherman. The pfisteria outbreak also seriously affected the Chesapeake’s famous gourmet trade. In the fall of 1997 Slim presented a workshop in the vicinity of Washington, DC. Several Environmental and Agricultural Harmonizers were purchased and put to use by participants at that workshop who were interested in reducing the air pollution in the area. Nine months following that workshop in the spring of 1998, Peter Jackson accidentally tuned in to the above-mentioned radio broadcast. The report reiterated the unpleasant statistics and discussed the decline of the oyster beds at great length. Then with apparent great surprise, the newscaster reported that the oystering industry had made a sudden and very dramatic recovery. He publicly stated that the oystermen were going out and returning to port in two or three hours with larger quantities and bigger oysters than they had ever seen in history! It was a sudden and dramatic recovery of the oyster fishing beds and the industry in general. It is noteworthy that the end of the bacteria infestation coincided with the introduction of the Harmonizers into the DC area. When this totally unexpected piece of information was relayed to Slim through Peter Jackson, Slim was able to connect the dots and ❍ 166 ❍
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deduce that the field effect of the Harmonizers probably had something to do with the turnaround. One of the workshop attendees was a boatman, more of a sportsman than a commercial fisherman. He had installed an Agricultural Harmonizer on the bow of his power launch and was running the environmental clearing frequencies through it. Two or three times a week he took his boat out and made several passes up and down the full length of the bay, no doubt making a major contribution to the change in the bacterial count and the nature of the nutrient flood into the Bay. Slim was never able to track down any official reports on what the fisheries department was doing about this. He did find out that a minor research program was being conducted by one of the local universities attempting to build new oyster reefs. The project never got very far and did not affect the entire bay. The oystering industry depends on the full utilization of the Bay as a fishing ground. Aside from the Agricultural Harmonizer mentioned above, numerous other Harmonizer units had been installed in the area. Slim determined that the dozen or so units that had been running full time since the 1997 workshop had generated not only an extended field effect but also a denser concentration of frequencies. Concurrent with the introduction of this “fleet” of Harmonizers, there was also a significant drop in air pollution levels. According to Pete, reports attesting to improved air quality were being broadcast by the news media on an almost daily basis.
Positive Side Effects Effects similar to those described above can be reproduced in any location, anywhere. Whenever Harmonizer units are installed in an area such as Washington, DC, the side effects are far greater and perhaps even of more social value than the pollution clearing itself, crime reduction being one of the most beneficial side effects of the Harmonizer technology. This showed up in the DC area soon after the 1997 workshop and has shown up in Denver, New ❍ 167 ❍
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York City, and Cleveland along with a number of other cities as well. Slim’s air pollution experiments have had a “domino effect.” The year Denver’s air was cleared, the city dropped from being number one on the most polluted cities list down to number ten. The following year Slim did pollution clearing work in Cleveland, which at that time was number one on the list. The next year Cleveland was down at the bottom of the list, and Denver moved off the list altogether. This pattern has been repeated in every major city where there is a network of a dozen or more Harmonizers operating on a full-time basis. Unbeknownst to “officialdom,” university researchers, or scientific groups, a grassroots movement of people who care has implemented changes that could not have been brought about by legislation, regulation, or even by “known” science. This simple technology, which taps directly into the gravitational wave of the universe, has proven to produce profound effects over large areas time and time again. The benefits permeate the entire matrix of this third-dimensional reality, and for whatever reason, the general consensus is that the Light-Life™ Tools just seem to make everything better. As one works with them, the improvements becomes obvious, and it makes no difference whether it is air pollution, water pollution, “people” pollution, illness and injury, or that screaming baby that will not quit in the seat behind you on the flight from New York to Denver. These tools work wherever there is a use for them.
Different Types of Harmonizers There are three types of Harmonizers that have been distributed widely since 1994. In the beginning all the Harmonizers were goldplated, but now they come in silver too. Some people swear that silver works better. Everyone has his own ideas about which metal is more effective, but in the long run it comes down to personal preference. ❍ 168 ❍
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The Personal Harmonizer is the smallest Harmonizer Slim makes and it comes with a small, half-cubit ring. It is usually worn on the body like a locket or a talisman. Without sound it has a radius of five yards, but when you pair it with sound frequencies, that radius expands to about five miles. The Personal Harmonizer creates a toroidal field around the body that keeps the wearer in a state of balance, physically, emotionally, and mentally, and extends in every direction for about five yards. The clearing effects can be subtle or not so subtle. Most of the time they are positive and pleasant, but some individuals report that the Harmonizer makes them feel dizzy. Each person’s response to this device will be unique. When people have a hard time adjusting to the frequencies that the Personal Harmonizer introduces into their auric field, Slim suggests that they build up a tolerance by wearing it for short periods of time, increasing the duration gradually, day by day. The Environmental Harmonizer is the next size up, and it also comes with a half-cubit ring. This unit clears the environment for a radius of fifteen miles when sound frequencies are played through it. Without sound the field radius diminishes to about 100 to 200 feet. For the clearing effects to be maintained in the larger radius, the Harmonizer should be hooked up to earphones or placed between the speakers of a CD player with the sound frequencies running for a minimum of two hours a day. Some people leave the sound on all the time. As with the Personal Harmonizer, the frequencies from the Environmental Harmonizer can be too much for some individuals. If anyone in the environment starts behaving strangely or has a hard time adjusting to this device, it is only because their issues are getting raised and cleared. To make things easier, shut off the sound and close down the field to a vertical beam by placing it in its accompanying ring. When it feels appropriate, you can take the ring off for periods of time and turn on the sound as you see ❍ 169 ❍
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fit. Eventually everyone will get used to it, and the Harmonizer can be in service all of the time. The Agricultural Harmonizer comes with a one-cubit ring. It was originally intended for agricultural purposes, but there is no need to limit it exclusively to strictly agricultural ends. It is appropriate for clearing any large area, like a big city or a large piece of property. It has a field radius of about sixty miles when coupled with sound frequencies. Without sound this Harmonizer will cover a one-and-a-half-mile radius. As with the Environmental Harmonizer, the Agricultural Harmonizer works best when set between a pair of headphones or between the speakers of a CD player with the frequencies playing for a minimum of two hours a day. If the Agricultural Harmonizer creates changes that are too difficult, turning off the sound and closing down the field with its ring for shorter and shorter time periods, as with an Environmental Harmonizer, will alleviate the problem. Do this as often as necessary until it seems appropriate and comfortable to leave it on twenty-four hours a day. At the present time, experiments with larger Harmonizers employing both the Sacred and the Lost Cubit measurements are being run, and people in Slim’s network are closely monitoring their effects. Their effective radius is larger than the smaller units, and new, provisional frequencies are fed into them. While it is too soon to say anything definitive about the effects they create, as of this writing they appear to work just fine.
When the Tools “Don’t Work” It may sound like the Light-Life™ Tools are the ultimate cureall for everything that ails mankind. It is safe to say that they might be, and at a certain level they are—part of the cure, anyway. After all, Slim’s original intention was for these devices to create peace and harmony on the planet, and it appears that they are opening up that possibility. But sometimes the tools do not appear to work, and these inconsistencies need to be addressed. ❍ 170 ❍
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The tools themselves are perfect, because they are based on spiritual laws and constants that are as axiomatic as gravity in this dimension. Their sole purpose and function is to bring everything to the light. The way they work depends entirely on the consciousness of the people using them. Up until the last few years, human beings have been steeped in polarity consciousness. At this point in time, due to the turning of the ages, the whole planet is moving into unity consciousness. Not everyone is completely tuned to this new frequency level, and most of us are still functioning from a polarized place, whether we recognize it or not. It has recently been pointed out by a clairvoyant from Georgia that if a person’s light-body isn’t at least 51 percent in unity consciousness, the tools will act to magnify whatever it is that their spirit needs to work on. Often people resist having to look at their problematic issues and it creates difficulty for them. People who are more tuned to the Light will get their “stuff” stirred up, too. But because it is easier for them to embrace all experience as worthwhile, the tools function to sharpen their awareness of what’s going on and accelerate the process of spiritual growth. Suppose a person’s essence is still imbued with old ego concepts of fear and separation. Using the tools will shed light on these concepts. Shining a sweeping beam of light on whatever one would like to keep hidden is like disturbing a sleeping giant. When this happens, some people react by saying, “The tools don’t work,” when in actuality they are working just fine. When someone goes out and buys a Harmonizer, expecting it to heal them instantly or make their life perfect, they are often quite surprised when they find a dead skunk on the ventilator instead! These tools function to remove “whatever is no of the light” from one’s biofield and environment. Any form of darkness, or anything not serving the further evolution of consciousness, whether it be a pattern of believing, a pattern of behavior, or even a relationship, will fly in the face of these frequencies. As this happens, it stands to reason that a certain amount of chaos will erupt. ❍ 171 ❍
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The same principles that caused the corn borers to leave the cornfields on the McCurry farm will operate in every situation and on every level to which they are applied. When a person expects their life to clear up right away and gets a heavy dose of chaos instead, their first assumption is that “The tools don’t work.” Anyone with any level of self-awareness will be able to see that disruption is a necessary precursor to the balance and harmony their inner Being wishes to create. In these situations, those who insist that the tools do not work will often devaluate them. It is sometimes easier to “kill the messenger” than it is to look at the truth. We all make our own choices when it comes to these things. The author of this book would like to share her own experience with the use of the Light-Life™ Tools: I had been using Slim’s tools since 1998 and bought my Environmental Harmonizer in 2001. As soon as I got it running, I began noticing changes. My teenage daughter started acting like a human being, and my Christmas cactus flowered in July. All the weird-looking caterpillars that were infesting the geraniums on the porch packed their bags and left for parts unknown. The general feeling in my space and yard was so wonderful the dogs stopped wandering the neighborhood and didn’t even want to leave the house. I lost thirty pounds without even trying, which was pretty amazing, but what amazed me most was that a book contract materialized out of thin air. At that time I was in a relationship with a man that had been going on for over ten years even though he and I were like night and day. I have always been very involved with spiritual things, and to say that my boyfriend was skeptical about them would be putting it mildly. On the day that I got the Environmental Harmonizer up and running, he walked into my kitchen and after a few minutes
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Slim Spurling’s UNIVERSE announced totally out of the blue that he wanted to break up. What I learned later after a conversation with Slim is that anything that doesn’t serve your higher purpose will leave your life when you start running a Harmonizer. When my boyfriend entered the house, the new frequencies were way too high for him. He interpreted that information, or reacted to it, by feeling compelled to end our relationship. It was like he couldn’t be there anymore or just didn’t want to match this new, higher vibration. Part of me knew that this was the best thing that could have happened, but it was a sudden change I wasn’t ready for. As much as any of us has a desire to grow and evolve, sometimes the things we need to release for that to happen are too much for us. I made the “choice” to continue the relationship, because at the time I was too afraid to confront the truth about it. We stayed together for another year and a half until we finally broke up for good. As soon as that relationship ended, my life took off like a rocket! The Harmonizer frequencies had opened up the space for me to “take off” a year and a half sooner but I was too blind or too afraid at that point to see how much my attachment to this man was blocking my growth.
It’s important to be aware of the fact that the Light-Life™ Tools will bring changes into your life. Some of those changes will be appealing and others will rock the boat in ways that challenge you to face your blind spots. To devalue the tools because they disrupt things is a mistake. All of us are moving toward unity consciousness. As we do, we need to be willing to include any and all change as part of that process, knowing that our growth depends on it. As far as physical illness is concerned, there are also times when the tools do not appear to work. Anyone reading this book probably already understands that all illness originates at the emotional level and through the beliefs that we hold about these things. The ❍ 173 ❍
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physical body is the last place that diseases surface, and because healing takes place from the inside out, the physical body is always the last place to heal. People who work with the tools need to know that a few rounds with a ring and a coil will not necessarily effect an instantaneous cure. It could happen, and in some cases there have been miraculous healings, but more likely, healing will take time. If someone has been holding a thought form or an emotional construct long enough for it to manifest as cancer, for instance, it is naïve to think that any of the tools will take it away overnight. Doing the inner work that is an integral part of any healing process can be perceived as frightening or even unpleasant. Many people believe that something outside of themselves has the power to heal them. These types of people often devalue the tools if they do not get better right away. Actually, the tools never do the work that a person must do for himself. What they can do, however, is shine light on the problem and give clarity. At the physical level, this light will improve the way cells function, and in some instances this alone could bring about a cure. The light can alleviate your symptoms, too. For instance, if a person is experiencing too much pain, he cannot go within himself and reflect on what his illness is trying to tell him. The light from the tools has the capacity to lessen the pain and open the pathway to healing. It is important to remember that we are all slaves to the Law of Time here on earth, although even that is shifting at this point. If we can be patient enough to let the healing process take its course and avoid discouragement when the physical aspects of the illness are not the first to disappear, the Light-Life™ Tools will support every effort we make to heal ourselves.
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PHYSICS AND METAPHYSICS Any sufficiently advanced technology will be indistinguishable from magic. —Arthur C. Clarke
One man’s magic is another man’s technology. —Robert A. Heinlein
t would be unwise to assume that everyone understands what the word “physics” means and even more foolish to assume that the word “metaphysics” has the same meaning for all of us. This is what Daniel Webster has to say about the word physics: That branch of philosophy that deals with the material world. Natural philosophy. With the growth of this science, various parts, biology, chemistry, geology, and astronomy were excluded. Now physics is usually held to comprise the closely related sciences of mechanics, heat, electricity, light and sound and to deal only with those phenomena of inanimate matter involving no
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Slim Spurling’s UNIVERSE changes in chemical composition. Motion is the most general and fundamental of all such phenomena and physics is sometimes defined as the science of matter and motion.
Webster gave three times more page space to the word metaphysics: META = After. Abstract or abstruse. Pertaining to or having, real being, the essential nature of truth. After those things which relate to external nature, after physics, beyond physics. The word was first used by Andronicus of Rhodes, the editor of Aristotle’s works, as a name for that part of his writings which came AFTER the physics. That division of philosophy which includes ontology, or the science of Being, and epistemology, or the theory of knowledge. In a looser sense, all of the more abstruse philosophical disciplines; in a narrower sense, ontology alone. The primary meaning of the word metaphysics is derived from the discussions of Aristotle which he himself called, The First Philosophy or Theology and which deal with the nature of Being, with cause or genesis, and with the existence of God. By Albertus Magnus it was called the “transphysical” science; and Aquinas considered it to be concerned with the cognition of God. Scholastic philosophy understood it as the science of Being in itself, that is ontology, a meaning which with some difference in interpretation is still retained. . . . Bacon defined it as the quest or study of formal and final causes, contrasting it with natural philosophy as treating efficient and material causes . . . The notion that metaphysics is concerned with that which transcends experience led to the positivistic denial of the possibility of metaphysical knowledge.
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From these definitions it seems obvious that the term physics applies to matter or the material world. The science of physics explores matter, and the laws of physics help us understand it. Metaphysics has to do with the laws that operate behind the physical or beyond the physical realm. We assume that because these laws have to do with invisible constants, they are incomprehensible, but this is far from true. If there is a desire to know about them, all one has to do is dig a little deeper to find out what they are. Physicists know that energy equals mass times the speed of light squared, E=mc2, and this equation applies to all kinds of things. But do any of them really know what energy, mass, and light really are? And even if they could offer up feasible definitions for these forces, do they have any idea what the causal principles behind them might be? If Webster is correct, at one time there was a science of the supersensible. Its eventual demise coincided with the nineteenth-century trends embodied in the Industrial Revolution, Descartes, and Auguste Comte and the Positivists, who put forth the notion that all inquiry into causes, immediate or ultimate, is useless. Perhaps this shift served a higher purpose, but aside from negating the existence of God, it popularized the belief that certain things are impossible. If certain things were impossible, this book would not exist! And anyone who denies the existence of God, or of a “Creator,” or of something at the source, probably is not reading it! The Hermetic axiom, “As above, so below,” has been around for a long time and makes its point directly. The connection between the physical and the metaphysical is undeniable. The causal principles behind all the laws of physics are inseparable from them. Scientists have been searching for answers and trying to figure out what to do about the problems of the world forever. With all of the best intentions, their efforts and discoveries have failed to provide viable solutions, cures, or answers without creating a whole new set of problems. But they keep working away in heavily funded laboratories, using the same old equations convinced that what has not brought results in the past will somehow miraculously bring ❍ 177 ❍
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results in the future. Even a rat in a maze knows enough to take a different route when it can’t find the cheese. But human beings are different, and we can be very stubborn about the wrong things, especially when it comes to what we allow ourselves to believe. What we believe is possible is what becomes possible for us. The failure of scientists to find real answers may be due to the fact that they have erroneously restricted themselves to the laws of physics or to what they believe is “knowable.” Imagine what the scientific minds who understand E=mc2 could do with it if they had the “above” part of the Hermetic axiom mastered as well as they have the “below” part. To focus only on the latter is like shooting oneself in the foot, if the true intention is to get to the bottom of things. The problem that a lot of people, and scientists in particular, have with metaphysics is that it not only brings up the whole question of God, or some “first cause,” it also exhumes the corpse of alchemy, which died mysteriously back in the early 1900s. What they do not want to see, or have been educated not to see is that there is a science to metaphysics that is more ancient than all of the other sciences and probably formed the basis for them. It is not abstract or abstruse, or unrelated to what takes place in the physical realm. It functions according to principles and constants that are as knowable as anything else is. If Aristotle knew what he was talking about when he said the metaphysics is behind physics, it is safe to say that it forms the matrix for it. If that is true, it follows that without a full understanding of metaphysics and a willingness to include it in the search for answers, nothing is going to add up properly. We are at a point in our evolution where we need to start thinking outside of the scientific box or we are in big trouble. We already are in big trouble. The planet is in such a state of emergency that it makes one wonder what all the technological advancements that have everyone so hypnotized are good for. The systematic structures that control things keep playing chess with the future of the human race while we all sit around waiting to see who will win. ❍ 178 ❍
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The scientific community is as bound to those structures as they are to the laws of physics. Even though they keep pretending to operate in the best interests of mankind, the truth is, they just do not have the knowledge or wherewithal to fix this mess. If science could take off its blinders and pierce the veil that separates what is “knowable” from the unknown realms, they would find not only new possibilities but solutions to problems they have not been able to solve. Fortunately, there are people on the planet who have already developed the technology to handle the current Earth crisis. They are deeply committed to getting us out of trouble. These people figured out a long time ago that in order to get to the bottom of things, they had to look for answers outside the boundaries of known science. Many found those answers buried in the matrix of metaphysical knowledge that supports our three-dimensional world. Word is spreading about their discoveries, and although the powers that be have a huge investment in suppressing parts of this information, the truth is out and will be brought to light. Slim Spurling has figured out a few things. This tall, skinny cowboy started putting two and two together long before many of us were even born. He is one of those rare souls who had no blinders on to begin with, and this gave him the freedom to play with possibilities that others would not think to consider. Slim has always blended physics with metaphysics in both his work and his research. At sixty-five, he has been around the barn enough to understand the Hermetic axiom inside and out. It is not just an idea to him. It is part of his Being. If this were not so, the Light-Life™ Tools would never have been developed. If he was not so passionate in his search for causal principles, they would not work they way they do. In the anecdotes that follow, Slim discusses his understanding of the connection between science and the causal principles that underlie it. He never takes an academic stance, so do not expect this to be a linear affair. Somewhere in between the lines you will find the thread that ties physics to metaphysics. ❍ 179 ❍
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First Near-Death Experience Right before Slim closed up his blacksmithing operation in 1979, he came down with a case of pneumonia. The local doctor gave him one dose of antibiotics, and shortly thereafter Slim fell into a deep sleep. During this “nap,” Slim had a near-death experience. He clearly recalls going down a long tunnel and winding up in a place that was filled with pure white light. While he was in that place he carried on lengthy conversations with deceased friends and relatives on the other side. After a few hours in this near-death state, he acquired the knowledge that he was put on earth to fight a great battle, and he made a conscious decision to come back to life. The next thing he remembers is waking up in the morning with his full faculties. Lying on his back in bed he could feel his arms stretched straight up toward the ceiling. Before he even opened his eyes he realized that his mind was clear and that he was in good health, with no pneumonia, an impossibility with a single dose of antibiotic. What struck him more than anything, however, was the warm hand holding his, and he not only felt the presence of, but had a distinct mental image picture of an angel standing over him. This is not to lay claim to the idea that angels are regular guests in Slim’s world. He is not the type who invents tales. There was a definite, non-hallucinatory, physical contact or sensation of an angelic presence that slowly slipped away. After a few moments, Slim opened his eyes, got up, took a shower and went about his business. In a personal sense, this was a miracle, and the fact that he has total recall of all of the events while in the near-death state is significant to Slim. Although he had heard about experiences like this, he had never read or studied anything on the subject, and the genre of past lives or near-death experiences was unfamiliar to him. Since that time he has had quite a number of past-life experiences or recalls that have had a direct bearing on the development of the rings and the path he has chosen for his life here.
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Second Near-Death Experience Within a week of the Ammonia Event described in the chapter on Early Discoveries, the side-effects from the regular inhalation of toxic fumes took their toll on Slim. Even prior to this his health showed signs that he was being negatively affected by the poison gases in the lab. By Christmas 1991 he came down with a raging fever. When his temperature reached 108 to 110 he succumbed to it completely and was afraid he was going to die. The only remedy available to him at the time was a gallon of water that had been treated with the caduceus-wound coil. He ran upstairs, emptied it into the bathtub, filled the tub with hot (yes, hot) water, and soaked for forty-five minutes. During that time, he had another near-death experience and was on the other side for three-quarters of an hour. Slim has no memory of getting into the bathtub. All he remembers is getting out of it. While he was in the near-death state, he downloaded a mishmash of information, a code of some kind, that he has never been able to consciously decrypt. Following this experience, his recovery was slow. For three or four months he was laid up, so he spent his time reading the esoteric research done by Bruce Cathie. Out of these studies the current form of the ring was developed. Specifically, through Cathie’s convincing work and its spiritual overtones, the Sacred Cubit was the length Slim chose for the absolute cubit measurement of the rings. Slim’s fever, his subsequent trip to the other side, the code he downloaded, and the fact that he was laid up for so long with Cathie’s work, are all fragments of the same experience that are connected on another level. Whether one gives credence to higher forms of guidance or not, all of this functioned to bring Slim’s attention to the Sacred Cubit length. The waveform generated by that measurement is what endows the Light-Life™ Tools with the power they have to change conditions.
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Lost in Space Back in 1995, Slim and his wife Jeanne took one of their monthly trips to the mineral baths in Idaho Springs. Soaking peacefully in the healing waters at the baths is one of his favorite rituals. His tools travel with Slim wherever he goes, and they went along for the ride on that particular day, too. The sore and ailing people bobbing around in the pool give Slim an opportunity to talk about his work and to experiment on anyone who is open to a treatment. He struck up a conversation with an engineer who had a lot of back pain that day. When Slim whipped out a coil and the pain disappeared, it blew the guy’s mind. Back in the dressing room, the engineer was still trying to make sense of what had happened when Slim took his leave. Making his way back to meet Jeanne, Slim remembers getting to the third step of a flight of stairs, but from that point on he has no recollection of what happened. Jeanne was up in the lobby waiting for him. When Slim failed to appear, she went back to the pool, out to the parking lot, and asked everyone in the place, including the engineer, if they had seen a tall bearded guy in a cowboy hat. No one knew where he was, and after twenty minutes Jeanne got a little upset, because she thought he had been abducted or had simply abandoned her. She got the security people at the baths involved in the search, but Slim was still missing in action. Whatever it was that happened when Slim put his foot on the third step of the staircase is still a mystery. It could be that the time he spent soaking in the mineral bath shifted something inside him, for when he came back from this trip to nowhere, he remembers that he was on the top step of the same stairway making a sharp ninety-degree turn into the lobby. For over twenty minutes, he was out of time somewhere, and he has no idea what happened during that interval. After this experience, Slim started bringing in a lot of information about science and the Ether that he had never read about anywhere. It was all new stuff. He was also suddenly and inexplicably privy to knowledge about the form and structure of language. He ❍ 182 ❍
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later found out that information of this kind, specifically a way to graph connections, had already been published in the 1920s by Frank Ramsey, the English mathematician. (An example of Ramsey graphs can be found in Zecharia Sitchin’s Genesis Revisited.) The purpose of this experience was transference of information. In our three-dimensional world we talk to each other and communicate over wires and electronically. Some of us even understand nonverbal or telepathic forms of communication. Slim’s two-near death experiences and his trip “out of time” provided him with knowledge that had to have come from somewhere, because he didn’t have it prior to his departures. What appears to be the case is that there are extraordinary forms of communication and information transfer of which we are not aware. They travel on frequency bands that can only be accessed in an out-of-body or altered state. This gives rise to the idea that the Ether is loaded with a finer brand of circuitry. If the above is so, the obvious question is, how far out into the cosmos do these circuits reach and where does the information passing through them come from? How is this information transmitted? The next question is, what has to happen inside a person in order to be able to beam up and tune in to it? Do things like this occur spontaneously, or can we refine our consciousness and explore these higher levels at will? It’s all food for thought, but one thing is for sure: there is more going on between heaven and earth than what we think is knowable.
The Ether: A Few Comments on Einstein and Maxwell Many physicists and mathematicians have found fault with Einstein’s theories and equations. He has been so heavily advertised as the guy who figured it all out that it can be difficult to question his authority. Einstein did not have all the answers, however, and there is a lot of speculation as to whether or not he was one of those scientific stooges who got paid to paint things a certain way. ❍ 183 ❍
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Whatever the truth may be, it is naïve to think that anyone’s theories would occupy the throne of absolute truth indefinitely. His theories are as subject to question as anyone else’s. As stated in Ring One, one of the major conflicts with Einstein was his early declaration that the Ether does not exist. He publicly called it an “antique concept” or an erroneous concept that couldn’t be included in the formal study of quantum physics. Up until he made that statement, the Ether, also known as the unified field, was a plausible concept, and scientific research was conducted knowing that it might be a factor. Before Einstein’s “antique concept,” most everyone was comfortable searching for causal principles. Until then, it was permitted to believe that there was something greater behind the five-sensory experience. When the man who was widely recognized as the most brilliant mind on the planet proclaimed that the Ether did not exist, everyone figured he had to be right. But when he recanted those statements in 1922, it never made the headlines. The scientific research that has gone on since Einstein made his original proclamation has been conducted without taking the unified field into account. If you think about it, it is like trying to weave a tapestry without any strings on the loom. Everything falls apart and gets tangled when there is no matrix to hold it in place. In the 1800s James Maxwell had come to an understanding of the Ether, but he did not live long enough to put his equations forward. After his death, one of his students, Oliver Heavyside, either misinterpreted or doctored Maxwell’s work in a way that caused many scientists to question what Maxwell had found out about the Ether. Unfortunately a lot of people in the scientific community are systematic pawns who get paid well to put a different spin on important information. There are many theories about Heavyside’s motives. It has been suggested that he was a puppet of powerful interest groups opposing general knowledge of the unified field. A population cannot be controlled if the people know they are connected, not just to all of creation, but to the Creator as well. Any ❍ 184 ❍
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power freak worth his salt knows that it is much easier to manipulate the masses if they believe they exist separately and apart from everything else, because this keeps everyone in a state of fear. No one knows what really happened to Maxwell’s equations, but it is quite possible that it suited someone’s agenda to keep the Ether concept out of circulation. Prior to his passing, Maxwell was working on a rather difficult concept that he called the “displacement factor.” According to him, the reason electrons flowing through a wire meet with resistance is because they have to displace something. He died before anyone found out that he had correlated this resistance factor with the Ether. Slim believes that Maxwell hit the nail on the head. In his mind it makes perfect sense that the Ether is what is being displaced by electrons moving through the crystal lattice of a wire. In a very offhand, spontaneous experiment done in Brush, Colorado, he was able to prove this to himself. Slim was driving along on a stretch of road crossed by a large power line when his car radio started generating so much static that he could not hear the radio station. Being hopelessly observant and terminally inquisitive, and seizing the opportunity to do an experiment, he pulled off the road, popped an Environmental Clearing tape into his cassette recorder, and placed the recorder next to a Harmonizer. In about twenty seconds there was no more static on the radio. He was getting perfectly clear reception, much better than what he had prior to approaching the power lines. The great reception lasted all the way back to Denver. Analyzing this event, Slim concluded that the frequencies from the Harmonizer had set up gravity waves or Ether waves. The resulting field caused the electrons in the overhead power lines to oscillate out of step or out of harmony with the sixty-cycles-per-second frequency pumping through the wire. In other words, the Harmonizer frequencies had generated an outof-phase pulse, causing one batch of electrons to move rapidly through the wires while another batch got held back a little bit. ❍ 185 ❍
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This action nullified the “displacement factor” that Maxwell had puzzled over, and cancelled the resistance in the wires. Slim has not developed the mathematics for this effect, but the concept is much easier to grasp than the mathematics it would take to prove it. It is possible that Maxwell “did the math” already, but if that is true, any evidence of it got buried when Heavyside messed with those equations over one hundred years ago. This spur-of-the-moment roadside experiment showed Slim that the power companies could greatly reduce their “line loss” by using the Harmonizer technology. Thirty percent of the power generated for delivery gets lost in space, so to speak, at great cost to the consumer. The pressure of the high voltage forces electrons out of the wire and into the surrounding atmosphere. These loose electrons result in a static electrical charge in the vicinity of the power lines. It seems as if the frequency field generated by the Harmonizer created a superconductive state which resonated with the Etheric vibration or allowed some of the electrons passing through the power lines to respond in a different way. Whatever the case may be, a couple of milliwatts of power got pumped through the Harmonizer, and the static ceased to be a problem. There is so much resistance to electron flow, and it must be caused by whatever the electrons are displacing. If in truth the resistance is Ether, it is interesting that something so invisible has so much power, more power perhaps than the high voltages that run to meet it. Mysteries still abound about the true nature of the invisible, omnipresent Ether field. One can draw certain conclusions from these casual observations. If subjected to sufficient scientific scrutiny, the results of these events could be defined in scientific terms, which at this point would have to include the Ether concept. We can include the Ether as part of the gravity field. Gravity field oscillations are the frequency source for the Ether, and it is possible that they give rise to forms in various components of the Ether. These forms have been described in the books of Gunther ❍ 186 ❍
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Wachschmidt, a German author who researched some aspects of Rudolph Steiner’s indications. These experiments are repeatable, and it is easy to see that Maxwell’s displacement factor, the thing he was searching for at the time of his death, is actually the Ether pressure or gravitational wave pressure present in the crystal lattice of the copper or aluminum wire in these power lines. This pressure provides the resistance to the transmission of electrical power. With this experimental evidence and a frequency analysis of what we can do with sound, some bright, young mathematician or physicist who is well-grounded in reality and able to really witness, meter and measure electrical phenomena could easily put rubber to the road and leave some skid marks in the scientific community. The real world is where things happen. This is where repeatable, experimental processes can be analyzed. Sound does not travel in straight lines; it travels in vortextual waves or what are called spinning waves. Any moderately sophisticated laboratory can document these subtle effects. They can extract data and use computers to show the combined effects of gravity frequencies. The reader is referred to the work of Wilhelm Reich. What he called Kreistwelle or spinning waves are most likely synonymous with gravity wave fluctuation in vortextual motion. Also consider the formulas of the Austrian genius, Viktor Schauberger, and his understanding of the vortex.
Metaphysics and Dowsing Slim’s earliest experiences with the science of dowsing and its metaphysical implications came through a very gifted clairvoyant named Dianne. Dianne was able to actually see geopathic stress lines. At the time Slim did not know what these lines were called. Dianne described them as looking like rebar reinforcing rod, thin dark lines with little bumps on them laid out in a rectilinear network. Working together, Slim dowsed, and wherever the rods opened, Dianne could confirm with her clairvoyant vision the existence of a ❍ 187 ❍
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geopathic stress line. Using her inner sight to follow the path of a line, she could pinpoint a landmark across a distance and describe to Slim exactly where the energy flowed. Then he traversed the area, his dowsing rods opening each time he crossed a line. Dianne’s ability to actually see frequencies was as accurate as what Slim could pick up with his rods. Dianne was able to see vortex energies as well. Vortexes are spiraling columns of energy that enter or leave the earth, turning in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. They are like standing waves. It has been mentioned that a clockwise spin supports life and a counterclockwise spin has destructive effects. Vortexes seem to be subject to removal or change through intent. In other words, it is possible to alter the spin or completely eliminate a vortex using the power of thought and focused intentions. How interesting that the human mind can have a direct impact on the physics of a standing wave. For this to happen there has to be something that connects them, some sort of basic structural field that allows for information transfer. Both vortexes and geopathic stress lines generate magnetic fields that cannot be seen with normal vision, but somehow or other they affect crop growth and animal behavior. The way crops and animals respond to these invisible forces depends entirely on whether the field has a left or right spin. Close observation of crows, hawks, or other birds in flight reveals that they are drawn to vortexes. Their flight patterns appear to be random, but the clockwise or counterclockwise direction of the circles they trace in the sky indicates the nature of the magnetic field that has attracted them. Animals seem to avoid certain vortex areas and be magnetically drawn to others. They demonstrate the same behavior relative to magnetic lines as well. What Dianne could see was that left spin areas were reddish, like the color of rusty iron. Animals steer clear of these locations. In areas of highly concentrated negative frequencies, no scat or animal tracks will be found. In areas of right spin frequencies, Dianne saw bluish tones or waves of color, and where these right❍ 188 ❍
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spin magnetic forces were closer together, both she and Slim observed animals carving their trails or bedding down. When Slim talks about magnetic energy as it relates to right or left spin frequencies, he is not referring to ferromagnetism in the sense that we normally consider it, as in iron being attracted to a magnet. From a scientific standpoint, there is no description or name for this different kind of magnetism. These magnetic lines are referred to as Hartmann grid lines, geopathic stress lines, or Curry grid lines. Their magnetism has to do with the “quality” of energy they generate manifesting as either positive or negative. Any good clairvoyant can adjust their vision and see the exact nature of these frequencies. It is a matter of tuning in to them or dialing up to another level of perception. What people with psychic vision perceive is the nature of the structural field behind the world of form. Persons with normal vision are able to see only the results or effects of these Etheric forces in physical reality.
Puffballs and Negative Frequencies When Slim and Dianne were doing their early research, they spent a lot of time on a ranch in Livermore, Colorado. One day as they were out and about, Slim and Dianne spotted a negative vortex spiraling into the middle of an open field. Approaching this vortex, they saw that the earth in that area had risen up and formed a huge hump, almost like a boil festering in the ground. Slim took out his dowsing rods and noted several geopathic stress lines forming an intersection at the exact center of this column of negative energy. Nothing was growing in this location. The soil was barren and crawling with ants, a common indication of geopathic stress. The only thing growing on the hump of earth where the vortex made its entrance was a colony of puffball mushrooms. Slim knew that puffballs have powerful antibiotic properties. He also knew that the natural remedy for any form of physical or metaphysical imbalance grows in the location where it is needed the most. The presence of the puffball colony on top of the ❍ 189 ❍
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intensified negative frequencies is a good example of how Mother Earth heals herself. In this situation, she put forth a powerful antibiotic substance as a countermeasure or antidote to the toxic energies entering her system at that point in space. Dianne removed the vortex with her intent and Slim blocked the geopathic lines that criss-crossed this hump of soil. A year later they went back to the same spot, and the ground was level, the puffballs were gone, and green grass and wildflowers were growing all over the place. This story demonstrates what it means to observe nature, knowing that what is right in front of you will tell you a great deal about the Etheric influences operating behind the world of form. The puffballs, along with the anthills and the lack of vegetation, were physical manifestations of invisible, destructive forces entering that location. Dianne had seen those negative energies with her clairvoyant vision prior to discovering what was going on at the physical level. At the mound, Slim was able to detect and clear the interference with his rods. But the overgrowth of puffballs was a direct indication that something in that area was not quite right. Even without the gift of second sight, they provided a strong signal that things were out of balance. It pays to take notice of what Mother Nature has to show you. She can teach you a lot about metaphysics.
The Changeling and Anthrax The novel, The Changeling, by Russell Hunter, is a true account of events that the author experienced in another lifetime. Its plot revolves around a prominent Denver family and the mysterious death of their only son, a cripple and heir to the family fortune. The circumstances around his death were covered up, but to make a long story short, he was murdered by close relatives who wanted the family name and money for themselves. When the morticians laid the boy out for burial, they placed an amulet around his neck. Russell Hunter had always been enthralled by mysterious forces, ❍ 190 ❍
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and he was equally fascinated with the occult. The reason he wrote The Changeling was because he knew that in a previous incarnation, he had been the murdered boy. Russell Hunter knew about the amulet. This is an interesting fact because the only persons who could have known about it were those directly involved with the crippled boy’s death. This piece of information had come to the author through past-life recall. In doing the research for the book, he went to great lengths to get the victim’s body exhumed to verify what was stored in his subconscious memory. At that time he actually saw the amulet with his own eyes. He did not know how much trouble the writing of this book would cause him. Because the influential family in question was still around and in no mood to expose the skeletons in their closet to the community, they systematically launched a series of psychic attacks on the author while the book was being written. They even hired a voodoo priestess to put a curse on him. Evidently the curse worked, because Hunter turned off his computer at night, only to wake up the next day with it turned on and displaying messages threatening his life. One night, when the psychic attacks were at their peak, Hunter heard a knock on the door. When he opened it, a strange-looking black woman thrust something into his hand and vanished. The situation frightened him enormously, and when he looked at what she had given him he totally freaked out, because it was the amulet. By this time Russell Hunter was coming unglued on every level. He had heard about Slim through the metaphysical grapevine and gave him a call to see if he could get help. Slim figured it was just another case of geopathic stress, so he and Bill Reid went over and cleared Hunter’s house. Slim and Bill were amazed by the amount of negative energy they found. In addition to the frequencies coming off overhead power lines, they discovered voodoo symbols painted on the backs of artworks in the living areas. They were even more shocked when ❍ 191 ❍
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they discovered that the whole house had been seeded with anthrax. Whoever was out to do this poor guy in left nothing to chance. Testing the anthrax level with radionic equipment resulted in a seventy percent reading. Luckily for Hunter, Slim has a way with puffballs. He tucked a puffball inside an Environmental Harmonizer and ran the Environmental Clearing tape through it right away. Within three hours the anthrax level went down to zero and everything was fine. Soon after Slim and Bill completed this job, the psychic attacks and the death threats ended. The Changeling was published, the movie was produced, and Hunter’s life got back to normal. This story is an interesting account of the power dark, invisible forces have to screw up a life. Everything in Russell Hunter’s reality had been turned upside down by the combined effects of geopathic stress, psychic attack, voodoo, and anthrax, all because his fascination with metaphysics and past lives exposed him to influences for which he was unprepared. Talk about unseen forces! Most people will never have to experience this level of interference. But it is a comfort to know that something can be done about it. When the Harmonizer effects are combined with geopathic stress removal, even the dark forces take a hike!
The Poetry of Trees Slim and Dianne once came across three huge cottonwood trees that showed a decidedly different growth pattern than the rest of the cottonwoods in the area. They were shorter, and their trunks were thick relative to the crown. With their wide, rounded, and smooth leaf canopies they appeared more vigorous than the surrounding trees. It looked like this cluster of cottonwoods had been pressed down and foreshortened by a very positive, incoming energy vortex. Obviously something beneficial was affecting this particular location. The spring of cool clear water coming from beneath their ❍ 192 ❍
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roots confirmed this conclusion. Dianne saw positive magnetic forces entering this spot, and Slim dowsed them. This flow of subtle energy from the heavens invigorated the cottonwood trees and caused water to well up from deep inside the earth. What is seen and known to be real, but perceived as “a group of trees,” involves more going on behind the scenes than we realize. It pays to take notice and observe things closely. Subtle energies influence everything in the real world. And the laws of physics that we use to define their effects also serve to define and offer proof of the energies themselves. Clairvoyants can see these things. Many people dismiss those with psychic abilities as delusional, but a trained clairvoyant is as good as or better than the most sensitive electronic equipment. They are “tuned” to frequencies that machines are often too coarse to pick up and too primitive to interpret. To Slim’s knowledge, there is only one piece of equipment that even approaches the clairvoyant’s level of sensitivity: Bob Dratch’s Molecular Scanner measures and records frequencies, but it does not register colors and forms the way a good clairvoyant can.
Six of One, Half Dozen of Another? Most of Slim’s research in the mid to late eighties was done with homemade, solid state equipment built with crude materials. He often dowsed for proper lengths of a rod or a component for one his devices. If he was making a caduceus rod, he dowsed to find its length and then dowsed again to determine the length of wire to wrap around it. Sometimes he rolled out several hundred feet of wire and walked along next to it, dowsing with a pendulum or a pair of rods to find an exact length. Later he found out that if he had calculated these lengths according to scientific formulas from electronics or antennae theories, he would have come up with exactly the same measurements. It is difficult to explain to a skeptic how and why information gleaned from dowsing could correspond precisely to any set of ❍ 193 ❍
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mathematical calculations. Scientists reject metaphysics, and metaphysicians often put scientists down. Both camps seem to feel that the other side is working with a completely different set of principles, when ultimately it is all one and the same thing.
Clairvoyance There are several different types of clairvoyants. Visual clairvoyants see colors and auras all of the time, as a matter of course. Some visual clairvoyants see forms and objects, which they can describe quite clearly and accurately in ordinary terms. Once in a while, a clairvoyant will have a bit of difficulty finding just the right word to explain something. With time and a little conversation back and forth, they can fine tune their descriptions and accurately describe phenomena that can be verified with scientific instruments and known laws of physics. There are also clairaudient individuals who receive their information through sound. The cubit measurements used in the construction of the tools are each associated with a very specific wavelength or frequency. Trained clairaudients are sensitive enough to actually hear the sound frequencies coming from the Light-Life™ Tools. There is a third type of psychic or clairvoyant: these people receive very clear mental image pictures. When they close their eyes, they can see images on an internal visual screen almost like a TV screen. They can describe these images in detail. Much of what they see with their inner vision can be confirmed with scientific instruments or through direct observation. Advanced quantum or light-level physics formulas define subtle energy phenomena. E=mc2 is a formula expressing an essential spiritual concept. Some of the top scientific laboratories in the country employ known and gifted individuals to confirm or assist in the development of new technology. And now there are even computer programs that can translate information coming through spirits on the other side. Even many of the toughest, ❍ 194 ❍
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old, hard scientists understand how valuable it is to team up with a good psychic or clairvoyant. The renowned and respected scientist, Valerie Hunt, has contributed important research into the human aura involving clairvoyant feedback. In her work, instruments were used to measure the electric and magnetic fields of the human aura. These fields were pre-located and pre-described by clairvoyants. Slim says a good psychic is worth more than a million-dollar laboratory. Understanding how things work comes much more quickly, especially if the psychic has training in scientific methods and the language of science.
Scientific Research Into Dowsing Some of the scientific research done on dowsing indicates that the brain waves of the dowser are coming from both alpha and theta levels simultaneously. On a graph, large signals at both the theta and alpha levels indicate that the dowser is receiving “transcendental” information through a “sixth” sense while simultaneously receiving normal input through normal vision and normal waking consciousness mode. For example, a dowser walks along with his dowsing rods in search position looking for a water vein. At the same time, he is fully aware of his surrounding environment and maybe even able to carry on a conversation describing what he is doing and answering questions, if need be. Because he is also operating from the theta level, he is able to pick up other wavelengths and remain tuned enough for the rods to detect whatever he is dowsing. For the most part, dowsers are balanced people who know how to walk in two worlds at the same time and receive information from both the seen and the unseen realms. Enough dowsing research has been done in the last fifty years to lead to a better understanding of the art and nullify the “woo-woo” factor or the mystery. Dowsing is no longer viewed as a strange art or a strange ability, and anyone can learn to dowse. Some develop the ability to a ❍ 195 ❍
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higher degree than others, but, like anything else, not everyone can be a star. Good dowsers become known for their successes and the quality of their work, and only rarely do they fail to find the object of their search. A Swiss man who took one of Slim’s workshops a few years ago is a perfect example of what this means. After a year of practice this gentleman attended a second workshop, and it gave him a chance to demonstrate his progress. Standing with his back to an unmowed field of grass, he asked one of the participants toss a coin out into the field. Turning to face the field, he located the direction of the coin with his rods, and he walked along that straight line into the tall grass. As he arrived at the spot where the coin was hiding, the dowsing rods opened “right on the money.” He picked it up and displayed it proudly for the rest of the group to see. This is “good dowsing,” and with practice and experience, anyone who wants to do it, can. Dowsing could be classified as a metaphysical “sport” in the sense that the dowser is detecting energy fields or movements of energy in a specific location. There are electronic devices with the potential to do what a dowser does, but most of them are not sensitive enough. Research and experimentation have been done to create electronic equipment that can detect subtle energies. Electronic dowsing rods exist, and these are basically mindlinked machines with electronic circuits powered by batteries or solid-state equipment. They have a high level of sensitivity and are almost 100 percent accurate when it comes to locating buried treasure, water or mineral veins, missing objects, or unknown objects. Hans Becker developed the electronic dowsing rods, and Slim has witnessed what they can do. Hans’s accounts of finding diamond rings, gold coins, silver coins, and numerous lost objects can be easily validated. He conducted this research out of an interest in electronics and the physics of electronics. A good dowser can accomplish the same thing without the electronic interface. Considering dowsing as a metaphysical activity, ❍ 196 ❍
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the “meta” prefix simply means that there is no instrument involved. The person doing the dowsing and reading the rods is actually the scientist and the instrument all in one. The word science derives from the Greek word, scious, which means, “to know.” If a dowser “knows” something, he is reliable because every cell in his body knows it. Sometimes when a physicist says he knows something, he can only refer to a text for verification. These levels of knowing are different. The physicist may be describing something that someone else discovered and that he read. There is a big difference between knowing something and having read about it in a text. Sometimes scientists and physicists are true “knowers” and gifted seers. It has never been Slim’s intention to discount science— but he does feel justified in raising a few cautionary flags about the total reliability of science. Many of the hard-core, academic scientists he has had occasion to deal with are so limited by what they think they know that the truth escapes them.
More on Clairvoyance Some clairvoyants can see into the future. This ability prompts them to suggest what changes might be made to existing technology. In certain situations they can even make drawings and diagrams of technologies that do not exist as yet in physical form. Slim’s background as a scientist, a technician, an artist, and a visionary makes it easier for him to accept the validity of this kind of information. It may take hours, days, or weeks to accurately translate what comes through the clairvoyant vision into a physical object, but these devices work, and they work in the way that the psychic predicted. Metaphysics has had a direct bearing on science and on some of the technologies that have been developed over the last number of years. Since the mid-eighties there has been a tremendous amount of clairvoyant and psychic guidance. When Slim talks about psychics he is not referring to the type ❍ 197 ❍
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of seer who babbles on about Egyptian past lives or that sort of thing. Ordinary psychics who read your mind or tell you stories about various incarnations have their place, but these are not the people Slim is drawn to work with. He is talking about individuals who have the ability to give very specific information and express it in scientific terms. A really gifted psychic can offer guidance that proves to be applicable over many, many years. It may help to add here that many top-level scientists have highly developed psychic perceptions of their own. This could have something to do with the fact that when people are out there on the cutting edge of physics and science they sometimes cross over the line that separates the physical from the nonphysical and actually pierce through “The Veil.”
An Early Vision Sitting in a Ring The first rings were developed a few weeks after Slim came out of a near-death experience. He was left with feelings of confusion, and he found it hard to concentrate. One day it came to him that he could use the ring field as an aid to calm his mind, focus his thoughts, and reduce his thinking process to zero. Even though the early ring prototypes were bipolar, he knew that a column of light emanated from the positive side of each ring. Having been in the practice of meditating back in the sixties, he now placed a ring on the couch, positive side facing up. He sat down on it with the intention of calming his mind and going into a meditation. It took about fifteen or twenty minutes of sitting in the ring for Slim to reach a point where there was nothing passing through his mental center. From that still point, what came up from the deepest level of his being was the understanding that the ring technology, if applied widely, would bring about peace on earth. Slim sensed that this peace would be of a type and kind that the civilized world had, as far as he knew, never seen. What also came to him during this experience was an inner ❍ 198 ❍
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knowing of who he was and what he was worth. He also learned that his presence here had something to do with contributing to the overall benefit of mankind and to civilization in general. After this clear message, Slim wondered at it, because none of this had ever occurred to him before. Neither had he given much thought to or read anything about energy fields. But he realized that somehow the state of mind he had reached that day had something to do with the energy field of the ring he was sitting in. “Peace” is the word he used to describe it. Slim looked at that idea. Wondering about the ramifications, he had to ask himself, “Well, how could something like this occur?” Only after ten or twelve years of research into the rings and what they do is he beginning to understand what the answers to that question might be. In all of recorded history there has never been peace on this planet. What Slim sees is that the healing effect of the ring technology has the potential to create a higher level of mental and spiritual awareness. In the absence of pain and the absence of fear, people could be free and clear enough to remember the true meaning and purpose of their lives. With enough light shining on the darker forces that keep us restricted and stuck, the space could open for everyone to know and understand why they are here and how they are connected to Source. If it is true that whatever is at the Source is the embodiment of unity and oneness, then would peace not be the result? During this meditation, part of the vision included seeing people in leadership positions having access to and working with the ring technology. An absence of fear and pain on their part would generate fewer laws, fewer restrictions, and no need for manipulation. They could be more in tune with their constituents and have less of a need to control them. With their mindset geared toward what is beneficial to mankind, the money now being spent on armaments could be put toward increasing productivity in agriculture and restoring lands poisoned by radioactivity and chemicals. It has already been shown that the ring technology and other technologies ❍ 199 ❍
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can detoxify large areas quickly, even at chemical and metal sludge dumping sites. Slim figured out a long time ago that the Light-Life™ Tools were created to be used beneficially, to bring about a more peaceful world and a more peaceful civilization. Along with many others, he imagines a world where the leadership has no need to use pain, fear, punishment, or coercive methods. There are always going to be situations that might require a violent response, but we already know that even things of this nature can be defused quickly using the Harmonizer technology. The same tools that divert violent storm fronts can be employed to neutralize human violence. One set of circumstances is essentially no different than the other. If you consider violent weather as a toxic load in the environment, violence in human nature is just a toxic load in the human system. Add the right frequencies and a little light to any situation, and what would manifest destructively gets transmuted into something else.
Credo Mutwa—Peace Now that we have broached the subject of peace, it is appropriate to talk about the trip that Slim made to South Africa in the spring of 2000. At that time he had the opportunity to visit Credo Mutwa, an internationally known holy man and a Zulu shaman. Now in his seventies and well-known in Native American and metaphysical circles, he is one of only two surviving elder San Gomas in Africa. With the exception of these two men, every one of the elder San Gomas have been eliminated by the powers that be. It seems that the ancient truths that the Zulu shamans have kept to themselves for over 3000 years hold evidence of things that the governments of the world prefer that the rest of us do not know. Until recently, Credo has remained silent. But because he is acutely aware that his life is in danger, he feels the time has come to share this information or risk having it be lost forever. In the last few years, Credo Mutwa has been speaking out about a lot of things. ❍ 200 ❍
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During the time these two men spent talking together, they went all over the map. When Slim took an Environmental Harmonizer out of his pocket and put it on the table Credo commented, “There’s nothing new under the sun!” It turns out that the Harmonizer and related technologies have been known to the Zulu tribe for approximately 3000 years. Credo told Slim that a device that looked exactly like a Harmonizer was used to keep peace in the community. It was mounted on top of the local king’s staff, and the energy field from this instrument reflected the king’s benign nature. He carried it through the village, speaking words of support and praise to his people. The effect was so powerful that it brought about calmness and reconciliation wherever there was dissent or dissatisfaction. And what the Zulu chiefs used to maintain peace in the community, we are now using to reduce pollution and restore harmony, not just to the environment, but also to the minds of the people. Credo told Slim that the Zulu women used devices that were similar to the rings and the coils for healing and clearing purposes. After a battle, the women danced on the battlefield with these tools to clear the negative energy left by the torment of the dead and dying warriors. After this ritual, they drove a two-foot long iron rod into the ground with a copper plate attached to it. This device created an electromagnetic field or a battery that discharged whatever had not been exorcised by their dancing. This custom shows how thin that fine line between physics and voodoo or magic can be. If it seems miraculous that such a simple technology could clean up the Brown Cloud in Denver and clear the pollution in so many other cities, we have to ask ourselves why we don’t believe things like this are possible. And the next question would be, “Why don’t the leaders of the world know a good thing when they see it?” The government (read: the taxpayers) has spent an awful lot of money on air pollution control programs that just don’t work. Rules, regulations, annual inspections, and other official ploys used to create the impression that “something is being done” are all a ruse. ❍ 201 ❍
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The advent of unleaded gasoline has done nothing but add to the problem. Unleaded gasoline has more toxic materials in it than leaded gas had. The MTBE and other chemical additives in unleaded fuel are not only extremely toxic, they also reduce gas mileage and increase fuel consumption. The only purpose unleaded gas serves is to line the pockets of the corporations that produce it. Slim’s discovery of the Harmonizer technology makes it easy to eliminate automobile pollution after it exits the tailpipe. A couple of Harmonizers were installed in Stamford, Connecticut, where MTBE is produced and used in gasoline. Within a short period of time, both the pollution levels and the crime rate dropped. When the pollution levels are lowered and the full solar spectrum comes through the atmosphere, the effect on the human mind is uplifting. When people are not driven by fear, pain, or anger, it changes things considerably at the planetary level. When a Harmonizer unit was placed in the Colorado State House for a few months, the legislation that was passed during that period was a lot more rational and beneficial than what is in the works today. If you place a Harmonizer on the table in any boardroom where difficult issues are being discussed, problems seem to resolve themselves and the people involved have an easier time understanding each other. This is the connection between physics and metaphysics. Knowledge is power. And when the knowledge of physics and math is used constructively, the metaphysics of communal, human, and environmental interaction can be improved considerably. The grassroots group of individuals who at their own expense have purchased Slim’s tools and kept them running have produced tremendous benefits within their families and for their communities. There are countless field reports that have come in from people all over the world attesting to the positive changes they have witnessed in a multitude of circumstances. The more people know about the Light-Life™ Tools, the more likely it will be that Slim’s seminal vision of peace on earth will be a reality.
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Comments from Drunvalo Melchizedek This book comes to a close with commentary from someone who has known and worked with Slim for a long time. The following are excerpts from a 1996 interview with Drunvalo Melchizedek conducted by the publishers of the Leading Edge Newspaper, Diana and Kenneth Burke. Drunvalo is a big-hearted, gentle man who “walked into” his adult physical body in 1972, and who retains full memory through different lifetimes and varying dimensions of consciousness. He is an accomplished scientist, physicist, inventor, healer, (artist), and teacher. His main purpose in coming to our 3-D world at this time is to help Earth’s people to make a smooth transition through the upcoming Shift of the Ages.”
Here’s what Drunvalo had to say about Slim’s work. We’re about to implement a cleansing program for the world . . . if the secret government will allow us, and they’re saying that they will . . . the program is remarkable. We have figured out how to erase all the pollution off the planet . . . to heal the planet back to the way it was 1000 years ago, and we can do this in less than a year . . . Hopefully people, when they watch their planet go back into cleanliness, will respond by not wishing to continue doing what they’ve been doing to recreate it all over again. We can keep it clean. We have learned how. . . . We are about to implement this here on Earth. We’ve gotten permission now, and we did a lot to make certain that we have permission on every level (of spirit). We have a simple technology. It runs on 10 milliwatts of power, which is almost nothing. It needs only a tiny 12-volt battery, but with this little device we recently finished cleaning up the entire city of Denver. Denver was the most polluted city in the United States. It’s now one of the cleanest. You can go there and see a bug on the horizon . . . it’s so clean!
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Slim Spurling’s UNIVERSE Two years ago a group of scientists . . . set up a tiny machine that creates a tube-torus 35 miles in diameter. All they did was play the waveform of a cloud into the air. What it does is it cleans all of the pollutants in the sky. It brings rain. It raises the water table. It also dropped the crime rate by 1 percent. It’s very complex and I can’t get into all of it now. There’s much more to it. It has to do with the geopathic lines that run through Denver. There are six of them. They had to be mapped. We’re going to train people to do this and clean up different areas. We’re talking with Egypt about cleaning up Giza and Cairo, both of which are very dirty. We believe that if it was implemented in the right area, almost overnight (it actually takes less than 90 days to do the major part of it), all the skies of the world would be clean. Then we can go to the oceans. Next we can go into the ozone and heal the ozone. Then we can go into the Earth and actually transmute the poison toxins and the uranium and everything into helpful Earthly elements and restore the Earth to the way it was before. We know how to do this. Leading Edge: Did your angels give you the information to build this device? Drunvalo: No. This was one of the people I used to work with who built it. He took the information of sacred geometry and put it into tiny little coils.
There is a tall, skinny angel disguised as a cowboy out in Colorado who never stops wondering about what is possible. f all of us went into our hearts and asked what it was we really wanted for this planet, we would find that Slim Spurling’s vision is not that much different than our own. His life has been devoted to finding a way to create peace on Earth. Forty-two years of research have brought that dream to life and made it real. Now it’s up to us to pay attention and use this technology the way it was intended. ❍ 204 ❍
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To give credit to every person and source of knowledge contained in this book is a near impossible task, so I will name those whom I can recall and honor in my heart those whose names, but not faces, have faded from memory. For their unswerving and unfailing support of the conventional wisdoms of society, against which I was obliged by Nature to prove unsound or false, I owe the deepest thanks to my parents, William and Margaret Spurling, and to my grandparents, Art and Hilda Thompson. To my grandfather, Edwin Spurling, I owe my eclectic studies, love of the Native Americans, and my love of horses and nature. In my 20 years of formal education there are a few names among the hundreds of instructors whose names I can even recall. My fifth grade teacher, Margaret Patterson, whose drumbeat phrase, “Just try to be average,” still rouses me to anger. Paul Eccker, my seventh and eighth grade science instructor, who allowed me to read library books in class because I had read and understood the semester’s text by the end of the first week of class and could always answer his questions when called on. In high school the toughest, and my favorites, were: history teacher Frances (Frannie) Klein, who demanded original analysis of the text in long essays; Latin teacher (whose face I can remember, but whose name escapes me), who flunked me the first year ❍ 205 ❍
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and challenged me to return for the next year, which I passed with honors; Brother Norbert, of the teaching Order of the Christian Brothers, who told me to “shut up and sit down,” then threatened me with his fist, when I expounded an insight which “wasn’t dogma” in religion class at the Mullen School for Boys. From him I learned that political correctness is not necessarily a virtue. Between high school and college I had two years of active duty in the Navy Reserve; to those very practical-minded instructors a great deal is owed. To the captain of Buckley Naval Air Station in Denver, Colorado, and the “higher powers” who/which determine human destiny, I owe my very life, and my introduction to the mysteries of metaphysics. It was at this time that I began to get the first inkling that some power beyond the human might possibly be at work in my life. Subsequent events have brought this into clearer focus. To my professors in the botany department: Dr. Clarke Livingston, Dr. H.D. Harrington, Dr. Lawrence Durrell, Dr. Osama, Dr. Knight, and others whose names have faded but not their faces nor their contributions and honor. To these men I owe the depth of knowledge and powers of observation gained, as they were experimenters and not just academics. To the professors in the English department, who challenged relentlessly in pursuit of creativity and original inquiry, and especially to the Dean of the English department, who flunked me without explanation on five consecutive final exams and allowed me to find for myself the true meaning of political correctness. To this man I owe the singular honor of strengthening my will to refuse a diploma at the graduation ceremonies. I owe an especial thanks to the Angel of Self-Control, who kept me from dropping him out the third floor window on his head, even though I had him by the throat. To Professor Frye of the chemistry department, for his clear expositions, and to the Dean of the chemistry department, who approved a research proposal and allowed me to have a key to the building so I could go to the lab before and after hours, and thus ❍ 206 ❍
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complete an original inquiry into the nature of a particular plant pigment. To Dr. Drake, industrial arts, who taught the Welding and Forging Lab class. He encouraged my fascination with the art of blacksmithing, while insisting that it was a dead art and blacksmiths were no longer needed. Thanks to him, I enjoyed a 20-year career as a full-time blacksmith and taught the art to 60 men. To a Samurai swordsmith who told one of my students, Steve Rollert, “You do not need to apprentice to me, all you need is practice; you learned from a Master.” To the memory of two truly noble men: old time Rancher and shaman Leland Cox, who was a second father to me, counselor and teacher of the “medicine way” of our native people; and to Grandfather Wallace Black Elk, medicine man of the Lakota people, who, on one occasion, appeared in the flesh, answered every question I had never asked him about the medicine ways, in one twelve hour conversation, and disappeared into the night. To Bill Reid, friend, counselor, alchemist, metallurgist, who reintroduced me to the world of experimental science after a twentyyear hiatus, and with whom I shared many enjoyable years of research into the nature of “subtle energies.” He is to be honored for his discovery of the alchemy for incorporating the precious metals into the very molecular structure of silk. To Bob and Sue Miller, who were the two clairvoyants who suggested connecting the ends of a copper cable and were able to see the “light” of the energy field formed above the plane of the first ring and participate in several hours of experiments conducted at that time. They gave us the necessary initial data to enable follow up experiments and discoveries. To the many gifted “sensitives,” clairvoyants, clairaudients, kinesthetics, visionaries, friends, students and associates who have volunteered their time and abilities to expand the understanding of the “energies” produced by the Light-Life™ Technologies and how these “energies” affect living systems and nonliving systems. ❍ 207 ❍
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To Hans Becker, for his unstinting willingness to share information, test hypotheses, open-mindedness, mentoring, eclectic knowledge of both technical and esoteric science, and ability to put ideas into hardware. He has given freely of his time, knowledge and laboratory facilities to test the Light-Life™ Technologies and advance our understanding to a tremendous degree. To my former wife, Jeanne Dulaney, with whom I shared the discovery of what the Light-Life ™ Technology can do for humanity, and who named it. Her courage and patience sustained me through some truly desperate times. She truly walks her own path. To Katharina, my wife, whose unfailing energy, organization, business skills and acumen have made this book possible. Her love and support, constant good nature, smile and laughter have brought great joy to this old hillbilly. Katharina shares with me the vision of a clean planet, free of toxins, which the Light-Life™ Technology can accomplish. Truly, she is my Guardian Angel . . . miracles manifest in her presence. To Lonnie Anderson, Dave Hampton, and Stan Ricketts, for their loyalty and dedication to me personally, their commitment to the technology, innovations in the production shop and to the early success of the business, which shall not go unrewarded in greater measure than heretofore possible. We’ve shared good times and bad, and weeded out a few bad characters along the way. To Cal Garrison, who has willingly undertaken a daunting task— somewhat akin to sorting wildcats by hand—in translating my mix of science, anecdote, hillbilly logic, and seemingly unrelated histories, into a book which can be enjoyed by both scientist and layman alike. Cal has become a good friend and an excellent researcher with the tools. To Drunvalo Melchizedek, good friend and supporter who has witnessed the power of the tools, introduced them to his vast network of students, taken the technology to distant lands and sees the value of them to the planet and its people. He was also instrumental in taking me and the technology to Mexico City to help the ❍ 208 ❍
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citizens there with the terrible air pollution. Thank you, Dru, for your friendship and support over these many years. To all of my distributors. I wish to thank them for the contribution they have made toward getting the Light-Life™ Tools out into the world. Their enthusiasm and support are vital to the work at hand, and to the greater vision of a clean planet. To everyone who has ever attended one of my workshops. I salute all of them for having the wisdom to look for answers “outside the box” and for putting those answers to work in their communities. And finally to the Reader and the Cosmic Force which impelled him/her to take the book off the shelf.
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BIBLIOGRAPHY AIDS: Biological Warfare, Lt. Col. T.E. Bearden (ret.) (1988); Tesla Book Company, P.O. Box 1649, Greenville TX 75401. Allergies & Candida, with the Physicists Rapid Solution, 3rd Edition. The Awesome Life Force, Joseph H. Cater (1984); Life Science Institute. Beyond Super Nature, Lyall Watson (1988); Bantam Books. ISBN 0-553-344-56-0. The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life, Robert O. Becker, MD and Gary Selden; Morrow & Company, Inc., 105 Madison Ave., New York NY 10016. ISBN 0-688-06971-1. The Bridge to Infinity: Harmonic 371244, Bruce Cathie (1983); Quark Enterprises/Brookfield Press. The Calcium Factor: The Scientific Secret of Health and Youth, Robert R. Bearfoot and Carl J. Reich, MD (1992); Bocar Consultants, Inc., P.O. Box 21270, Wickenburg AZ 85358. ISBN 0-963-3703-2-4. NOTE: Most important book on health reviewed in last ten years.
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Chaos, James Gleick (1988); Penguin Books, 40 W. 23rd Street, New York NY 10010. ISBN 0-14-00-9250-1. Contact With Space: Oranur 2nd Report, 1951-1956; Orop Desert EA, 1954-1955, William Reich (1957); Core Pilot Press, New York NY. Cosmic Orgone Engineering, Wilhelm Reich, MD (1954); Orgone Institute, Orgonon, PO Box 53, Rangeley ME. Cosmology Notes, July 29, 1991; GH Labs, Newark NJ. Decarboxylation Metal Degradation Through Cofusion, John C. Wagner. The Discovery of the Orgone, Wilhelm Reich (1948). The Divine Triplet, Dale Pond; www.svpvril.comdalebibliobks. html#Books. Dowsing for Everyone, Harvey Howells (1979); Stephen Greene Press, Brattleboro VT. ISBN 0-8289-0341-7 (hardback), 0-82890342-5 (paperback). Ether, God and Evil, Wilhelm Reich (1949). Etheric Formative Forces in Cosmos, Earth and Man: A Path of Investigation into the World of the Living, Dr. Guenther Wachsmuth (1932); translated from the second German edition by Olin D. Wannamaker, New York. Vol. 1. Anthroposophical Publishing Company, London; Anthroposophic Press, New York. Genesis Revisited, Zecharia Sitchin (19TK); Avon.
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Gravitational Wave and Planetary Alignment Correspondences. A synopsis of the cooperative findings of Bill Ramsay and Nick Anthony Fiorenzat at the International Symposium on New Energy in Denver, Colorado in May of 1994, Rev. 1.0.1 (copyright 1994); Argo Navis Inc. Gravitobiology, Lt. Col. T.E. Bearden (ret.) (1991); Tesla Book Company, P.O. Box 121873, Chula Vista CA 91912; 800-398-2056. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 86-50553, ISBN 0914119-07-9. Gravity Wave Analysis, papers by Nick Fiorenza; Argo Navis Inc., 2888 Bluff St. Suite 474, Boulder CO 80301. Hermes Unveiled, Roy Norville (1986); Ashgrove Press Ltd. 19 Circus Place. Bathe, Avon, England UK BA1-2PW. ISBN 0-906-79873-6 (paperback). The Holographic Universe, Michael Talbot (1974); Harper Perennial, div. of HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. 10 E. 53rd Street, New York NY 10022. Initiation, Elizabeth Haich (1974); Seed Center, Palo Alto CA ISBN 0-916108-04-X. Implosion: The Secret of Viktor Schauberger, compiled by Tom Brown (rel. March 1, 1990); Borderland Sciences, P.O. Box 429, Garberville CA 95440-0429. Listen Little Man, Wilhelm Reich (1948). Measuring Gravity, Alastair Couper and Bill Ramsay. Notes and experiments based on the work of Brown, Hodowanec and Ramsay at Rex Research, P.O. Box 19250, Jean NV 89019.
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Occult Ether Physics: Tesla’s Hidden Space Propulsion System and The Conspiracy to Conceal It, William Lyne (Second Revised Edition 1997/ 1998); William R. Lyne, New Mexico 87540. 505-466-3022. The Oranur Experiment, Wilhelm Reich (1947, 1951). Preliminary Rodin Style Coil Findings, Bill Ramsay, independent researcher, 251 Asa Hall Rd., Iva SC 29655. 864-296-3200. Raum und Zeit, Ehler Verlag; Reich, Wilhelm; all titles avail. from Orgone Institute, Thoughts Upon Reading Macro Rodin’s Aerodynamics, Alastair Couper (copyright 1996). Towards a Science of Healing, Vol. 1, Professional Stephen Rochllitz (1991); Human Ecology Balancing Sciences, Inc. P.O. Box 737, Mahopac NY 10541. ISBN 0-945-262-20-5 (hardcover), 0-945262-21-0 (softcover). NOTE: Very, very important. Transverse Paraphysics: The New Science of Space, Time, and Gravity Control, J.G. Gallimore; Tesla Book Company, P.O. Box 121873, Chula Vista CA 91912; 800-398-2056. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 82-50823, ISBN 0-9603536-4-X. The Universal Unified Field Law and the Law of Universal Creation of Mass and Energy, A.D. Sarantites (1963).
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INDEX Acu-Vac Coil 42, 107, 125, 129–130, 134, 152, 155 Acupressure Tool 139 agricultural 68, 70, 161–162, 165, 170 Agricultural Harmonizer (See Harmonizer: Agricultural) air pollution 31, 41, 43, 53, 140–175, 201, 209 Ammonia Event 51–53, 181 anthrax 34, 190, 192 Becker cubit (See cubit: Becker) Becker, Hans 45, 61–62, 64, 104, 117, 134, 196, 208 biofeedback 63 blacksmithing 23–26, 33, 180, 207 Bloch Wall 128 Brown Cloud 31, 41, 142, 149, 155–156, 201 Bushman, Boyd 45, 62 caduceus coil 39, 45, 50, 58, 108 Cairo 152–153, 204 Callahan, Phillip 68 Cathie, Bruce 104, 181, 210 chemtrails 138–139 Chesapeake Bay 165–166 Christ Consciousness 121–122 clairvoyance 75, 194, 197 clairvoyant 39, 51, 57, 59, 67, 75, 80, 83, 110, 126, 133, 141–142, 171, 187–198, 207 Cloud Buster 31, 39, 41, 131 conductivity 63–64 ❍ 214 ❍
Slim Spurling’s UNIVERSE
cubit 78, 101–175, 181, 194 Becker 117–118 “forbidden” 117 Lost 96, 116–122, 129, 139, 170 Remen 104 Royal 101, 103, 117 Sacred 101, 103–104, 111–116, 117, 119, 121–122, 128, 129, 170, 181 Denver 31, 35, 39, 41, 43, 50, 67, 80, 82–83, 89, 91, 142, 144, 146–152, 153–155, 157, 167–168, 185, 190, 201, 203, 206, 212 dowse 30, 37, 42, 53, 71, 79, 87, 90, 195 dowser 30, 38, 71, 74–76, 81, 195–197 dowsing 30–31, 37, 71–98, 187–189, 193, 195–197, 211 effect negative 42, 51, 53–55, 126 positive 41–44, 59, 62, 64, 79, 126, 146, 164 psychological 159 Einstein 40, 49, 60, 107, 183–184 El Rancho 25 energy field 44, 52, 59–60, 66–68, 72, 76, 87, 104, 107–110, 147–151, 154, 196, 199, 201, 207 energy work 113, 130, 134 environmental clearing 32, 35, 39, 43, 79, 81, 167 Environmental Clearing CD (or audio tape) 44, 157–158, 160, 185, 192 Environmental Harmonizer (See Harmonizer: Environmental) Ether (or Etheric) 182–187, 189, 190, 211, 213 Feedback Loop 42, 62, 75, 132–135 “forbidden” cubit (See cubit: “forbidden”) ❍ 215 ❍
Slim Spurling’s UNIVERSE
free energy 109, 111 Front Range 147, 153 Garrison, Cal 9, 14, 208 gas 37, 52, 72, 81, 115, 124, 156, 158, 165, 181, 202 geopathic stress 38, 71–98, 113, 187–192 Giza 153, 204 gold 36, 50, 123–125, 168, 196 Golden Fault 147, 154, 155 gravitational wave 12, 107, 127, 154, 168, 187, 212 Gray, Philip 164 Great Pyramid 68, 103, 119, 128, 153 grid lines 73, 78, 189 hands-on healing 112, 130 Harmonizer 13, 35, 42–44, 53, 57, 62, 75, 140–174, 185–186, 192, 200–202 Agricultural 44, 160–167, 170 Environmental 96, 136, 148, 169–170, 172, 192, 201 Personal 169 Hartmann grid 78, 96, 189 health-related 113 hurricane 116, 165 Institute for New Science 156–157 Jackson, Peter (also Pete) 68–69, 162, 165–167 Kervran, Louis 106, 158 King’s Chamber 68, 103 Light-Life™ Ring 42, 50–51, 78, 101, 107, 117 ❍ 216 ❍
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Technology 35–36, 39, 46–48, 164–165, 208 Tools 10, 13, 30, 43–46, 49, 63, 70, 75, 97–98, 99–174, 179, 181, 194, 200, 202, 209 Lost Cubit (See cubit: Lost) Maxwell 183–187 Melchizedek, Drunvalo 4, 11, 45–46, 146, 203, 208 metaphysics 9, 35, 43, 59, 71, 175–213, 206 Mexico 75, 162, 208, 213 Müller, Dr. Hartmut 107, 127, 154 Mutwa, Credo 200 National Marine Fisheries Department 166 near-death experience 146, 180–182, 198 negative effect (See effect: negative) negative frequencies 31, 37, 71–73, 79–82, 90–92, 95–98, 188– 190 neter 101–102, 119 new science 127 New Zealand 45, 62, 164 Northridge Quake 146–147 Nose Mask 136–139 paramagnetism 68–70, 162 Personal Harmonizer (See Harmonizer: Personal) pfisteria 165 physics 12, 31, 36, 45, 59, 60, 62, 71, 108, 127, 129, 145, 154, 175–213, 213 Plain Jane 123 Pond, Dale 40, 127, 211 positive effect (See effect: positive) psychological effect (See effect: psychological) puffball 34, 189–192 ❍ 217 ❍
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Pyramid Inch 103 quantum leap 108, 113 quantum physics 2, 26, 43, 109, 141, 184 R-2 units 152 radionics equipment 112 Ramsey graph 183 Reid, Bill 35–44, 77, 80, 82, 132, 191, 207 Remen Cubit (See cubit: Remen) resonance 101, 119, 147, 154 resonant frequency 45, 62, 104, 107, 118–119, 122 Rolf Institute 44, 57 Royal Cubit (See cubit: Royal) Sacred Cubit (See cubit: Sacred) sacred geometry 12, 136, 153, 204 science 9, 21, 27, 31, 35–37, 39, 59, 68, 78, 108, 158, 168, 175– 204, 205–209, 210, 213 scientist 3, 9, 10, 27, 36, 40, 44, 45, 57, 62, 70, 107, 110, 119, 127, 177–204, 208 silver 36, 50, 123–125, 168, 196 Sitchin, Zecharia 183, 211 Smith, Wilbert 39 Solar Cross 153 solar spectrum 159–160, 202 spectral influence 159 speed of light 62, 104, 118, 177 standing gravitational wave 107, 127, 154 standing wave 188 superconductivity 110, 155 superconductor 42, 45, 62, 109, 157
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tensor (also tensor field) 53, 60–71, 104, 107, 109, 118, 124, 129, 131, 140, 151 Tesla, Nikola 125, 154 transmutation 52, 106, 158 ultraviolet 58, 64 unified field 25, 33, 72, 76, 108, 110, 184, 213 universal law 127 universal solvent 158 weather bad 116 severe 115–116
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